Chapter 12- Straight to the Heart (Vince Neil)

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Who could forget mine and Stephen's first fight? The first of sadly many backs then or so it felt. But that day in the studio? I saw a side, or a taste of things to come with him.... but still, I'd give him my heart only for him to break it. Now, you get to see or hear just EXACTLY what went on, when Nikki and Robbin booked it and I saw something that made me see RED.... Robbin introduced Nikki to Heroin.... Anyway, on with the damn show.

Nikki was antsy as fuck, Robbin practically burning a hole thru Nikki with his gaze, I've just asked Nikki how long break would be and he said an hour, eager to leave. I hugged him just now, I was he goes to meet Robbin at the door, and I finally turn around and start at the dark expression on Stephen's face.

"Would you MIND telling me what that was about?"

"Um, I was just asking Sixx how long we'd have break for....and I was so happy, I just hugged him." Stephen only scowls more and I am getting pissed, trying to reign in my temper.

"Hmm, from what I SAW you...throwing yourself at him, strutting your way over there!" Stephen snaps pissed.

"Are your serious right now?! Did you not HEAR what I said?! We're just FRIENDS, he's my best friend, that's all!" Shouting now, feeling hurt.

"You should be doing stuff like that! How did I know or don't know that you want HIM?!"

"You're jealous, aren't you.... look, I don't feel that way about Nikki! And I should be allowed to hug my friends or hug people, quit breathing down my fucking neck! You don't TELL me what to do!" I storm past him, in tears now as I pass by Nikki and Robbin, not even acknowledging them and Stephen of course, damn on my heals.

"Would you stop! I wasn't thru Vince!" Stephen goes to grab me, and I shove him, not hard but enough to get the point as I try to run from him, and he realizes I'm crying and looks guilty. "Vinny, I'm shit...I...."

"Stop.... just stop." I cut him off, "I'm not doing this anymore with you." I sigh heavily as I start sobbing, "I R-Really.... i mean it's been more than j-just sex for me! I just...really, really like you and getting t-to know you, haven't asked me on a date....and.... I.... just need space!"

"Vince please.... I..." Stephen stammers at a loss for words, guilty and I think trying to apologize.

"I'm going back, maybe visit with my niece and Mick and Paul.... if that's OK with you." I snap lowly and I brush past him shaking, going the way I came, and I hear noises...coming from a corner and the low murmur, of Robbin and Nikki and what I see, I HATE Robbin for....and fear takes hold...

Robbin wrapping a tourniquet around Nikki's arm....and he injects....NO.... No...not Heroin!!

"Why..." I whisper, I can't stand here and watch this. My nerves are shot, I don't know and kind of don't care if Stephen comes back, but my heart already hurt from that...THIS...does not HELP.

I stumble past, unnoticed and find Mick and Paul with Hope, apologizing for bursting in on them. I refuse at first to tell them what's wrong, but I do....and more tears follow, but they calm me down...they do....and threaten to put Stephen six feet under, actually that last part was more Mick, but Paul DID agree.

The rest of my time is a blur, as a with a pang I watch Mick and Paul kiss, then Mick kisses his daughter goodbye and the next thing I know, we're back at it and a disheveled and high Nikki and Robbin come back, and I GLARE at Robbin, seething.... who is very much taken aback, but quickly shrugs it off.

I note vaguely I don't see Stephen, figures he left...and that really fucking stings. Maybe it was my fault?

Before I knew it, mercifully our day in the studio was at an end, barely managing to get anything accomplished and the fact we did get anything done at all was a miracle. Now, I am on my my car, when to my surprise, I find a sad and apologetic Stephen Pearcy.

"What do you want?!" I snap, tearfully.

"Vince please, I'm sorry. I was WAY out of line...and got jealous...and that's no excuse. I...." I held up my hand cutting him off.

"You accused me of wanting Nikki.... i don't feel that way for him, you didn't listen to me." I sigh, wanting to just go home, and I need time to think.

" I am so fucking sorry Vince truly. I'll give you space if you want."

"Right now, yes I do want it, I need it." I tell him somewhat honestly, as I am not too sure how he'd react if I told him that his guitarist introduced my bassist to Heroin. Stephen has told me among the many things he regrets doing to me, that hurt me.... watching me drive away was one of them.

Stephen reluctantly lets me go, and he continues to watch me as I drive off.... the date thing, hasn't been discussed....and right now, I don't care......

As soon as I get home, I grab a half bottle of tequila.... head upstairs and get half-shit faced and get the brilliant idea to maybe start writing in my diary......

-Dear Diary-

Be a wonder if anyone could read this.... Today has been one of the worst and best days of my life. The worst, Stephen and i.... currently fuck buddies, but...I want more. Well, I should say friends with benefits, but we have so much in common. And amazing chemistry He's quick to get jealous, overly so.... especially where Nikki is concerned, that look in Stephen's eyes.... HURTS. He doesn't trust me, but really what should I expect from my reputation? I guess I deserve it.

It was awesome having him there, watching.... until it wasn't, until he layed into me...and until I caught Robbin and Nikki shooting up. I will beat the shit out of him sooner rather than later, for doing that to my best friend.

And.... great, the phone is ringing....

I throw down my pen and barely manage to grab my phone and answer, my words have a slight slur, well slight to me.


"Vince...Vinny, don't hang up please." Stephen and I feel tears form.

"Y-You.... hurt' I deserve it."

"No, you don't, I'm an asshole...I was one. I wanna make it up to you......" Stephen pauses, "I want to take you on a date, you deserve to be romanced and I really do want to do this and i care about you, I realize want to try and be an actual couple." His words sober me up, at least heart beating wildly.

"You really mean it?"

"I really do Sugar Cookie." Hopeful and I hear the teasing note in his voice, that gets me hot and bothered.

"Sugar Cookie?"

"Yeah, baby doll, Sugar cookie. Your lips taste like sugar cookies and baby, you smell sweet." Stephen chuckles and it sounds SINFUL.

I can feel myself blush heavily...

"Um.... thank you."

"You're welcome....... you feel like talking some more SUGAR COOKIE?" Stephen asks.

"Sure, why not?" I state, heart still beating words sober and yet not still. A date, we're going to go on a date.... for now, I'll put aside my doubts and go all in on this with him...hopefully it won't end with me hurt....

A/N: A fight, making up and a glimpse of what went on between him and Stephen and what Vince saw Nikki and Robbin get up to and now, a date....and doubts. So much more to come!! 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now