Chapter 63-A Ratt 'N' Roll Christmas Part 2 (Stephen Pearcy)

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Judging by the slant of the light...sunset now, God I love sunsets! And what makes it even more special to me is because of Vince...always Vince. It seems I am awake before him, my sugar cookie who really needed a nap.... probably will need more sleep, especially since he tires so easily. That shit doesn't matter, how much he's that he's HERE with ME and not only that its Christmas....and I can't fucking wait till I show him one of his or rather our early Christmas presents....

Slowly now, I reach out and place a gentle hand on Vince's swollen stomach....and I whisper to my unborn children, "Merry Christmas...I hope you both know that you're the best presents I've ever received. I can't wait till your born....and really, it's all thanks to mommy. Its heart, my world. I love you both....and mommy so much." I lean in and kiss Vince's stomach and I feel among other things, fingers running thru my hair...and the fluttery movements of my children and I look up to meet Vince's sleepy but loving gaze.

"I heard the last bit.... We love you too, you know? So damn much."

"Baby doll, I am So sorry I woke you.... i just...." I ramble, Vince silences me with a finger to my lips.

"Hey its ok...really. And besides its Christmas.... someone promised me a surprise...." Vince trails off, his eyes glowing with Happiness, and I feel what he is, "---Their awake."

"I feel them...I feel them." I whisper, getting a little emotional before I bring Vince into a kiss and tell him afterwards, "Let's get you out of bed, bathroom taken care of and then if you feel up to it...." I take a breath a little nervous about what I want to give him. "—I'll give you one of your presents or rather show you. It's a surprise."

"I know I will love it." Vince smiles and then sasses to hurry up and help him piss, which I do so and then telling him after I show him the surprise I have I'll fix dinner, whatever he's cravings...which earns me many kisses.

I take him by the hand, making sure he is ok as I tell him to close his eyes...and I feel the tears in mine, as I have something SO special to give him.....I bring us to a stop down the hall, managing to open the door and guide my husband into the room, sitting him down in a comfy chair, before sitting down beside him and taking his hands in mine.

"I know you're eager Vinny.... oh, baby doll, what you're about to see I've been working on for a while now.... now open those eyes." I kiss his hands and his eyes open and go as wide as they can go and tears start spilling down his cheeks, and I feel tears fall down my face as he takes in the room, and he looks to me.

" have no words...."

"I had some help, but I wanted to give this to you this as part of your Christmas.... because ended up bringing me so much, the ocean...the beach, which is why I had the walls painted to match and this...nursery has the theme of the beach...OUR beach. Which is why...I also well had Sixx paint or incorporate things from our very first date, our reunion after we'd broken up.... our wedding. And the furniture, toys...and everything, I just really wanted to make this extra special."

"Its.... BEAUTIFUL...the scenes...I feel like I am THERE. And our children will, I hope, love the beach as much as we do. one of the greatest Christmas presents of my life! Our baby's nursery, its...its PERFECT!"

"I am glad you love it baby doll..." I manage to choke out, "Do...." And here I say our children's names LOVING the sound of them, "---Delilah and Jamison love their room already?" In reply my husband takes my hands and places them on his stomach where our son and daughter are kicking away, happy it seems and that's all the answer I need right there.

For a little bit longer, Vince continues to admire the nursery as we effectively cuddle one another and kiss before we go downstairs, me helping him along and getting him settled on the couch, Vince throwing out the idea of having a Christmas movie marathon, so movie marathon it is, Vince gets massaged and settled since he burst into tears about being sore and then he calms down enough to tell me....

"I would love spaghetti and meatballs, if that's ok?"

"Sugar Cookie its more than ok! I'll fix enough for both of us, and we can cuddle on the couch for our Christmas move marathon while we eat.... you need anything or want anything else?"

Vince practically salivates, "Something tart.... lemons I think and.... salty...olives I think."

"You got it doll." I quickly fetch his cravings and he fairly snatch them from my hands as I with a laugh, work on his cravings for spaghetti and meatballs.

Merry Christmas baby doll, my sugar cookie......truly YOU and our twins...are the best presents I could EVER receive. I've gotten a taste of what life is like without you....and I can NEVER go back to that and I will keep my promises I've made you and now...I promise you.....forever and always baby doll, forever and always...

Before I realize it, dinner aka my Vinny's cravings are done and taking everything on a tray I re-enter the living room to find Vince murmuring sweetly to our babies. My heart melting at the sight....

Carefully I clear my throat reluctantly interrupting Vince who looks up eyes all a glow.

"I hate to interrupt baby doll, but dinner's ready."

Vince smiles, "mmm.... smells good baby....and thank you." I hand my husband his bowl of spaghetti, get our Christmas movie marathon started and effectively cuddle Vince on couch as I can as we eat, laughing.... talking, living, and loving....

And I keep staring at Vince making him blush, I cant fucking help myself nor would I want to. No, not at all.

"You are just like a fucking angel babe; I keep staring because damn how lucky am I? You've always, always been beautiful but now? God, even more so and at one point I didn't know that was possible......and...and I hope you are enjoying your Christmas Vinny." I feel the prick of tears in my eyes.

"I AM the Lucky one, we were meant to be together. We ARE, never doubt that. and for the record, this is one of the greatest Christmas's I have ever had....and to think there is so much more to many memories for us to make and this time next year we'll have our children with us. Its fucking amazing."

Both of us are in tears at this point, totally fucking worth it.

"I love you."

"I love you Stephen, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Baby Doll." Softly now.

I remember every moment of our Christmas together in December of 1986.... A memorable Christmas Eve and a memorable Christmas day.... more special surprises and just spending time together, family sent gifts....and so many precious and I do mean precious memories were made.

A/N: Next in our Ratt n Roll Christmas, a visit to the Crosby-Sixx clan on Christmas Eve. So, stay tuned!

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