Chapter 69- A Sugar Cookie Getaway Part 2 (Vince Neil-Pearcy)

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How'd I get so fucking lucky here? A gorgeous, loving a beautiful human being, who brought us back to where we spent the first days of our marriage and he did it for ME, to see me smile as he said for only a moment...just wanting to cheer me up and make me happy and at the moment we're still locked in a kiss, my fingers tangled in Stephen's tousled, curly locks...just loving the feel, and speaking of feeling I can feel Jamison and Delilah move, happy and it brings tears to my eyes....

"Vinny? You ok babe?" Only now am I aware that we've stopped kissing and I find myself looking into Stephen's concerned yet loving eyes, a gentle hand on my face.

In answer, I place his hands on my stomach and say, "I am WONDERFUL.... they...they are so happy, and.... right now, so am I...." Here I break down, "How the hell did I get so lucky? To have such a beautiful person as you by my side and...and you did all this, brought me here to where we spent the first days of our marriage to see me smile if only for a moment, to cheer me up and make me just means so much to me, it means everything Stephen."

Stephen lets the tears he was holding back fall freely now, "I argue Sugar Cookie that I AM the lucky one, I ask myself'd I get here? You gave me another chance, we worked out our issues and we truly, truly fell in love.... that means more than words could ever say.... now, I do have some surprises for you Vinny, but I am gonna take care of you...cause baby I love you."

"I love you too." And NOW, I am hit with an INSANE urge to piss the babies laying on my bladder, "Bathroom!" And next thing I know, is I find myself in my husband's strong arms as he carries me to the bathroom, carefully sets me on my feet and I piss for a fucking eternity, moaning loudly in extasy and FINALLY the twins lay off my bladder and I sigh in relief. "---MUCH BETTER."

"I'm glad sugar cookie, now let's get you cleaned up and then I know you gotta be hungry..." As if on cue, my stomach growls and Delilah and Jamison kick me eager for food, which causes met to blush. I swear Stephen's eyes GLOW as I wash my hands, freshen up a bit and then his hands come to rest on my stomach...and my heart melts. This getaway, just what I needed.... really it means everything to me. "—Whatcha craving Vinny? Whatever you want I'll make." Quietly, his dark eyes sparkling, laughing when he feels our children kick at me, my hands join his.

"Well...." I start, "I would really love spaghetti and maybe that cucumber salad with the balsamic and feta, all sounds SO good to me!" I am salivating at this point.

"You got it Sugar Cookie, if you and by extension Delilah and Jamison want that then that's what I'll fix while you rest.... I love you." My face peppered in kisses before Stephen's lips cover my own and our twins too get affection but before anything else can be done, I find myself bursting into tears, feeling exhausted but more than that sore.

"S-Sorry!! I.... exhausted...and...r-really fucking sore!! And...and...I'm RUINING things!!" I wail, as Jamison and Delilah kick me in protest, oh the joys of mood swings!! But Stephen of course Stephen knows just what to do....

Gentle hands cradle my face and wipe away my tears, "Shh, Vince don't cry baby doll. And I know how exhausted and sore you are, I know it sucks ass. And I can PROMISE you, you ain't ruining anything.... now let's see about getting you less sore and then have you rest in bed while I fix what you're craving."

"I love you." I sniffle.

"I love you MORE Vince.... now I gotcha baby..." Carefully I am led back into our bedroom, my husband carefully laying me on the bed, being so tender with me....and I find myself massaged all over, back...feet, and especially my swollen stomach and I feel MUCH less sore afterwards, but I find myself, fighting to stay awake and Stephen notices, "---Sleep Vinny, when you wake I'll have food ready for you and some surprises ok? Love you."

"Love you too." I murmur drifting off......

When I awake once more, I find to my surprise my favorite roses by my side of the bed and a note in my husband's handwriting which I pore over eagerly and read....

To My Beloved Sugar Cookie (Vince)

Baby doll, you've been asleep for a looked so peaceful, like a fucking angel. I've been checking on you often while I've fixed your cravings. Dinner will be done soon. By the way I hope Baby Doll, you loved the flowers I left you, that's part of your surprises and I am SO beyond lucky to have you as my Lifetime Valentine.

All My Love-Your Husband,


P.S. If You Need Me Babe, I'll come running.

I find myself in tears; Stephen is so sweet....and truly he's amazing. And it NEVER fails to amaze me how far we've come to where we are NOW. I also find that My twins are awake, moving...and they start kicking me, causing me to rub my swollen stomach fondly.

"You guys are getting the most AMAZING father, he's...he's so sweet, he takes such amazing care of me, of you...he loves us so much, we've been thru a lot together and apart, and we've come out stronger. I've struggled so damn much with this pregnancy, but Daddies been right THERE, and he brought me to a special place, that someday we want to bring you two to see and share with you, but he brought me here....US here if only to see me smile and it means so much to me."

"Oh VINCE." Stephen's voice sounds from the doorway, his eyes shiny with tears and I am now in much the same state. And no other words are needed......

I have to piss, yet again before we eat dinner....grumbling about my bladder being used as a damn trampoline and soon my amazing husband leads me to the dinning room where my jaw drops, candles....more of my favorite roses and it looks so romantic that it takes my breath away and the smells of the absolutely DIVINE smelling Spaghetti and my favorite Cucumber salad with chocolate notes invade my senses and I smile, I smile, my husband BEAMS....

Stephen of course helps me sit down, propping my feet up making sure I am as comfortable as I am gonna get before, he dishes me up a good portion of spaghetti and the salad and to my surprise, chocolate chips cookies as well....

Dinner is FUCKING DIVINE, there is laughter.... Lots of kisses traded and Stephen makes sure to maintain some form of contact as we eat, making me melt. After dinner, we cuddle on the couch and watch tv until it gets rather late, in the time I am once again in bed with Stephen its just turned midnight....12 am, Valentine's Day.

"Happy Valentine's Day Vince, I can think of no better way to celebrate our love than us just being together....and the greatest expression of our love is the babies, OUR babies your carrying..." A gentle hand placed on my stomach, Delilah and Jamison moving gently at their father's touch. "---I swear you are GLOWING; you look no lie like an angel Vinny."

"Happy Valentine's babe, and...." I pause and tease my love, "Your pickup lines have gotten SO much better."

"Only for you baby doll, only for you."

"Seriously, I needed, here together and I can never thank you enough. I love you." I whispered, holding back a yawn.

"I love you too Vince, sleep sugar now cookie." And I find myself once more drifting off but not before I feel those lips I love and know so well upon my own.

A/N: There will be a part 3 to this so stay tuned!!

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