3 Trinity (H&V)

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We greet her at the door together

The night at the club....it's been preying on your mind....playing over and over again....the way we moved together, the feeling of being between us....the heat....the bass of the music....the lust.....the passion....the almost uncontrollable desire.

You brought it up....talked to me at great length over weeks and weeks as we lay in bed together in the small hours of the morning.....you want to see her again....need to....a scratch that needs itching.....you want to see her behind closed doors...behind our door.

You've told me your fears.....the potential jealousy of seeing me with another....asked me my thoughts....the boundaries....the what if's.....you had me reach out to her Dom....a deal made....

I'm not to kiss .....not to fuck her pussy.....her ass....toys are allowed....impact allowed.....I'm not to call her mine....and that's fine, she belongs to another....but has needs of her own that her dom can't fulfil. Won't fulfil. So with permission, and rules she's allowed to play with others.

She's not like you.....not a little as such.....she likes to be prey and predator....switching between the two....you two have talked between yourselves......she agrees to the terms of play if play indeed happens.

So now the night has come....nerves rattle you.....the thought of being compared.....to be trapped between us....used by us.....three meetings have been arranged ....this is the first....just a drink.

So we stand together at the door, you let me take the lead....

"Please.....come in"

Both of you are behind me as we walk down the corridor, your hands finding each other.....you both share a glance and a smile.....no music to hide behind.....no dark corner of a club to watch one another from a distance, no shadows to hide in. The nervous energy.....it clings to you.


You both nod and smile, both sitting next to each other....sitting close.....your hand in hers....you try your best to beat down your nerves......her energy pours out confidence.....the aura of her starts to envelope you as you both sit and drink....the night rolls on.....the alcohol helps.....freeing your nerves as you chat freely....we talk about us, our dynamic....her Dom and their dynamic.....one drink becomes two.....then three ......then just one more....

I sit opposite you both.....letting you two become comfortable with each other....if this night ends in just drinks then so be it. No expectations......no pressure....

You find yourself relaxing with her.....cuddling up on the sofa as we all talk......you submissive nature has you leaning into her....you laugh and talk....the alcohol swirls around you....the warm buzz of the gin. You find your head on her chest.....you listen to her talk while listening to her heartbeat....slow and steady. You feel her long nails playing along your arm....hairs standing up.....her hand slips to your side..... twiddling the material of your dress.....plucking at the hem of your underwear.....all seems so innocent.....yet your begining to feel her seducing you. You feel her heartbeat increasing as she toys with you.

You peer over at me, sat alone in the chair opposite you both. You see me smiling at you, relaxed and leaning back. You think of coming over to me, but she has a pull on you..... hypnotized by the sound of her heart beat....the play of her fingers playing with your strings.

You look at me.....reading me....looking for a sign that this is okay....that your allowed to stay....to be toyed with.....and thats it.....that thought......you begin to feel embarrassed......shy that you are this submissive.....there's a look you see in my eyes.....first at you then her......it's subtle.... amidst the conversation...permission.

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