Chapter 14- You, me & Tequila Rose Part 2 (Vince Neil)

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Wow, I've NEVER been on a romantic date like this! Or I should say that this is THE most romantic date I've been on and with Stephen? He's got a MAJOR jealous streak, especially when it comes to Nikki. If he'd paid attention to me, he'd REALIZE.... No, VINCE.... don't go there, don't ruin things.... i am afraid to tell him CERTAIN things related to his guitarist......STOP.

"Vinny? You, ok? You look upset sugar cookie?" Stephen asks, brows furrowed in concern.

"Ah sorry, just thinking about.... things in the studio and all." At least that's not a complete lie. We're making SOME kind of progress; Mick is worried watching out for us all as he can.

Stephen sensing, I want to really change the subject lets it go....

"So, how's the food?" Nervous now.

I feel myself grinning, "Really good.... You really put so much effort into this! It's delicious! Never knew you could cook..." Here I trail off as I feel my face is now on fire as I manage to finish with. "---outside the bedroom."

"Oh, baby doll.... i can 'cook' anytime, anyplace." Stephen practically purrs before his tone to my surprise grows soft, "I really wanted to make this special for you, so I am glad you like it."

"I love it." We continue to eat and chat away, our laughter echoing me putting those 'bad' thoughts on the back burner. When we at last finish the feast, I thank Stephen with a kiss, that becomes passionate then turns slow and sweet and our lip's part with a sweet click. I think I'm falling for him.... He's so sweet, truly unlike anyone else and I don't think that's cliché of me to say or think at all. He's one of a kind..., "This has been the best day of my life!"

Stephen grins, carefully brushing back a strand of my hair. "Its not over yet Sugar Cookie.... what's say we crack open that Tequila Rose and then a walk on the beach?" he says in reply.

"I say that sounds PERFECT!" I am enthused as said bottle is broken out and he and I share it between us, getting a bit buzzed but not outright drunk as we then manage to get to our feet, Stephen being such a gentleman helping me and I realize the sun is starting to set. "Look its beautiful!!"

"I see something MUCH more beautiful before me...." I look at Stephen, his eyes glowing, his expression earnest. "You Vinny." I blush once more. Yep, I am love. You're struck by lightning.... you're in love...

Hand in hand we walk down the waves, our shoes had been discarded before we started and I relish in the feel of the surf, the sand in between my toes and the feel of the man I am really fucking falling for at my side.

Will it always be like this? He and I? Should I tell him I'm falling for him? Or have I already fallen? It doesn't matter, the logistics.... I can feel myself sigh dreamily, though tinged with a bit of nerves.

"Vince?" I realized we'd stopped and now I find Stephen cradling my face in his hands. "You look.... like an ANGEL. SO fucking beautiful. And I believe that I've fallen for you." Quietly. This was the first time he and I confessed our feelings to each other, but as you will see...or no, as you will come to learn, love was so fucking hard to hold on to. I trusted him, I trusted him with my heart, to be there for me....and he took that for granted did i really...

My heart beats wildly, like Tommy pounding away on his drums.

"Stephen.... I f-feel the s-same way.... I've fallen for you. I love you." Gently he wipes away my tears that have begun to fall.

"Shh, don't cry sugar cookie...." Stephen trails off as he then seals my lips with his own and the wind whips at our hair....and time slows down and all that matters is THIS moment, that I fucking want to last forever. We kiss until our lungs are burning for air and we both realize it's dark now, but the moon is out. Stephen rests his forehead against mine, arms wrapped around me.

"This has been the most romantic night of my life! I don't want it to end...." I trail off sighing until Stephen tilts my face up.

"Remember baby doll.... this night is FAR from over." His tone sets desire to pooling in my stomach and then I feel my whole BODY flushed with THESE words, "You ever made love by the light of the moon before and on the beach? Cause baby, I am going to make YOUR body talk and then some."

"I...." is all I get out as in one swift move, Stephen picks me up my legs wrapping around his waist and I can FEEL how very turned on he is and oh if that's NOT getting me all hot and bothered, but anyway....his lips keep me busy all the way back to our picnic spot where I suddenly find myself on my back, devoid of clothes and the ocean breeze kissing my heated skin staring up at Stephen, whose arms have me effectively caged in.

"Think your body is talking now? Oh, sugar cookie ain't seen NOTHING yet." Stephen once more captures my lips, and I start but relax at the same time he's prepping me moaning loudly and somehow, he manages to hook one of my legs around his waist and I am slowly and yet quickly melting into a puddle.

"Stephen.... please..." I whisper, voice heated...needing my lover, BEGGING my lover. Love bites are now being placed up and down my throat and I can't take much more torture.... suddenly and without warning, Stephen enters me in a rough, but oh so delicious impact taking away my breath....

This gives 'dancing' in the moonlight a whole new meaning....

Skin on skin, our cries and screams combining.... gripping, teasing.... i beg for harder, and I get harder.... i only want more and more.... this continues for a bit....and then Stephen's pace begins to slow.

"Vinny.... sugar cookie.... l-look at me..." Stephen manages to whisper/pant. "I l-love you baby..."

"I love you too."

"Let GO baby doll...let GO...." With one perfect and harsh thrust I come undone, seeing stars as my lover pounds into me, filling me as I release with him....

After a time, we come down from our high, Stephen reluctantly withdrawing from me......and the next thing I know, is I wake bed with him and I don't remember getting here.

"Babe?" I whisper with a yawn, still sleepy.

"I'm here baby doll.... Get some rest because you will need it. Love ya sugar cookie."

"Love ya too..." I murmur.

Little did I know.... that before long things would begin to unravel. Theater of Pain was finished, which was a fucking miracle. Ratt would go on a tour and Nikki would really begin to drift away from us all, and I'd come to hate Crosby even more so....and Stephen? Well on the tour I would find him cheating on me, when I was able to go see him and things would REALLY begin to go to hell...and I would fall....out of love, out of life....

A/N: A romantic part 2 to their date, confessions of love, a taste of things to come and when we next pick up in our story, Robbin 'the king' Crosby will take the reigns and things are going to heat up....and not necessarily in a good way....

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now