12 Perfect

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The sound of the keys awakes you. As you stir you remember where you are. The bars press against your back. You want to stretch but the space won't allow it. The smell of sex hangs in the air around you. The mat beneath you still feels damp... Yet you smile, more to yourself than anyone who might be watching. You feel safe despite the place you find yourself in.

It's the first time you have slept here....you were carried here in the night. The play was sensual last night. No pain....not rough.....tame....the aftercare, long and beautiful.....special. You feel special, cared for....protected. It put your mind in a place where the world outside does not matter. All that does matter is you.....me.....and this space.

"Come on my girl...time to get up....time for your training"

You look through the bars as the door swings open. You see me, holding a bowl and placing it on the floor.

"Drink....today we shall see how good you can be"

You look deep into me as I smile at you. All you feel is warmth. My hands stretched out to help you. You rise to your hands and knees and crawl out of your cage. You look at the bowl of water.

"Drink my little one"

You crawl over to the bowl and bend down to lap at the water, you feel my hand travelling softly down your back, fingertips pressing against skin. You arch your beautiful back. You know it pleases me. To see that curve....to see you ass cheeks rise up. You love being a good girl for me.

All of this should be wrong...surely. To be locked in cage, to be treated in this way. But it isn't, is it?....in fact you wanted this....love this....need this.

You would normally feel ashamed of what you desire, the dark desires that lurk within you. The thrill of being told...instructed, punished... degraded...fucked like a toy. Treated like a play thing....owned. it excites you.

It makes you wet just thinking about it. You feel safe being this way now. Here...with me. You trust me.

Outside of this place, this space, you are confident, you work hard....take no shit. Independent, ambitious. Constantly making decisions, you like the pressure of your work. But here, with me. All that melts away.

"Come here"

You look up from your bowl, see sat across the room. Watching you. Studying you. Intoxicated by you. You smile and go to stand.


You stay still for a moment as you push the woman you are outside of this place away....lock her on a box deep within you.

"Yes sir"

You take a breathe and start to move towards me. One hand on front of the other, staying on your hands and knees. You make a point of swaying your hips as you crawl towards me. You see how much it pleases me.....you move to the rythm of the crop in my hand...bouncing gently off the arm of the chesterfield.

'If I'm good I won't feel that crop....do I want to be good?.....or do I want to push it? I want to hear those words though....to be told I'm a good girl, I know I'm going to have to earn it'

You see that look across my face....you know that sadistic streak wants to play.

As you draw close you glance to the side, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror....on all fours next to the cage. Wearing nothing but a collar....the sight of yourself instantly sends a shiver through you.

You slink your way closer, eventually stopping as you feel the tip of the crop under your chin. The pressure applied tilted your head up, letting our eyes meet. You see a darkness that matches your own.

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