Chapter 13-You, me & Tequila Rose Part 1(Stephen Pearcy)

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I was a HUGE dick that day in the studio, not even waiting till Sixx left with Robbin and I started in on him, jealous as hell. It's always been a problem of mine, or it WAS I should say. Then I didn't completely see....i was jealous, because it wasn't me Vince was so easy going with, me he wasn't shaking his hips for and now I see looking back he did shit like that to take the piss out of Sixx, but more over the point is...I'd come to see I didn't trust Vince and that was wrong of me and I hurt his feelings and flipped out more than once after this....Vince put in the effort, true effort into our relationship and I didn't, not like I should have. And on that studio day, I hurt him a lot I could tell and I really did like him...we had the makings of a great couple, I didn't see that I had FEELINGS....and oh I wanted to make it up to him, and I did for that moment as I called him that night, him half drunk....and apologized which lead to our first date....a memorable one, I really wanted to make it special....and that is where our tale picks up....

Vince has spent the past few days mired down in the studio, but we've talked on the phone since the other night I called to apologize and make things up to him and I've been planning our date. I really have NEVER put this much effort into anything other than Ratt much less a date and I really wanna make it special for him and tonight's the night. I called Vince Earlier who'd had a studio session, he sounded a bit strained...not vocally, but something was wrong, and I hope things will be ok. Little did I know it was Sixx and Robbin, and there were problems to say the least and that bothered Vince and no wonder then he hated Robbin's guts, and I didn't want to listen when Vince finally had the courage to tell me.

I just want to cheer Vince up, so I told him I'd come pick him up from the studio and I've spent the day preparing....not many people know I can cook, so I packed he and I a picnic and I plan on taking us to the beach, I know how much he loves it...well I hope he loves what I have planned, kinda nervous a bit. I also a bottle of Tequila Rose as a gift, I know how much he loves it and as a matter of fact I am on my way to pick up Vince now, having made sure I have everything with me....

Finally, I pull up to the studio, and to my surprise Vince is waiting for me and how his Whiskey Eyes light up and his expression changes seeing me! Before I can even help him in the car, he gets in breathlessly, laughing.

"I couldn't wait! I am so excited! Thank you! Thank you!"

I laugh with him, "I'm glad you are Sugar Cookie!" And I started driving towards our destination.

"So where are we going? I'm down for anything."

"It's a surprise baby doll." I tease him.

"Aw you're no fun baby!" Vince pouts playfully before sighing.

"What's wrong?"

Vince shakes his head, "Sorry.... its, the studio.... i don't want to ruin our date."

"Vinny, you could never ruin anything." I reassure him. Oh, the fucking irony of my words, they were sadly prophetic in a way and not for Vince, for ME...well US. Vince would tell me later down the road, that he was afraid to tell me because he assumed I'd flip out on our first date...ironically and sadly he would have been right. I wish to fuck he wasn't.... i was a huge asshole back then, and I should have trusted Vince.

"Anyway...." I know that tone the 'change the subject' tone. "I can't tell you how much this all means to me, this date."

"Means a lot to me too sugar cookie." I smile and my smile widens as I tell Vince, "Reach in the back seat, got something for you."

"Oooh, a gift?!...." Vince exclaims, "Damn I didn't get you anything!"

I laugh, "You are enough of a gift Vince...just, reach around." Vince blushes heavily and I know exactly why. Vince manages to do so and finds the Bottle of Tequila Rose.

"Holy shit, this is.... i love this!" Vince leans over and kisses my cheek. And then a silence descends, but its not a bad's more like a contented silence. As we get closer to the beach, I tell Vince to close his eyes.... He does so reluctantly. He's here with me, this...I've never had so much fun before on a date. Nothing like a little romance. I wish I'd done this sooner.... Still, what was he upset about? I don't get it, I guess he'd tell me when he wants.

Fucking finally, we arrive at the beach.... Vince still has his eyes closed, I tell him not to open them JUST yet, I want to set things up first.

"Vinny doesn't open those beautiful eyes just yet. I know you're eager. But I wanna make this perfect for you, set things up quick, ok? Trust me."

"You fucking TEASE." Vince smirks before I with out warning fairly slam my lips against his, as for a moment we make out heatedly, then it turns slow and languid before parting for breath. "Ok, NOW that was a tease!" Vince exclaims. I chuckle, before stealing another kiss as I rush to get the picnic basket and bad I'd brought containing a blanket and get everything set up, and I find I can't wait to see his heart is pounding, as I race back to him, take him by the hand as I open his door and finally he opens those stunning eyes of his, which widen as he breaths deeply of the salt air, taking in ocean before us....which doesn't fucking compare to the man at my side.

"I thought, since you love the beach from our talks and all...I figured we'd come here. I wanted to surprise you....and I..." Vince cuts me off with a kiss.

"It's PERFECT.... I love it, Stephen." Vince's eyes sparkled, I took his hand in mine and lead him to the spot, just enjoying us and his eyes widen and filled with tears as he takes in the picnic scene, the basket, a large blanket, and I managed to snag the bottle of Tequila Rose I'd gotten him. "Wow, I've never had anyone do something so romantic for me! And.... just wow." I pull my hand from his only to caress his face.

"I was nervous...I gotta be honest baby doll. I just wanna make this special, and I gotta tell you a secret, I made believe it or not I cook, I promise you won't be disappointed."

"You ARE making this special Stephen." Vince counters and then adds on, "and I know I won't be. You surprise me, that's not a bad thing."

"Come on let's eat."

"SO fucking romantic." Vince teases grinning. I lead him to sit down and begin unpacking the food I'd made: Homemade sandwiches, a watermelon salad, home made chips and what else but sugar cookies. "Damn this looks good!"

"It TASTES even better....and I made sugar cookies.... Sugar Cookie."

Vince laughs eyes sparkling, "I love that."

"Dig in baby doll...." And so, it goes as we begin to dig into our picnic date feast.... happy and at peace. If only I'd tried harder to fight for that feeling.... fought harder. Still, our first date was perfect. Not only was it our first was also the first time Vince told me he'd fallen in love with me, sadly as I've said or alluded would become so damn hard for us to hold on too and it was my own damn fault.

A/N: Part 1 to Vince and Stephen's first date! Romance, and a little bit of everything. Next chapter will be part 2 of their date and then the chapter after that things will really start to heat up in terms of drama. Stay tuned! 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now