Chapter 65- A Ratt 'N' Roll Christmas Part 4 (Robbin Crosby)

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Our first Christmas together: Nikki and I...and too our first Christmas as a family. I could never forget it for many reasons: Chiefly Nikki and our son and then our unborn child, but it was also because I was ALIVE and there to see it. I was able to make new and precious memories. Christmas Eve 86, poor Nikki had it rough with the morning sickness, but I took care of him...took care of our son and we told our son he was gonna be a big brother. I remember taking Nikki downstairs, fixing the cocoa with peppermint and our son.... watching a Christmas movie and cuddling together as a family.... later that night, after 'Santa' came Nikki and I made love in the shower, where sadly he got sick. It broke my heart to see, but I fixed him more tea and something light to help ease his nausea and it helped enough for him to go back to sleep. And where you will find Christmas morning, mid-morning. I remember that morning, Kingston was thankfully still asleep, and I gave Nikki something special.... you will see...

I find myself waking up, glancing at the clock...its mid-morning.... a little closer to 10, but that doesn't matter.... what DOES matter is the man I am holding in my arms, my husband.... Nikki. he had a bout of morning sickness before going to sleep last night....and I want to give him one of his presents, something I made for him.... hidden in our closest....

Carefully I manage to slip out of Nikki's hold, placing a gentle kiss to his lips....he doesn't stir, but rolls over to clutch at my pillows and after making sure he's ok, I check on Kingston who is sleeping away...he did wake up early this morning, but went back to sleep...and once back in the bedroom I share with my husband, I go into the closest to retrieve a box....not just any box and about the time I do, I hear the most stunning voice in the world.....

"Robbin? Where are you?" And then I hear the unmistakable sound of tears, so I rush back into the room, quickly placing Nikki's gift or really its OUR gift in reach and take him in my arms.

"God, babe...I never meant to make you cry.... i just went to check on Kingston, he's still sleeping, and I wanted to give your one of your Christmas presents I made." Before Nikki can say anything, I note how pale he is, worried he's gonna get sick. "Stupid question, but how do you feel?"

"Tired...and nauseous. Fucking sucks.... i Hope I won't get sick.... oh shit...." Nikki bolts out of my hold, and I quickly follow as he drops to his knees in time to heave in the toilet, heave, and sob both as I hold his hair back, it lasts a few minutes and Nikki sobs, and it heart breaking! I get him cleaned up and back in bed. "I-It's Christmas and I feel like shit! And...y-you've been doing EVERYTHING AND I---"

"NIKKI, I know you do, and I know how much you hate it, but baby you're not alone...not this time. And there is NOTHING I love more than taking care of you, of our children...BOTH. To me those are the greatest gifts. And you are sure the fuck ain't ruining Christmas, I promise you." Gentle but firmly, brushing some hair back behind his ear.

"Y-You promise?" Voice small.

"Yes." Softly without hesitation, I got to say more when we hear our son over the baby monitor and Nikki and I both smile..., "Look I'll get him, bring him in here for cuddles...and fix you something light, maybe toast and some fruit and then if you feel up to it, I'll give you your Christmas present."

"Ok...hurry back to me." I kiss him and promise to do so, and as it turns out Kingston needs changing, so armed with fresh pjs and a clean diaper, quickly I get him to Nikki. Kingston immediately burrowing into Nikki's side, my heart nearly stopping at how beautiful the scene is. Nikki promises me he will call if he needs me and I fix the things I promised him and am back in our bedroom before I know it, Nikki has a little more color in his face and I grab the box containing what I believe is very special, "Nikki? I hope you like this.... open it, I...well I made it for you, but really its for us." Nikki smiles softly, doing so and when he opens the box, he gasps with surprise and is soon in tears.

"A scrap books. Wow...its beautiful."

"Open it babe, together we'll look thru it." Carefully I sit at his unoccupied side, my arms around him and together with our son, we look at so many beautiful and I do mean beautiful memories.

Memories such as: an old picture from the night we met from about 3 years ago, the picture I kept even in the depths of my addiction...the one where he and I are in stage clothes....and then come the pictures he took of me when he visited in rehab, the pictures of us kissing...smiling and laughing. Pictures of me with our son.... our wedding pictures, ultra-sound photos of Kingston.... ultra-sound photos of the baby the man I love beyond all reason is currently's a tribute to our lives, OUR love.

"Robbin.... i have no words." Nikki sniffles, Kingston snuggling his mother and fascinated by the pictures. I though, get my husband's message loud and clear....

We snuggle for a while longer before I help Nikki downstairs, along with our son and we open Christmas presents, pictures are taken, and the scene is beautiful.... It's everything. Kingston gets toys and a special one, I had made custom...a stuffed version of one of my guitars causing Nikki to remark, "We'll have to get him a real one before long." Smirking.

"Oh, we will." I smirk back before softening my gaze, "and a bass too, kid's gonna be a musician for sure."

More presents follow, Nikki giving me special and meaningful gifts.... including a portrait of me, he'd drawn...made me cry, fucking worth it. In turn, I bought him things for art and for photography and showed him a tattoo I'd gotten...inspired by the photo he took of his, where he's in my lap and we're kissing...smiling into it.

"Merry Christmas babe." Nikki leans over carefully and kisses me and then with a laugh says, "Someone is already asleep again..." Gesturing to our son curled up in the debris of the wrapping paper. "---Takes after me, kid loves naps."

"Merry Christmas Nikki and yes...he does, and I love that. Feeling, ok?" Concerned now.

"I feel tired, but I am ok right now. Thank you for taking such amazing care of me and making this a memorable and perfect Christmas...I love you."

"I love you too, more than you could ever...ever know." I whisper, pulling him to me in a kiss and then gently kissing his stomach where our second child is growing.... eventually I do fix a pallet for Kingston, plenty of pillows making sure he is ok before I resume holding my heart and my soul.... happy, at peace and most of all: Whole.

Nikki, MY me another chance, giving me another child.... for loving me.... These are the gifts I cherish very much so and hold scared. A memorable and perfect Christmas and to think there are so many more to come.

Merry Christmas Nikki, to you...our son and what I know in my heart is our daughter. I love you all beyond measure.

A/N: A Christmas day/morning for the Crosby Sixx Clan and next chapter...we enter 1987, new years for the alien and his mate. 

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