38 Alpha

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There's times when you need a release....times when I need to release my own demons.... generally I'm a selfless Dom....I like to please....but on a rare occasion....I need to be selfish....it takes a wonderful and unique dynamic for this to happen....to be with a submissive who wants to please....no matter the punishment....no matter how hard i wish to play....to accept and enjoy the harshness.

You stand at the door....waiting for me to let you in....the days texts have been short....there's been a sternness to them, polite yet sharp....in the beginning when you had received texts like this you used to think you'd done something wrong....that there was a problem....now....you understand....it took time....but now you get it ....you understand me. Understand I have a need.....a need that only you can fulfil.

You feel that build up of anticipation as you wait....knowing what lies behind the door is a night filled with pain....pleasure.... harshness....tears....and eventually a softness you have never known before.

The first time was rough....you had agreed to the play without really fully understanding the harshness....the brutality of it all....now you do....and you found that on occasion you needed it too. To be treated in such a way that many others will never understand....

As the door opens the shear darkness of the atmosphere freezes your feet to the floor.....

"Hello.....come inside"

It's strange to feel a coldness and yet a warmth to the words....yet both are there as you give a little smile....looking down at your feet and only briefly glancing up to meet my gaze.

Theres terror.... excitement....panic....fear....lust....desire...even love.....all the emotions fighting to be heard all at once as you take my hand and walk inside. Even the feel of my hand holds a softness....a tenderness....yet theres firmness....an intent. As the door closes and locks behind you I come closer....my hand reaching up to your chin...again gentle as I tilt your head up to me....the clasp of your leash attaches to your collar....our lips brush.....

"I'm going to be harsh with you"

"Yes sir....I understand"

"Good....I need you"

"Yes sir"

You smile as our lips touch again....the kiss so so gentle....a purr laps at the back of your throat....as my hands reach to settle on your hips.....

As I pull away I whisper....

"Come with me"

You stay still as I turn away and start to walk away, the chain rising....and you take your first step just before the leash goes taught....you know it's going to be a while before you feel this tenderness from me again....a long night awaits....and you will be the object of my desires....your own forfeited until later....for now....your here to only please. Only here to please you Dom.

We walk past the living room....passed the stairs that lead to the bathroom.....and walk into the kitchen. The soft lights of the under cabinet lights the only illumination...casting a shadow within the room....it's silent....the house so quiet....just the sound of your heels on the tiles....your breathing....and the pounding of your heart. You stare at the back of my head....wondering what will happen next as I suddenly stop....you stop mid stride....I don't turn around.

"hands on the counter"

You think of bratting....of questioning it. Then you remember the first time I was like this.

"Yes sir"

You walk over to the counter.....placing your hands on the cold black granite counter....spreading your fingers....arching your back as you tilt your ass up. The first time had been so much worse....the decisions you had made.... instantly regrettable.

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