Chapter 55-Delivering a Shock Part 2 (Vince Neil-Pearcy)

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If I thought initially finding out I was pregnant was a shock, nothing could have prepared me for the shock of finding out that I was carrying twins. It was a lot to take in, it took time to sink in.... but I don't know what the hell I would have done without Stephen. Stephen stayed by my side, taking care of me even when my mood swings were bad. He was my rock; he IS my rock. At this point in time with my hospital stay, I was around 2 months pregnant my belly already ever growing, ever changing and I feel I should mention that Mick's husband Paul was like 4 months pregnant during this time and their second child as it turned out would be another girl, Mick and Paul were thrilled. The whole family was....

But fuck yeah, sorry...well not really, anyway.... I don't remember too much the day/night I found out about the twins, understandable given my morning sickness and all that. what I DO remember is as always: Stephen and him coming back to me, after getting my cravings and things that he felt I needed....and that is where you will find me, my awakening once again to the sound of my lover's voice....

And if you're wondering, yes, I was happy despite struggling mentally and physically, how could I not be? Especially since I had children and had my Stephen?

A voice, a much-loved voice coming thru now...worried, concerned but so full of love, I start feeling that 'urge' again....

"Oh shit...I got you Vinny...." I hear as I puke into whatever the fuck I am handed, in tears until I finally stop after an eternity but before I can fully open my eyes or am aware, I feel soothing ice water run down my throat, my mouth cleaned and then I am urged to drink what I think is tea but it tastes of mint, lemon and honey and at last I open my eyes with a groan to find my husband by my beside.

"S-Stephen?" I croak, as he hands me more of that honey-lemon-mint tea and my nausea slowly starts to fade and go away, for now...., "Its.... its true right? Th-the twins?" Gentle callused and oh so warm hands, caress my face before coming to rest on my stomach, my little baby bump.

"Yes Sugar Cookie, its true. So true....and its beautiful. Making a batch of sugar cookies." Tenderly and amused both and its infectious.

I laugh, "Yeah two batches...." I pause as I burst into tears, "S-Sorry, i-iam happy...but its.... It's scary too. An-And.... I'm sorry for my mood swings...y-you.... are SO sweet....and...I...."

"Vince, I KNOW you are baby doll, I know you're happy and I know you've been struggling.... don't apologize for ANYTHING especially something you can't help, I do what I do because I fucking love you..." Stephen's voice cracks, "---and I love our precious little sugar cookies dearly. Now if you feel up to it, lets try and get some food in you for you and the babies."

I freeze because I know he's right BUT I dread getting sick and my husband knows exactly what I am thinking without my saying it...

"I see it in your eyes Vinny, you dread getting sick and I can imagine it sucks ass, I know it does, but you also know you need to eat and not just for your sake. I got plenty of food that's fresh and will keep fresh and you're covered."

"You are s-so fucking sweet!" I cry, I feel my lips gently kissed me reveling in the feel before Stephen fetches me more on that honey-lemon mint tea, water and the cucumber drizzled with balsamic and feta I asked for as well as some ham, and so I much as I can until I feel like I can't anymore and I get dizzy closing my eyes with a groan till the spell passes and afterwards I ask for cuddles and naturally receive cuddles but then I notice something I hadn't before and the tears and the guilt come back as I truly finally notice just how exhausted my husband is. ", y-you look like you haven't all and cause.... cause of me. You need to sleep and, and take time for you...I'm, I'm sorry...." I sob dropping my head.

"Vince, look at me." I shake my head until I feel Stephen tilt my chin up, his eyes dark with tears. "Seriously it doesn't matter to me losing sleep, I am honestly more worried about you...I have been, you don't have to keep apologizing. I've got you."

"I love you." I whisper.

"Love you more sugar cookie....and that being said, let's get you some sleep and I'll sleep with you, ok?" I nod tearfully, an extra blanket is grabbed, and I feel so warm and cozy, as my husband manages to carefully share my hospital bed with me, his hands joining mine over my stomach and I go to say something, but I give into the siren call of sleep. And of course, I dream....

My stomach is heavily rounded and firm, that familiar dark head bent over caressing the distended and firm skin, the babies kicking where their father is touching, leaving their little impressions of feet and hands and its Stephen who looks up at me as if in awe....

"I ever tell you how beautiful you look, cause baby doll you are glowing."

I find myself smiling despite the exhaustion I feel from being so pregnant, teasing Stephen. "You're pick up lines keep getting better, I envy your smoothness."

Stephen smirks, "I baby doll, only save the best lines for you."

I sigh dramatically being playful, "You do...." My tone then tears tender and husky from tears, "I love that, more than you could ever know. I ask myself, how the hell I get so lucky? Then I think how far we've come in our relationship and it's amazing, amazing. You're AMAZING, the best partner, husband....and I know you will be an amazing father, hell you already ARE." The twins kick at me, eagerly almost as if they are telling us they agree....

"Oh, sugar cookie..." Stephen swallows a sob before giving in, both of us very much emotional. "I AM the lucky one, I hurt fucking bad and I still feel like shit when I think of how I did you, the point babydoll is.... you opened your heart again for ME, took a chance....and we fell in love all over again, deeper in love. You are my angel, no lie....and here you are with me, carrying our children, these precious little angels inside you, that are almost here. You are natural with kids Vinny, and I know you are and will be even more so with ours. Now get you some sleep, ok?"

I reach out and Stephen getting the message leans in to where I can caress his face, him leaning into my touch....

"Thank you....and I'll long as you get some sleep with me."

"Deal Sugar Cookie."

Then the dream begins to fade....and I enter the waking world, realizing and heartful at the thought of my husband and unborn children.... that I am not alone.

Stephen did take a nap with me, both of us slept a long time.... both of us really needed it. Still, he woke up before me and took care of me, us taking care of one another and basking in our love, despite my morning sickness being such a motherfucker. The point here is we leaned on one another; I wasn't alone.... I was loved and cared for, and I only fell deeper in love.

A/N: Tender love and care, a taste of things to come and more. Next chapter just may involve a visit to the Mars Family, stay tuned!

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