Chapter 6- Hey, hey have you heard the News? (Vince Neil)

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Not too much longer till we get to all the reunions in this tale of Sex, Crϋe & Ratt 'n' Roll....but first some good ol' fashioned Rock 'n' Roll....wild nights, a whirlwind of babes and dudes...and ah, getting off track...teasing as it were. I wasn't kidding on the reunions part of the story though....anyway, where our tale picks up is summer 84', June 19-1984 to be exact when Mӧtley were in the midst or rather the beginning of a leg of the 'Shout at the Devil' Tour, Kiss had recorded an album slated for a fall release at this point in time....Ratt had been signed and were I believe working on what would be their STELLAR DEBUT. Sue me for being partial, and I ain't the only one.... still, there would be news to be heard.... Now, on with the damn show as Mick would say....

How the fuck is it June already?!! It's been a blur, a veritable whirl wind of rehearsals, writing, nights and we've basically just started on our second leg of our 'Shout at the Devil' tour. Tours can be doubt or they WERE. Let me bring you fuckers up to speed: I give you the CHIEF reason-Doc. And the past several months have seen the once 'mighty' more like evil and sleazy former manager arrested, thrown in jail...and catching some serious fucking karma. And oh what a tangled web was woven....bribery, what that bastard did to Mick's husband Paul Stanley....JAIL is the least Doc deserves. Doug is a WAY better manager and human being by far. Speaking though of Paul, he is with Mick here on the road visiting.

Now my thoughts bring me to the band....ESPECIALLY the front man: Stephen Pearcy and Ratt. I....

"Dude? Yo Vinny!"

"Huh?" not the best response I admit and I finally realize Tommy is trying to get my attention. Oh yes, we have a show tonight....and we are currently waiting on Nikki and Mick to show up because meeting or something like that. All I know is apparently there is news and Tommy especially has been driving poor Doug batty.....and the rest of us, but mainly Doug. I shake my head telling Tommy, "Ah T just thinking man...."

"About...." Tommy drawls out.

"Band meeting or whatever the hell we're all meeting up for...for one thing and how the fuck is it June already? Its like already half a year gone and we're on tour again....and then there's Ratt....I...." I am cut off by an overly excited drummer.

"Fuck man, I KNOW right?! They got signed....and.... heard they were recording....and...and..." Tommy rambles until we hear four distinct voices....and in comes: Mick a very concerned Mick and when I get a good look at Paul I SEE why, followed by wilder than normal and of course Doug and they all take seats. Mick being tender with a very nervous and suddenly in tears Paul, trying very much so to calm Paul down.....

"Shh, it will be ok my star. Calm down.... breathe, ok? I promise everything will be ok, I'll take care of you, protect you....i love you. We can talk to them, or I can talk or not do this at all. I just want you to be ok Paul."

Paul whimpers, practically whispering. "No...I am's just...can you? Nervous." Things are starting to click now....

Mick murmurs to him, kissing him gently before wiping away Paul's tears and then clearing his throat to turn to us. "We have some news of our own, we'd just found out. Paul is pregnant....2 months. He is scared...I am too...because of my spine and.... well..." Mick exhales, "Paul was born without a right ear, so he's deaf on that side....and he worries about the same being passed on to our baby. And we're first-time parents, and...he and Gene had a fight until I stepped in."

Everyone is pretty much gaping at Mick, Nikki looks murderous though. "What did he DO?" I know that tone...and god have mercy on Simmons.

"G-Gene wasn't h-happy the front man....I'm SUPPOSED to look good, and this c-could ruin our image...and....well....he's going h-Hollywood...trying....bad idea...and I am pissed, because he's LEAVING me to carry the band." Poor Paul stammers his way through.

"I told Simmons to shove his bass where the sun doesn't shine, Gene was yelling at Paul...and I'd had enough...I may have given him a black eye, he had it coming....and he'll see the error of his ways." Mick snarls before softening his gaze. "I TOLD him...I tell Paul, NOTHING to do with Paul or his pregnancy could ruin their image. Its OUR baby, and fucking lie, always looks good...always will no matter what. He...every part is beautiful no matter what."

There is silence for a bit, all of us absorbing that bit of news.....Paul opting to lay his head in Mick's lap, Mick stroking Paul's face and now I can see his little rounded abdomen...and I feel a pang in my fucking hurts.....

"Um.... Seriously congratulations to you guys. You will be amazing parents....and um we're here for you both dudes." Tommy speaks after a bit.

"Thanks drummer." Mick gives a small smile.

"So...what ELSE is their news wise?" I ask. And it is now, Doug chimes in....

"It involves one sold out show tonight....and..." Here his tone grows sly, looking between Nikki, Tommy and I, Nikki, and I especially. "Ratt related you know they are recording their album AND I managed to get a rough demo of some songs AND made copies for you guys...AND apparently, rumor has it...two members were ESPECIALLY inspired by a certain lead singer and bassist for our band." I can feel my face heat up....and that look in Nikki's eyes...WELL I know what he's reminiscing about. I worry about him though.... his drug usage, well I know I have no room to talk, but Nikki.... things, signs here and there...this will get worse....

Little did I know just HOW much worse it would get....

Things continue on and on in this manner for a bit, Doug giving ¾ of Mӧtley hell....ribbing and such, Mick taking care of Paul whose morning sickness rears its head....and Paul falls asleep in Mick's dressing room and before I realize it we are all out on stage, killing it of course....still my thoughts are elsewhere, always are especially now adays and with all the news that's been found out today.

I don't miss a beat, or at least nothing...i.e., Nikki Mr. perfectionist tells me I don't....and once again I blink and I find myself in my bunk on our bus, staring up at the 'ceiling' if you will.... surprisingly its quiet on the bus, shocking I know....and I delve into my thoughts once again...

What a day....damn, and no one got fucked up after the show....more like getting that shit in BEFORE somehow...some way. But all the, I had NO idea about Paul...he doesn't have a right ear, but how fucking amazing it is he hasn't let that stop him....and he and Mick are both scared...because of their spine/ear...being passed on, but I know...I could see how much they love their baby and that no matter what...they will be loved. Still, I couldn't help but feel a pang seeing them together. I guess because I want that deep down...despite my reputation...and because of my dreams of a certain Ratt front man aren't helping matters....and back to Paul...damn Simmons is an asshole doing Paul like he did and it sounds like Mick set him straight, well I hope for Paul's sake especially.

I haven't yet had a chance to listen to those Demoes Doug got ahold of Ratt's debut...and hmm, we provided...i.e., Nikki and I especially a lot of inspiration.... hmm, and here I thought that I'd be forgotten....and I find myself wondering if I will ever see him again and I very much do...I want that, very much so....

I wouldn't admit to myself, that i had a connection with Stephen....chemistry.... for a long time....and of course i wasn't the only one. and that is a given....

A/N: A bit of drama, and oh the news!! Not too much longer now chapter wise till the reunions!! Stay tuned! 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now