Monster (You)

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Now before we start I have something to say.....its more a declaration.  So thank you if you read on. But I feel I must tell you about me and what being a Dominant means to me.

I'm no monster. Yes, I play hard.....fuck hard. Yes there's aggression....violence even. I can be a demon.... your demon.

But BDSM is so much more than that. Yes there's also control. Yes I have a thing for control. I am a Dom afterall. But not just over my submissive. But of myself.

I'm entrusted with the welfare of my submissive, my kitten. My little one. She may feel the need for pain, to be restrained. To be used and treated in ways some people cannot comprehend.  Play, or a scene can be tender, slow, calculated, sensual and always intense....or it can be utterly brutal.

But it always has to be controlled. You can never get carried away. That a Dom must never do.

Everything has to be measured.

Having a submissive using a safe word is not a goal but a failure to me. A time that is a different matter. Limits can and will be pushed. Communication is key. Everything talked about beforehand, and not just before a scene....but days if not weeks before hand....everything is discussed.  kinks, punishments, soft limits, hard limits. Everything has to take time....never rushed.

It's my role to push those limits. To design new scenes, To encourage, to protect, to find new desires. New pleasures. To keep you safe, as your little demon within you might want to run before you can walk. More importantly I'm here to always excite. To make you smile.

People, 'vanilla' people and 'normal' society won't understand.....can't understand, just like I didn't when I was on the outside. I saw BDSM as cruel.... mean.... Incomprehensible, disgusting.... monstrous even.

The key is consent. The free will to want to be submissive, to want to submit.

I am not boundless though.... I also have my limits. The places I won't go.

I struggled with being a Dom at first, the contradictions fight within me. They still do. I've never raised a hand to a woman. Never in anger or hate.


I've always seen no place for hate or anger in BDSM. I know some will disagree. But for me they don't.

I was brought up to be kind, to be respectful, to be a gent. I've strived for it.
I still do. But I have desires. Some of them are dark, I used to shy away from them, and resisted them. But I can't deny what I am, who I am...and the things I like. Again these desires have to be talked about... discussed....the exploration we take works both ways.

Once I was shown the ways of BDSM. I could not go back. I did try for a while....vanilla sex....and that state of being just feels empty to me now....hollow.

It took a submissive to show me, to teach me. To have trust me. Together we explored....and there, I found myself.

It's hard to describe the feeling I have that flows through me as I take my submissive by the hair. To pull back and see that wonderful arch of her back. To watch muscles flex. The rush....the fire it creates inside me. The feeling of being alive. The way I feel when I see that undeniable look of devotion from my submissive. It's something else.

I've fucked, had sex, made love. I know I'm addicted to sex, to the pleasures of the flesh.

I'm not ashamed to say I used to be a whore. A male slut. I have a ridiculous count to my I'm not proud of. But when I found bdsm, or rather when it found me....all of that stopped...It turns out I must have been looking for something....something I was missing.

That's when I became a control of my own impulses and my own desires.

But that lust is still there. Burning. But now it's kept in check.

A BDSM relationship is so much more than a 'normal relationship'. Theres a level of intensity, a level of trust I've never felt before. The bond is so much stronger. It's difficult to put into words.

Aftercare is also so important, you can't have one without the other. You cannot break, without healing.

There's a spiritual side to bdsm. A different state. BDSM is not all physical.

To be given such power over someone, and it is given, never taken.


It is a gift to be protected.

Now a man who takes, takes without permission, without consent. That is no Dom.

Now that is a true monster.

Now....are you ready my girl?

If you are then say it....don't be's okay.... I'm here for you can call me either sir or daddy...I don't mind....come on know what name excites you....don't be scared....there's just you and me here....this is our need to say it aloud....even if it's just a whisper.... I'll hear it. Take a breathe....don't think....and let the words fall from your pretty little mouth.

See....wasn't so hard was you feel better now?.....good.... You've made me smile.....

Good girl.

Now...take my hand....and follow me....I have such wonderful things to show you.

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