Chapter 57-My Home Sweet Home (Vince Neil-Pearcy)

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After...what feels like a fucking eternity, I am going HOME....'Home Sweet Home'.... ironically Nikki and I co-wrote that song during the darkest period of our lives, me while I was in prison.... Him while dealing with Robbin killing himself, while Nikki was pregnant with their son. How times have changed....and for the better. I feel so tired all the time now, moody...and horny, all though the 'horny' part isn't a detriment and Stephen is more than happy to help me in that regard.... but really, it's because he loves me. And speaking of my husband: what the fuck I'd do without him, I have no damn clue.... he's my absolute rock, my oracle...everything. The way he takes care of me, taking my mood swings in stride, how he handles them.... the way he LOOKS at me, like I am the center of his and our unborn twins I am carrying. Also, he got tips from the others that have children and especially Tommy, who has already been a huge help in the twin department....

Right now, though, I feel like shit.... the nausea, I groan....and the shuffling noises I'd been hearting cease, huh...guess I have been out of it....

"Sugar Cookie, you gonna get sick?"

If I talk, I'll barf, no lie.... It's all I can do right now to nod a 'yes'.

"That's ok baby, you don't have to're all checked out and ready to go...I'll get some tea..."Stephen, finally my brain kicks in and supplies my husband's name, he trails off because I DO get sick, sobbing....for an eternity till I stop and I feel cool water and ginger ale go down my throat and afterwards I hear my husband say, more than I see...., "I've got your sugar cookie, you and our little sugar cookies."

"S-So...sleepy..." I croak lowly.

"Sleep baby." And so, I give in to the exhaustion I am feeling, and I find myself waking, feeling dizzy, closing my eyes again and I panic once the spell passes and I realize I don't see Stephen, and I burst into tears before I realize there is a letter on my pillow and I read it, heart melting:

Dearest Sugar Cookie aka Vince,

I am SO fucking sorry, as I imagine I've made you panic and cry.... god, do I hate making you cry. Anyway, I panicked at the hospital.... You are falling asleep so fast, and before we left the babies were checked on and I can tell you they are doing well. I brought you home so you can sleep, though you need to try and eat for our twins' sake. On that note, I am bringing you something not super heavy to eat and ginger-lemon tea with honey, which I was told by Warren Tommy drank a lot and it's supposed to help with nausea AND soothe your throat. I promise I will be back as soon as I can, though if you need me, I will fucking drop whatever I am doing.

All my Love,


PS I love you more than anything, never forget that.

"S-Stephen...." I whisper clutching the note to my chest and I realize this should go in a memory book or our scrap book and I realize suddenly I need to piss and about that time, footsteps....and I blink, and Stephen is at my side, " note....and...I need to pee..."I sob.

"Shh, I gotcha." Stephen I am vaguely aware sets a tray quickly and carefully on my side of the bed, before scooping me up carrying me to the bathroom and staying right with me as I pee and then after washing my hands and my husband carries me back and lovingly props me up in bed, kissing me and then my belly where our twins are growing.

I manage a smile albeit a tired one and STILL the way his eyes light up, makes me weak in the knees...

"I ever tell you how amazing you are?"

"Everyday in words and actions sugar cookie." Softly, reverently. "Now let's get you some tea and some food in you..." Stephen hands me carefully the tea which indeed is as his note promised, and the nausea that was building back up starts to tamper down and my husband helps me with the tray which is laden with my cravings of the moment: Cucumbers drizzled with balsamic and feta, a small bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese, sugar cookies with sprinkles and water. My heart is so full and not gonna lie, I am drooling right now....and I dig in making pleased groaning noises, eating until I feel full but still, I feel SO tired. The tray is set aside, and Stephen carefully takes me in his arms, my head resting on his chest as he strokes my back, which strokes SOMETHING ELSE namely my desire if you will for my husband.

"Stephen..." I purr as I lean carefully up and whisper in his ear, "YOUR sugar cookies WANTS you.... needs YOU."

"What my baby doll wants, my baby doll gets...." Stephen purrs in the same tone. And I can feel his growing need and I blink and I am bare before him, immediately pulling him into a searing kiss which he quickly takes over, and his hands wander mapping out every inch of my body pausing every now and then, especially at my small swollen stomach and I reciprocate those touches in kind.....i am prepped, I don't need much foreplay, just my Stephen as he enters me at last and I quit breathing...screaming already his name to the heavens and the dance of lovers continues....

Echoes of our combined cries fill the room, the musky odor of our sex filling the air, the scent sensual...the love, our hearts beating in time as skin-on-skin arching against my husband after a time, unable to hold out any longer as I release.... a moment later, Stephen roars out his completion....

I come down from my high, in tears.... especially when my husband reluctantly withdraws. Prompting him to worry/fuss over me, taking me in his arms.

"Shit...Vinny did I hurt you? Was I too rough...cause I..."

I cut my husband off, "No! I wanted it...needed it, it felt like paradise. J-Just emotional, sorry!"

"Whoa, Baby Doll...I didn't mean to upset you! And don't be sorry Vinny, I understand, and you never ever have to apologize for your moods, ok? I love you....and...." Here a hand is placed on my swollen stomach, "---I love our precious little sugar cookies, now lets get you cleaned, and the bed cleaned."

"I love you." I whisper, unable to say much more but my husband KNOWS what I am truly trying to say, and Stephen is true to his word, running me a bath.... cleaning our bedding. Changing it and before I know it, I am washed, bathed, and clad in my husband's band t-shirt and a pair of clean boxers and am under the fresh covers, sighing with contentment.

"I feel the same way baby doll." Stephen echoes my thoughts perfectly making me look up carefully at him.

"You been taking 'alien' lessons from Mick?" I smirk.

"You mean your pops? Then yes." Stephen smirks back at me before his gaze turns concerned and tender both, "Babe, your exhausted as fuck. Get some sleep for your and our twins...and you're looking pale again."

"But..." I start to protest before I realize I am starting to feel a wee bit sick, "ok..." I exhale and I give into sleep escaping from my nausea with my husband watching over me for awhile before he too joins me in sleep, and I know I will see him not only when I wake but in my dreams.

A/N: Some Tender loving care 'ratt' style, next up the long awaited and overdue wedding of Robbin and Nikki, and the next few chapters will be dedicated to their wedding and well you shall see, stay tuned my friends and sorry for taking so long on the updates! 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now