Chapter 45- Lips of an Angel Part 2 (Vince Neil)

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After all the lies.... the heartache, the jealousy.... Razzle's death and my emotional and physical abandonment by Stephen, its hard to believe that we are here...that I AM HERE with him. that our love has in the end became stronger and we came back to each other, that I have forgiven the man that is currently resting his forehead against mine....

However, on the heels of all that......there is something, WRONG. Like, here snapping at Stephen when I DO talk, mostly I haven't. things have been off, then again things have just started to slow down band/business wise....and....I've been getting sick, Sixx I think tried to tell me....but I couldn't concentrate, mind wandering....kind of like NOW, and of all times....i start feeling nauseous again....Ok Vince, you can do this....Stephen is here...

The officiant is talking now.... i only have eyes for Stephen and vice versa, he looks so worried.... there's so much love yes, but the worry.... for me, is making me feel guilty as fuck, and I can feel a few tears roll down my cheeks.

"OH Vinny.... you're a million miles away, something is WRONG. You look like you don't feel good, I am worried about you sugar cookie." Stephen whispers, as I desperately try and breathe in his scent...slowly the nausea comes down to a more bearable level.

"I'm sorry.... I'm ruining the wedding.... I..." I whisper miserably, "I am happy.... i just..."

"Shh, you're not ruining anything.... we'll get you resting here soon, ok?"

"Ok..." I whisper.

I blink and its time to say our vows, and if me feeling like shit didn't totally get the waterworks rolling.... the vows DO, there is the sound of tears all around.... emotional ones, ones of joy and I give in to the call.

Stephen nods, wrapping his arms around me as close as he can get to me as I take a deep breath of HIM and begin my vows, the worries about me feeling like shit on the back burner:

"Stephen.... I remember the night we first met just a few years ago, very well.... Nikki and Tommy and I walking down Sunset to the Starwood where your band was playing. I can remember catching your eyes on stage, you winking at me....and I remember thinking you'd think I was a chick, which although the time hurt too and sure enough, it was true....but THEN you apologized...and our talk that night, the chemistry was INSANE...still is and for the next 2 years, you never once left my mind. "I pause as I feel the nausea resume and I breathe deeply before continuing, Stephen helping to ground me. "It was hot and heavy, but yet you made me feel things I hadn't before, you were so sweet. Our first date, God was that magical! I mean all our dates were...but then came....the jealousy, the lies....cheating, drugs....fights, you broke me...broke me and I went down a dark path, I thought you didn't care, that I meant nothing to you...still, my heart....could never let you go and you ended up finding your way back to me after I nearly died and I gave you another chance....and I am SO damned glad I did. You're my sun, my moon, my LOVE. Stephen, I love you, I love you more than ever now.... you've.... i mean, I can't imagine life unless its at your side always. I vow to always be your other half, your rock.... you're heart. I am so proud to say that I am YOURS."

A gentle though trembling hand on my cheek, me holding tight to it, as Stephen's lips part exhaling as he begins his vows, "I remember that night too, that we first met.... i see it in my dreams all the time, like when we were apart. Fire & Ice, hot and heavy...insane chemistry.....and I let my jealousy consume me, I didn't listen to you....i didn't trust you, and I let you GO....took you for granted and made things worse, I wasn't there when you needed me...I wasn't faithful that one July night and took you DYING..." Here Stephen's voice breaks, "---Sadly to get me to SEE and I swore.... that I'd never again do those things to you, I was determined to be the man you deserve, to earn your love, your trust.... i never...I never ever stopped loving you, but...we got thru all those storms and tried again. The point Vinny is I fell for you all over again, I fell hard. I promise, no...I VOW to always love you, cherish you, the man...the partner you deserve. You are my life. I love you.... god, do I love you."

Finally, we're pronounced husband and husband and my, my new husband claims my lips in a passionate and loving kiss and the world around us melts away and for the moment my illness or whatever is going with me, no longer matters.... until my husband, who still has me in his arms, although he is very happy looks worried again.

"Vinny? I love you, but baby.... i think we should take you to the hospital."

"No.... please.... the', it's our wedding...." Nausea returns in full force, and I am vaguely aware of our family growing concerned. I think anyway, I am really starting to feel dizzy. "Stephen...."

Suddenly I break away, feeling the sand...and vomiting into it.... before suddenly.... everything fades to black....

What HAPPENED.... WHY AM I AM HEARING BEEPING NOISES?!.... panicking...ok.... panicking now...

"Vince?! Vinny...Sugar Cookie, calm down please.... you're ok. You're ok, you need to breathe. Please.... please for me." I know this voice; I know these arms....and things come rushing back....

"Stephen?" I croak.

"it's me sugar cookie.... breathe, I gotcha.... i gotcha."

"I don' feel good..." I murmur trailing off before feeling the urge to vomit into whatever I am handed for a couple of minutes till it stops and then I feel ice water going down my throat, rinsing my mouth out and then I burst into tears as I remember, " so...SORRY...I ruined the wedding....and...and...we were supposed to....the reception....and..." Feeling overwhelmed and shamed.

"Vinny...look at me...please." Stephen begs, I shake my head slowly until finally he cradles my face in his hands, trying to wipe away my tears despite his own. "You didn't nor could you EVER ruin anything. Our wedding was beautiful.... you, Vinny.... You are more important. I should have taken you to the hospital sooner if anything. Don't worry about the reception, I am here with you.... THAT'S WHAT matters. —"

"We d-did get married right? I d-don't remember much after the vows." I whispered cutting him off.

"Yes, Sugar cookie we did, we did it...we ARE married." I see the flash of his wedding band and a matching one on my finger, plus my engagement ring. "I gotta tell you something.... about why you're so ill and...well Sixx had tried to tell me, but I was more worried about you...and all." My husband, wow.... i can say 'husband' now.... I hear the wonder in his voice despite the concern for me. "They took blood and all.... Vince, you're pregnant."

Did I just hear that right?! this really happening? Something I have wanted for SO long...something I have dreamed about...with HIM.

It takes me a moment to find my voice, "A-Are you serious?"

"Yes Vinny...we're having a baby. You've been out quite a while and they wanted to wait till you were awake for an ultra-sound.... This, this has been one of the greatest days of my life! Thank you, Vinny." My face peppered in kisses before my lips are claimed, slowly sweetly and after we part, I bring a hand down to my stomach and I feel Stephen's join mine. I still mostly flat stomach but it is ever so slightly rounded, and the tears start anew, tears of together my husband and I feel the place where our baby, OUR baby is growing....

A/N: Stephen and Vince are married! And a dramatic wedding with Vince feeling so poorly, but now we know why! They are having a baby! And next chapter they shall see their baby for the first time! Stay tuned!!

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now