Chapter 39-Now He's Gone to Rehab Part 2 (Vince Neil)

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Before Robbin aka that fucker ( which as I've said has become a term of endearment over time) overdosed and went to Rehab, Stephen and I had become a couple or come to the mutual decision to start over again, take our time to ACTUALLY get to know one another, to actively work on our issues...and I fell HARD for Stephen all over again, he learned to quit being such a jealous asshole and LISTEN and to TRUST me. I remember doing my own confrontation with Stephen at my side, who supported me...SUPPORTED me, that meant so much to me, it is building my trust in Stephen and then of course there was how Stephen treated Nikki, again...something that meant so much to me.

Robbin being in rehab, changed his life...changed a lot of lives which would turn out to be the case in the future. His being in Rehab was hard, especially for Nikki.... taking care of Kingston and all the late nights and missing Robbin and truly falling in love with said man, who was ever changing and trying to do so, Robbin sending stuff for Kingston and Nikki, he and Nikki becoming friends and more....

Where you find us is the end of Robbin's first month in Rehab....

Nikki is currently breaking down, as I try to calm him.... He pushed himself to take care of Kingston, wanting to do it himself despite mine and of course Mick and Paul's protests and in some way, he wants to make his son proud....and Robbin too if I had to hazard a guess. Nikki doesn't know I've heard him at night downstairs, calling Robbin and getting Robbin to calm down their son and by extension Nikki....

"Nikki man calm down......i know you want to do things yourself...wanting to prove you're a good mother and you fucking ARE, but're neglecting yourself and though I get it, there is NOTHING wrong or selfish about taking time for yourself you hear me Sixx? Kingston's been fed, changed...and is fine, I know he needs a nap. Let us help you, you're not doing this alone man."

"Vince..." Nikki's voice sounds strangled and small, "I...I...just wanna take care of him. I feel.... like a shitty mother cause he f-fights sleep an'.... i feel like I bug Robbin, and Robbin's r-really so...god, sweet.....i just...I mean..." Nikki is starting to have a panic attack and Kingston starts getting upset knowing his mother is upset.

"Kid, get some rest.... take a hot shower...and a long one. We'll wake you when it's time for Kingston's next feeding. And for the that Robbin's seeing the light, I can tell don't fucking bug him and aren't a burden, and I dare say you are ACTUALLY falling in love with one another......and did you want to talk with Paul?" Mick of course ever our beloved alien/parent of the band is firm and concerned both and has Hope on his Hip.

Nikki manages to nod as Paul enters the room greeting Mick with a kiss who murmurs to Paul, Paul nodding in understanding as he takes Nikki upstairs.

Kingston is full blown wailing now...and I still hear Nikki's cries echoing and so I surprise myself by taking him in my arms, pacing the room...rocking him in my arms, shocking the hell out of myself.

"Shh, I know, I sucks kid..." I pause a moment as I feel Mick smirk since 'kid' is kind of like his trademark, "----Your mommy is really having a hard time, which from what I've been told is normal, but like.... It's worse since your daddy is getting help and your mommy is letting his head get in the way. He'll be ok though; things will be on time. Never doubt how much your mommy loves you...and I can't believe I am saying this, but your daddy too."

Kingston gradually downgrades to fussing and then I keep murmuring to him and he finally falls asleep, and I place him in his bassinet with a sigh, as I join Mick and Hope on the couch and Hope wants cuddles immediately making grabby hands for me.

"Hug An' Vinny?" Hopefully and she means 'Aunt Vinny' of course.

"Aw I can't say no to you." I take her in my arms, her curling against me..., making me ache for a child of my own, one I hope to have with Stephen. I feel the sting of tears.

"You're surprising yourself, because you didn't think you'd be a good parent or good with kids, but Vince you were wrong, you're a natural. You'll have kids, with the one you me I know things." Mick's words are very wise.

"Yes...I just...want one of my own."

"It'll happen Vince....and Nikki is going thru a hard time and its hard to see him like this I know." Mick doesn't say much more before his husband comes back downstairs and cuddles with Mick on the couch, holding back tears. "Star, what's wrong? it Nikki? It isn't it."

"Yeah, its...hard and I know how he feels. I got through to him though and I think it helped. I told him about my experiences with postpartum depression and how if it wasn't for you helping me, I wouldn't have got through it and too, there is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself, he's been pushing himself too much. And he is really missing Robbin too." Hope at this point decides she wants her mother, so Paul takes her, and she falls asleep not long after. Mick puts her to bed upstairs, baby monitors are everywhere in the house and too I know he will check on Nikki.... Meanwhile Kingston is sleeping away and it's Paul and me.

"Thank you by the way...for everything, you and Mick are like parents to Nikki and i., and I'd have to say I agree with you about Robbin." I speak quietly so as not to disturb Kingston.

"I'd argue you supporting ME...your and Nikki, Tommy. Sides this is the least Mick, and I can do, you've been a damn good friend ya know?" Paul gently runs his fingers through Hope's curls.

"Still thank you." Really, truly...thank you....

Time passes, Kingston wakes up wailing...diaper dry, Hope also wakes up wanting more cuddles and all of us spring into action caring for the little ones, Nikki is woken only to feed Kingston and gets him to go back to sleep...we also get Nikki to go back to sleep, but he wants...demands to have Kingston with him, so Kingston gets put in a crib in Nikki's room and then we all kind of split, Paul and Mick spend time together and with Hope, getting started on dinner....and I go to call Stephen.

"Glad you called Vinny." Stephen says soon as he answers the phone, me letting out a little laugh of astonishment.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"I just had that feeling Baby Doll....and.... i may have been waiting by the phone too." Stephen chuckles on the last bit. "I.... Well, I was hoping that I could take you on an official date. I had some things in mind." Stephen says nervously......

I will go ahead and tell you.... that on the same day Nikki had his breakdown...or same night, Stephen took me on a date.... more specifically, he recreated our first date from what then felt like a lifetime ago....

And next comes Nikki, surprising Robbin in rehab visiting him...and he brought.... their son with him.

A/N: Love, support and family.... Next chapter we will see Robbin's reaction and how his surprise visit from Nikki and their son goes. 

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