Chapter 54-Delivering a Shock part 1 (Stephen Pearcy)

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Vince has been asleep for DAYS and IT'S been killing me, not to mention that it felt more like a fucking lifetime. I've missed him, I mean.... his voice, his eyes.... everything. Also, the guilt, I can't help but feel, he's been having such a rough time, struggling and it breaks my heart. What really BREAKS my heart and even now I can feel the tears come, as I sit here holding Vince's hand, my head resting on the bed.... anyway, what really haunts me...breaks my heart, is.... mere days ago, the look in Vince's eyes before he passed out and we'd argued. I could tell even with my worry that he thinks he's failed me.... that he's miscarried. I know he's had nightmares in his sleep about it, because he cries and says 'sorry Stephen' in his sleep, I hear the pain......but, when he wakes, I still must deliver a shock, but not the one he fears......i still need to tell him, that he's carrying twins. I KNOW though, despite him struggling he will be happy, I know he will. The babies have been checked on every day, constantly and as far as can be told they are ok, thank God...thank God...

I refuse to leave his side, I've hardly slept.... i CAN'T even though my family has literally tried to force me....and.... Vince.... oh god....

I am brought out of my thoughts, my sad I hear whimpering noises, and Vince starts thrashing a bit, my eyes quickly I manage to get on the bed carefully and take him in my arms.

"Vince...Vince PLEASE. It's me.... It's Stephen. Oh, sugar cookie......please calm down, wake up.... please, I want you to be ok. I need you to be ok." I stroke his back, trying my best to calm him.... hoping he can hear me......gradually he calms, and I refuse to let him go.

Suddenly Vince groans and to my surprise croaks out, "W-Where am I..." Before I can answer he is very quickly starting to panic, eyes swimming in sorrow, in pain. "He's.... gonna hate me...I...lost...GOD." Vince is very much out of it.

Despite my own tears, my fears.... i talk, my voice shaky, "Vince baby come back to me.... i don't hate you baby doll, you didn't lose me...and you didn't lose the baby.... or I should say babies.... I..." The end of my sentence snaps Vince out of it for he looks at me eyes wide with shock in addition to the tears and the realization of its ME that's holding him.

"—Stephen...oh.... I'm in the hospital aren't i.... did you...say babies?"

"Yes Vinny.... they didn't pick up on it initially like after the wedding, but the other day, they found out its true you're carrying twins." My voice is a mix of emotions ranging from shock to pride to love, love which I hope Vince can hear as I then continue to speak/soothe my husband, "You've been asleep for a few days, babies have been checked on everyday.... You're not gonna miscarry, I'd NEVER let that happen. I don't hate you; I could fucking never hate you. It killed me seeing you like this; I just have felt helpless. But I want you to know, how very much I love you, how happy you make me and how happy I am we're having CHILDREN."

"---You're not still mad at me? A-and you're happy? the l-last thing I remember is.... we'd argued and kinda made up." Vince's voice is so small, and I gently caress his face with my hands, my heart breaking at the sound.

"No sugar cookie, I'm not mad at you...I wasn't mad in the first place at you, I was frustrated, and I am sorry if I'd taken anything out on you at all. I just have felt helpless and mad at myself. You make me so damn happy baby doll, you and now OUR babies. I promise I am gonna be here every step of the way, I love you Vinny.... I love you." I breathe these words against his lips before sealing them with my own, communicating how I feel for him about him without words....

"I love you." Vince whispers, paling....

"I love you more." I reply. As he closes his eyes with a groan, "You dizzy? Gonna get sick?" worried and frantic now, Vince tries to speak but I tell him, "Shh, baby doll.... save your strength. Breathe for me, close your eyes....breathe in and out deeply...slowly....."I knowing what's coming, grab a bowl as my poor Vince proceeds to vomit for I know what to him feels like an eternity but is really 10 minutes, afterwards he lays back spent and is like a doll, as I help him clean his mouth and drink lots of water and ginger ale, all the while he doesn't say a word, but I can tell and see how much it means to him that I am taking care of him.

"S-Stephen? Can.... we check on the baby...." Vince shakes his head, "I-I mean babies, sorry its...a lot to take in."

"I hear ya babe, I know it's a huge shock and especially to you, since you've just woken up. I'll call a doctor and we're gonna see about getting you some food, something you can stomach..." I tap my chin in thought, "You did seem to do ok with cucumbers and that balsamic, so I could get you some of that and something with protein in it and all."

" could I get feta with that? and um I'd love some ham and some...chocolate. "Vince's voice is weak and small.

"You got it sugar cookie, doctor first, ok?" Vince nods, as I call for the doctor and Vince is checked on, given something that will hopefully help his nausea and then the moment comes that leaves BOTH of us in tears: the ultra-sound.

"I'm scared..." Vince whispers to me, as they wheel the machine in. "C-Can you hold me?"

"I know you're scared of sugar cookies, I gotcha. I am right HERE, and I will hold you. I love you." I whisper back.

"Love you too...."

I lift his hospital gown to just where his stomach is showing, that is so damned beautiful to me, Vince looks down with wide tear filled eyes, before looking back to me...I kiss him to let him know its ok, that it will be, before I hold him as best I can and we get started, Vince shivering when the gel is applied and then....the moment BOTH of us see our twins, especially Vince I will remember FOREVER........

"Wow.... they.... really are two babies inside me." Vince murmurs.

"And they are just as beautiful, talented and amazing as their mother." I tell him, Vince smiles albeit tearfully. Thankfully from what can be told the babies are healthy, which my husband and I are BOTH very much grateful for.

Before long, armed with ultra-sound photos.... We're back in Vince's room, after being told they'd keep him for a bit. Vince falls asleep nearly as soon as we enter the room and I leave him a note where he can see, kissing him before I write it. The note reads:

Dearest Vinny aka Sugar Cookie,

Baby, I am sorry if I make you cry or worry at all...I am leaving to get you the food you asked for, that you need. It kills me that you're struggling so with everything, but just know I got you're fucking back always baby doll. I am gonna take care of you, and things I promise things will get better in time. I will be back as soon as I can.

All my love-Your husband,


P.S. I can never tell you how much it means to me that you opened your heart to me again, after all we've been through, that I put you through. Never doubt that you're the best thing that's EVER happened to me, you and now our children. Be back soon baby doll!

I wasn't gone too long and when I arrived back at the hospital Vince was still sleeping.... he, we kept the note and put in what would become our family scrap book.

A/N: Vince is awake and has seen the twins, next is part stay tuned! 

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