Chapter 59-Forever my Heart and Soul (Honeymoon Flight) Part 2 (Nikki Sixx)

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I never thought it would be possible, that many things would be possible. Like THIS moment.... Robbin, Kingston, and I cuddled together as a family. Our son shares in mine and Robbin's joy, the joy we have and feel from at last being married. God, I never thought I'd live to see the day, I almost didn't before Kingston. Robbin DID die, however briefly.... we've come such a long way from where we were and now, now I wouldn't trade my husband...feels strange to say, but a good strange...but I wouldn't trade Robbin nor our son for the world. So fucking worth it, to be where I am at worth it.

"Nikki? Babe, you, ok?" Robbin's voice frees me from my internal dialogue, "You're crying."

"I-I...just am so HAPPY. I never thought we'd be here together, and we ARE.'s amazing." I whisper.

"I feel the same way babe, the same way." Robbin whispers kissing me, Kingston coos some more and exclaims...

"Wuv da-da, momma!"

"We love you too buddy, so much." My voice husky from tears....

Gradually we make our way down the aisle, to much happiness, I feel a high that's better than ANY drug, and its LOVE......

Before we made our way to our reception and I fucking bawled by the way, Robbin in much the same state, Stephen and Vince took Kingston and would keep him for our honeymoon. Robbin had yet at that point to tell me where he was taking me, the bags were packed and all, and I'd soon find out.... i remember he wanted it to be a surprise and boy was it, the best surprise ever....and it also lead to me becoming pregnant with our second child.

One more thing, suppose I should mention our reception. The food was good sure, the cake.... god, that was epic for sure. The moments that really stuck out to me were hearing my new name combined with my husband's, our first a world of our own, disappearing for 'seven minutes in Heaven', speeches.... kisses, even got some jamming in.... partying but NO drugs involved, my husband and I wanted to be sober...but partying wedding style late into the night....and of course spending time with Kingston.

I now find myself, on a plane with my husband and the suspense of where we're going is killing me. So, I finally ask...

"Babe? Where are you taking me? The suspense is killing me here." Robbin to my surprise has tears in his eyes as he takes my hands and what he says next, I KNOW will blow me away....

"Some place I hope will be special to you.... i remember you talking about it the night we met, and you said it was somewhere you'd always wanted to go, and I heard its beautiful, I am taking you for our honeymoon to Wyoming.... Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I rented this gorgeous house/property.... horses and the like, a river.... i remember you mentioned you wanted to go fishing the night we met."

I am struck speechless, and I feel the tears stream down my face.... i am TOUCHED and I can't believe.... he remembered....and I can't help but ask once I find my voice....

"Y-You.... Remember that? W-Why did you never tell me that?" I don't mean it to be an asshole, I curious.

"Nikki, I am sorry truly I never told you things like that. I am always learning.... i remember a lot of stuff about you that I never told you.... I just didn't realize what it all meant for so long. I could see it in your eyes then and NOW, how much it means to you.... then I didn't SEE but I DO. Cause I fucking love you babe."

"So am I, always learning." I echo my husband and add on, "THANK YOU.... god, I have no words that can express what you are doing this for me means....and I love YOU." We come together in an emotionally charged kiss, that takes away my breath and too, I must ask Robbin...., "---Tell me Robbin, what else did you notice or remember about me? I hearing this..."

Robbin smiles tearfully, "When you were drunk and that time you told me a story about your Nonna, seemed to be a good memory...or memories. I believe it was when you died your hair silver you'd said. I noticed the way your eyes, the emotions reflected in them.... even when your face was like stone, your smile.... sense of humor." Robbin takes a deep breath and chokes out in a sob, and I hold tightly to him, "I.... what Stephen told me he'd told you...was TRUE. That all I ever talked about in my hazes, hallucinated was YOU. I'd THOUGHT they were real, but when I reached out to touch you, you disappeared......I dreamed about you, I dreamed.... of how it SHOULD have been with our son. I'd gotten clean much sooner in this dream, I didn't die.... i was with you then.... I saw that SO much. I also dreamed.... of us, our life together.... i dreamed of our second child, a girl.... she, she.... Nikki, she looks like BOTH of us. She's perfect......"

My husband is now sobbing into my chest, and I am in much the same state as he is, he clings tightly to me, as if fearing I'll disappear.

"Hey...Hey listen to me. I hurts...the past, but I want you to know that I forgive you. I loved you even then even if I hated you too. I am GLAD you opened to me about what you've told me. It means the world to me babe, we ARE meant for each other. Look at where we are now, how far we've come. And there is so much more to come in our journey with one another......and, I would LOVE a little girl, I've always dreamed we'd have more children.... look at me babe..." Robbin does so as I caress his face, "We married...we did something we never thought we'd do and its TOGETHER. And.... You've made my biggest dreams come true. I cannot wait to get to the house, it all SOUNDS perfect."

"I love you Nikki QUEEN."

"As I you, my KING." Softly I kiss him.

"I have some more surprises.... I gave the family the number to the house, so they can reach us, and we can call too and talk with Kingston. I also had it stocked with our favorite foods, I know you love to cook since Paul had taught you... close your eyes.... i promise you baby, you will love this..." I mock a pout, but I do ask Robbin asks as I hear some shuffling and the weight of something being set in my lap, "Open them babe."

I do and my eyes go as wide as they can go as I gaze open mouthed at my husband.... for before me is a camera, one I'd talked about wanting for a long time for taking photos and lots of film.

"Wow.... y-you did this for me?"

"I'd do anything for you....and I remember you mentioned you wanted to get more into photography, and I figured that our honeymoon would be perfect for this, for capturing memories." Robbin wraps his arms around me, and I lean into his embrace.

He was right of you will see. And I didn't know then that his dream of our second child, our daughter WOULD come true or come about because of our honeymoon.

A/N: An emotional and touching flight, a taste of their reception and more. Stay tuned for more! 

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