10 Darkness

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"come here little one"

I sit up in the leather armchair in the corner of the room, feeling rather devilish, a need to be a little harsh.....a little strict.....

You stand in the doorway... smiling and shrug your shoulders a little before making one step.

"Stop right there, that's one strike"

"What did I do?"

"That shrug of the shoulders, now is not the time to test me"

Your heart jumps a little, my demeanour feels different....your playful approach to play now feels off balance....you feel a little unsure as you stand awkwardly, one foot in front of the other....wondering where this will go next.

A little apprehension creeps over you....


My tone has you doing what you are told.

"Ye....yes sir...."

You suddenly feel self conscious....a feeling of being little washing over you.

"Now.....come here"

You pause for a moment.....

"Now violet"

There's a sharpness.....a sting to my tone that makes you jolt. You've seen a little of this side of me. But this time it feels different.

You start to crawl across the floor.


You don't hide your thoughts, rolling your eyes a little before realising what you've done. 'fuck'

"That's two strikes......I'm warning you"

There's a threat in my tone, but also a dare....a darkness ready to be unleashed. Now you wonder if you want to see it. To open that door.

You start to move on your hands and knees over towards me. Your head back, eyes locked on mine. You start to slink your way over to me.....you can see the desire I have in my smile. A smile where the warmth doesn't quite meet my eyes.

My look has you wondering if you want this play to start.....but still you place another hand down and move a little closer.

"Let's see what a good little slut you can be for me"

'fuck, what am I crawling towards....he rarely calls me that......'

But there's that pulse.....that thrum....your honey starts to run....then, your brain decides to play a nasty little trick on you....you start to have little flashbacks, snippets of the acts we have done....of things that have been done to you....


It's not the thought of being a slut.....but my slut.....my whore.

Each step taken brings up a new memory.....being spanked...the sound of your flesh being struck......another step....you see the time you held your mouth open, willingly waiting to be spat at....your tongue sticking out....waiting.....another step.....shoulders down.....your own hands holding your cheeks open.....your ass and pussy exposed......another step.....you can feel your honey now dripping, soaking your pants ..... threatening to start trickling down your thigh......


another thought......gagged.....tears streaming......the feeling of being used.... Relentlessly pounded......used like a toy

'jesus fucking christ I'm wet'

The snap of fingers brings you out of your thousand yard stare....your thoughts of depravity.....

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