Chapter 8- Back for More Part 1 (Vince Neil)

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Here we go.... the long awaited for reunion.... Stephen and I....and of course the terror twins reunited with THEIR partners or back then fuck buddies/drug buddies (Robbin and Nikki) ....

-Dear Diary-

Why do I find myself.... once a fucking again saying, 'where the hell does the time go?' though damnit its true in this case. How do I find myself in 1985.... January 10, 1985....New year's past, Christmas 84' gone...and one of the constants: Stephen Pearcy. Always him.... he and Ratt are everywhere....and STILL he won't leave my mind....and thinking about him gets me off....and those dreams...those visions.... some make me hot, not gonna lie...but the ones that make me cry....i only wake up with a feeling of loss.... of longing and can't really remember anything besides those bad feelings....

1984-a year of touring, parties, drugs.... sex, that truly meant nothing with a stranger...and once again...Stephen. And I wonder.... will 1985.... will this be the year, the time I see him again? What is that song of his band? Oh yeah, will I be 'back for more'?

All I know is it's the week after New Years, and soon maybe in another month Mӧtley is going to go back in the studio....and during our 'off' months we've i.e., Nikki especially have tossed around album ideas and the like, have worked on some stuff. Very glam, very.... Crϋe if you will. Decadence, sleaze...Rock 'n' Roll personified...I....

-End Entry-

I slam my diary shut, hastily storing it in the bed side table and RUSH down the stairs...two at a time to answer the loud...VERY LOUD incessant knocking.... which can only mean: Tommy...or it could be Nikki, depending on the mood he is in.

"What?!" I managed to pant as I reached the door. Sure, enough, it's Tommy and HMM, Nikki too.

"Sorry Vinny..." Tommy sounds sheepish, but is still bouncing in place. "Mick called dude, Paul had their baby!! I figured it would be faster to tell you in person...and come get you. I even corralled Nikki!"

"He's lucky he's my terror twin or I'd kill him!" Nikki snaps, though I can tell he's joking by the look in his eyes.

"Let me catch my fucking breath a moment...." Tommy waits all of two seconds before dashing into my house, finding my wallet, my keys, and handing them to me. "Dude, I am SO changing my locks....i don't know whether to be impressed or scared you knew where all that shit was." I state quickly locking my house. And we're off, Tommy drives and we'll get there in probably two seconds, I exaggerate of course. "SOOO.... Did Mick say what the gender was? I know they were keeping it a surprise."

"Mick didn't say." Tommy says in a pouting tone.

"That's their child not yours T-Bone, I know you'd be shouting from every roof top in Los Angeles if it was." Nikki ribs Tommy, smirking....but then I see the flash of pain in his eyes. I know that look....wonder if he has dreams like I do? I feel it COULD be that....or the pain of knowing what you can never have or what you THINK you can never have or if I know Nikki, he feels he wouldn't deserve it. He's got a big heart.... He just doesn't see it.

More ribbing occurs and it seems I blink and we're at the hospital asking what room Paul is in and we find a very exhausted Paul Stanley, an exhausted but happy Paul Stanley...sorry, I have to amend that to Paul Mars-Stanley....anyway along with a beaming and tearful Mick as Paul cradles their....daughter, who from what I can see is a combo of both Paul and Mick, but the precious little girl has Mick's eyes.

" much for coming. It means a lot to guys are the best surprise of my life! One of them....the first was Paul falling in love with me, I wouldn't trade him nor our daughter for the world....they are my life! Perfect in every our little girl, Paul wanted to name her Hope...Hope Michelle Mars....because he tells me..." Mick's voice cracks, "That I gave him he wanted her middle name to be the female version of mine....I'm a father...I am a"

"He's an amazing father...and husband.... you don't know how grateful I am everyday Mick that you came into my life....and gave me your heart and now our daughter." Paul smiles.......and they share a kiss and i feel that increasingly familiar ache in my chest. 

We spend ample time visiting holding little Hope....and then leave the new parents to it, with promises to come back and bring lots and lots of baby gifts....and afterwards Tommy declares we should go to the Starwood and 'celebrate the baby', lots of booze.... party, and fun. After some arguing.... We all agree and before I know it, I find myself at the bar. Tommy and Nikki split, fuckers. I love them...but still fuckers.

"Guess they're gonna do some private celebrating." I mutter under my breath, as I order a drink.

"Hey baby doll, back for more huh?"

I go to tell the guy to fuck off, when I actually FOCUS and turn to....Stephen Pearcy, and I let out a laugh of astonishment.

"You're kidding me man....i see your pick up lines haven't gotten any better Mr. Rock Star!"

"You tease."

"In your dreams." I counter, downing my drink.... Jack and Coke.

"Ah baby doll, the things you do in my dreams.....are probably illegal in all 50 states." Stephen smirks. But then adds on seriously, "Its good to see you, Vince. Looks like we've both had a really busy year huh?"

" ain't kidding...a tour, and band stuff.... promotional crap....and next month we're going into the studio to work on a new album." I order another Jack and Coke as I say this, shrugging my shoulders.... trying to ignore the affect the man next to me is having on me right now. A thought occurs to me, and I ask, "So are the other guys here?"

"Oh, they're here somewhere."

"Nikki and Tommy split on me, fuckers.... i love them, but...guess they want to do some 'private' celebrating.... we're really a Mӧtley Crϋe huh?" I down another drink, barely even buzzed.... I think.

"And what would they be celebrating hmm?" A smile plays on his lips, and I begin to tell him.... but I decide to tease him first...

"Tell you what, we'll catch up....and I'll tell you...if you buy me a drink Mr. Rockstar."

"You got it Baby Doll." He smirks, strange emotions flashing in his eyes.

What are the fucking ODDS?! After all this time, meeting where it all began? Fate? Destiny? Who knows? This....will be interesting and I guess we'll see if my dreams or nightmares come true....there is a change in the air once more, a palpable electric charge.

What a day January 10, 1985 turned out to be....when once again, lives were changed forever...for me, for Nikki....for Mick too, and of course life, new chances....meeting once again....Now, the shit storm that came for me and Nikki...Tommy it didn't affect him and Warren so much, more worry than anything....both torn, but on the side of...Nikki and I ultimately......things though that are yet to come in this tale of Sex, Crϋe & Ratt 'N' Roll....oh they are coming and its gonna get WILD....heartbreak, jealousy....drugs....the die will be cast, the seeds the end, it turns out....but the journey, strap in tightly, grab some tissues, some may need them.

A/N: Mick and Paul had their baby! A girl!! And the reunions for ¾ of the crue especially Vince and Stephen have begun!! Stay tuned for more!

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now