10 We own the night (H&V)

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The click of the leash.....it's quiet and slight, but its like a switch inside you.....it changes you. Your whole demeanour changes, body language.....thought processes.....you become mine....more so, everyone around us knows you're mine....a smile creeps across your lips as I hold the car door open for you and offer you my hand.

To what feels like a lifetime ago you would have never dreamed of being collared....or being on the end of a leash.... especially in public....now....instead of feeling ashamed you relish it.....you love the fact that in this club....where people like us go....the leash not only shows our world that you are owned.....but makes you feel safe.....protected...... proud even.

You look down and smile at the leash being held in my hand as you walk a pace behind me, the doorman nods and smiles as he opens the door....you can see him checking you out over the tops of his sunglasses.....he tries to hide it but you see the way he looks at you. You glance at me looking back. You know I've seen it too. But you don't see me bristle or be over bearing....you know my kink.....my thing for making others jealous....I just smile at you and we walk through the heavy double doors.....stepping into our world....our place where we both feel free.

It's been a while since we have walked into this place...but we needed to take it back....so tonight we are....there's an exhibition on tonight....a demonstration...it's couples only tonight...members only.

The room is filed with familiar faces, you catch eyes with Dom's and subs alike, a nod or a smile in acknowledgement. The atmosphere feels far from the frenzied auction night....a horrid affair....and after much discussion from the members and owners, will not be taking place is such a manner again....this is our club....all the people here own a little piece of it through our patronage.

You walk with confidence, your head held higher as we cut through the crowd....smiles and playful eyes glance one another. The lights from the dance floor catch flickers of desire as they strafe and strobe, illuminating the faces of people going by. We reach our booth....a reserved sign sits neatly on our table...a bronze plague saying....'Hendricks'

It makes me smile to see our booth, a little slice our club....our drinks sit waiting for us as the waiter....no Stevens, the doorman stands....his teeth glimmer in the light as he smiles and offers his hand.

"No breaking of bones tonight"

"No, tonight feels....."

He cuts me off, as there is a collective sense of relief in the club.

"Like ours again Hendricks.....enjoy your evening"

He steps back into the shadows and you feel your leash pull....

"Come on my girl....tonight shall be fun"

The healthy atmosphere is infectious, bringing the mood up across the club....once more a happy place....a safe place. We sit together and share smiles as we pick up our drinks....sharing a clink of glasses....we people watch as we do and then the music quietens....the flashing lights stop and the club starts to have a certain hum about it.

A spotlight shines down to light up the lady on the stage....she's dressed in her usual lion tamers outfit....but instead of her usual cane she holds a bull whip....the curtains draw back to reveal all manner of furniture....stocks, a chair....a few crosses and what looks like a vintage style vaulting box.

"Ladies and gentlemen..."

The whip cracks hard against the wooden stage.

Some of the crowd yelp in surprise....snapped out of their conversations....the room falls silent as she commands the room, having everyone's full attention....

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