43 Home sweet home 2

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It's hard to hide the excitement you feel as you stand there holding the two coffee mugs....both trembling slightly in your hands....the adrenaline pumping through your system makes you jittery.

"You should pop those down on the table my girl"

It's that tone again....you haven't needed any cues....you've just spent the last 40 minutes or so winding yourself up

"Yes sir"

You press your legs together in a vain attempt to hide how you feel....you nibble at your bottom lip as you bend over and place the mugs on the coasters on the table....you make sure I get a good look at your cleavage....your still hard nipples poking out against your shirt...

"Let me take a look at you"

You watch the coffee table slide forward with my foot, giving you space to stand in front of me. It's interesting how such a 'normal' morning between us can turn on a dime. Your heart begins to thunder.....your temperature rises and you can feel your brow dampen....you feel like you have been caught out and sent to the headmasters office....you take a few tentative steps as you watch the newspaper being folded....and folded.....and then rolled before being placed on the arm of the chair.

'fuck....why is that turning me on?'

You stand in front of me....fingers twiddling in front of you...

'how does he make me feel so little'

You feel like bratting out....more in protest to how you feel rather than anything I have done....which as of yet has been nothing.....

You look down to see me smiling up at you....but the eyes show something quite different.

Now you start to feel self conscious....as your now feeling like you are on display...you feel the soft touch of my hands over yours....guiding your hands to your sides....it's a gentle gesture...but even fully clothed you feel so exposed.

"Look how beautiful you are...."

You watch as I move forward....perching on the end of the seat and spreading my legs to sit on either side of you...hand leaving yours and moving so just fingertips touch the outside of your thighs. Just that gentle touch is enough to send electrical pulses firing up your legs....your clit responds and throbs....

You feel nails gliding over the top of your knees and the backs of fingers touching softly on the inside of your thighs....you keep looking at me as my eyes never waiver....you hand comes up to your mouth...a need to bite that your knuckle.

The fingers find the honey that's been steadily running down your legs....

"What have we here my girl?....someone's been having little naughty thoughts....haven't we..."

You say nothing and just nod slowly.

"I've had my eye on you....watched as you mind has drifted from the past to the present...."

The hands move slowly up.....it almost tickles the touch so light. The hand now disappearing from view under your skirt....you legs move of their own accord...your feet moving apart as you just stand there like a doll... completely spellbound.

'how does he do this to me'

"How are my marks?.....do you still feel tender my girl?"

One hand moves a little further than the other....just touching the sodden hilt of your underwear....

You can't help it as a little purr leaves you....you rock slightly on your heels and close your eyes....your clit gently brushes along the side of my finger.

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