Chapter 47- Welcome to Cloud 9 (Stephen Pearcy)

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Vince is still sleeping, and he looks so happy even in sleep.... like a literal angel laying before me. It makes ME happy and relieves me too. God, have I been worried about him! What with the wedding, him having been so ill, him being so ill...and I hate that he feels guilty. He can't help it, he, and our, our baby are my first priorities, their health and happiness. Still, I can't fucking deny...that I am on cloud 9. I never THOUGHT I'd be here in this moment, I'd dreamed it...but THIS is real. My hand still rests upon his stomach, his steady breathing and cute snores fill the air.... yeah, DREAMS don't even come close to THIS.

"I love you....and baby doll, its hard I know.... but don't worry about anything. Us being together period, is a honeymoon to me. I promise I will take good care of you and our baby. I am...just so fucking happy." I whisper, running the fingers of my free hand through my husband's blond locks.

I never do fall asleep, I ain't going anywhere.... i refuse to let him go.... sadly, the need for me to piss wins out though and Vince has been out for hours at this point.... I re-entered the room to find him groaning and looking so pale and I rushed to his side, bowl in easy reach just in case.


"I'm here baby doll."

"i...feel.... ugh...." Vince groans with his eyes closed and knowing what's coming, I hand him the bowl just in the nick of time as he heaves into it, groaning and sobbing for several minutes before finally stopping, I help him rinse his mouth out and he guzzles some ginger-ale we still had for him, silently crying...seeming to be shamed.

"Vinny look at me...please." Softly, he shakes his head.... more tears slipping down his cheeks as carefully as I can I cup his face in my hands, making him look at me. His tears breaking my heart. "Baby I hate to see you cry.... you have NOTHING to be ashamed of Vince, NOTHING. You can't help getting sick, or your moods. I'm here to take care of you, that's it......Do you know I ask myself everyday since you gave me another chance, how the fuck did I get so lucky? Vince, you make me damn happy, I want no one else but YOU...and now, we're married AND you're giving me our first child. Plus, I know you.... you're still upset about the wedding and reception....and even the honeymoon. Like I told you babe, you and our baby are more important...taking care of you. Now, lets see about trying to get some more food into you, something to help settle your stomach and----"

Vince cuts me off with a strangled cry. "No....p-please.... don't l-leave...."

"Vince I would never truly leave you.... but...." I pause in thought and it comes to me, "why don't I call Nikki and Robbin, ask them to bring stuff you would need? I feel it's better I stay with you, and I can call family quick too, give them updates."

"A-And.... you'll come r-right back...and.... you're doing all this for m-me?"

"I will come right back Vinny, always and yes I am doing all this because..." I feel myself smile, "You're my husband and I love you so much. I'd do anything for you." Vince begs me for a kiss, and naturally it lasts a few minutes before Vince conks out again, alarming me.... but a nurse assures me that he and our baby are ok, greatly relieving me....

i find a phone ringing Sixx and Robbin giving them updates and that Vince is really having a rough go of things, and they give suggestions for things Vince would need and all...agreeing to bring him and me whatever we need. Once that's done, I call everyone else, update them and make my way back to my sleeping husband, I take one of his hands.

"Robbin and Nikki are coming; I think too they are bringing Kingston...but they are bringing you what they think you may need and me too...I also called everyone else in the family too. Love you sugar cookie." I whisper, placing a gently hand on his stomach and once more whispering this time to our unborn baby, "Hey in there, its daddy...I don't know if you can hear me, or maybe you can.... but just wanted to tell you how much I love you and how happy you make me."

I am on cloud 9, how can I not be? A gorgeous inside and out partner, whom I finally learned to cherish, to love and a precious little baby on the way....and I'm doesn't get much better than this. Although, I hate seeing Vince suffer so much from morning sickness and him struggling with feeling guilty over what happened at our wedding and missing out on our reception. I mean very much so what I told him about that....

Before long, the Crosby-Sixx clan arrives, Kingston of course in tow and then I see too just how much they brought...

"Damn, you guys went all out.... you didn't have to do so much, but...thank you." I tell them as they take their seats and I help unload what they brought, feeling so very touched. Vince is still sleeping.

"Least we could he's been having a rough time huh?" Nikki asks, placing Kingston's carrier on the floor, Robbin then getting Kingston out of it who coos at his father, Nikki looking at them and smiling before his expression turns serious again.

"Yeah, he has.... i mean we're happy to be having a baby...I AM.... but he feels so bad about what happened and being ill......but, I-I told him all that mattered was taking care of him, just being with him and our baby." I feel tears spring to my eyes.

"Man, I God, I'd been there for Nikki, but.... he'll be ok, he knows how much you love him and that you'd do anything for him. and he knows how much you cherish him...and your baby, things.... feelings you never thought you'd have or love so much to have." Robbin's words are very wise and true, both of us have come a hell of a long way...

No sooner than he says those words, then Vince wakes up looking pale.... groaning, telling me he feels dizzy, so I rummage around and find the peppermint tea, which is cooled, and I help him drink it down.

"You want something light to eat Vinny?" Vince nods, so I take.... crackers and cucumbers that are fresh and he eats them slowly and finally realizes we have company and says tearfully to Robbin and Nikki...

"T-Thank you....and...I'm s-sorry...."

"Don't be sorry Vince, you couldn't help anything....and it's the least we could do man." Nikki tells him, taking Kingston from Robbin, leaning against him.

Nikki and Robbin stayed for a while; I remember that very well.... they brought everything Vince needed and then some and stuff for me too. Vince cried, and he cried more when he held was fucking adorable their 'conversation' and how caring Vince was.... he was then I knew, already a perfect mother...still is to this day. The visit was very much needed and meant a lot.

Vince wound up staying a few more days in the hospital and naturally our family did come to visit including a very pregnant Tommy Lee. I cherished every moment......

So, in any case, after a few days I took my husband to the beach rental and he slept the whole ride, he really needed it. His morning sickness was still rough, but I did as I had been and just took care of him. I was happy, truly, and still am today to be with me THAT IS a celebration. Where you next see us, will be on the beach....

A/N: A family visit, tender moments and more. Next chapter will be the first of two parts dedicated to Vince and Stephen's honeymoon. Stay tuned! 

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