Tears (V&H)

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We drive in silence....you pushed too far but you're too worked up and completely committed....a complete brat...spending the night flirting....making sure I was watching....waiting for a reaction....in return you got nothing.... So you pushed more....dancing...letting men touch your ass as you danced and laughed....fawning over men and women alike at the bar....and all you got back was silence....a complete poker face.

The frustration is etched across your face as you sit, arms folded....lines furrowed across your brow as you pout.

Another bright idea flicks through your mind....you raise one leg....then hesitate....stop and kick your heels off you glance over to me....and see I'm paying you no attention before you slowly out one foot on the dash....still nothing....then raise the other.....again with a sly grin on your face....only to be shot down by the complete lack of response.....you let out a huff...and sink back into the seat.....in a mood and sulking....you stay like that....staring ahead as we pull into our street and the house comes into view.

As we pull into the driveway and listen to the crunch of the stones under the wheels a sense of dread fills you....

'have I gone too far?'

The rumble of the engine grows still and the heaviness in the air pins you to the seat.

A feeling of regret wells inside you....the defiance abated....and a wish to rewind the night fills your mind as you see flashes of the night pass in front of you. You watch me step out of the car....still silent....you track me walk around the front of the car....never glancing....no hint of a smile....not hint of anger....no hint of anything...you sink further into the seat.....putting your heels back on....

The car door opens....no hint of aggression.....and a hand offered to you....you snap out of your thoughts...you look up at me....expecting.... something. You gingerly take my hand and step out of your car....

My demeanour unsettles you....as now you don't know how to act....how to be....we walk in silence to the door and you hold back while the door is opened....the lights turned, on and the door closes behind you....still nothing....

'hmm, well this is....'

You yelp in surprise....as you hoisted into the air....a forearm between your legs...you nearly fall to the side before being caught by your hair....your head nearly hitting the light fitting....the pain on the back of your head is excruciating as you yanked back....

"You act like a whore....now I'll treat you like one...."

The doorway blurs into view as your ducked under and in one fluid motion flung onto the bed...bouncing as you hit the mattress....all the covers have been removed....you bring yourself up on your hands, straightening your arms as you look around the room.....and strips of leather binding lay on either side of the bed....toys on the bedside table....

'he knew....he planned this....mother fucker'

You smile inside....yet show fear as you start to plead...

"I'm sorry daddy....I know I went to far....I didn't mean....."

Again your hair is gripped from behind and your head ripped back....you instantly bring your hands up, fighting for me to let go...the pain increasing as your hair is the only thing keeping you off the bed...your slammed down onto the mattress....legs flailing....as you feel a knee in the small of your back as your over powered....pinned and held in place....you feel the binds wrapping around your wrists


Anger builds....hatred of being caught out....out smarted....again....

"You will be quiet and behave"

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