16 Trouble

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We walk together through the doors, your hand in mine. Tonight there's a celebration. Only members allowed. A safe place for people like you and me. A place where we can meet others like us.

As soon as the next set of doors closes behind us, we are in our world.

You walk a pace behind me. The toy inside you making your back straight. We say hello and nod to the people we know, faces we recognise as the sights and sounds of the club take us in. We follow the waiter to our table. A small round red leather booth. The table fixed to the floor. You watch me sit.

"Come here my girl"

You see me not gesture at the seat, but at the floor by my feet. You smile and now before dropping to on knee, then the other. You curl your arms around my leg. You hold me tight as you listen to the links of the chain being pulled from my pocket. A hand on your chin lifts your head. Revealing to loop on your collar so I can attach your leash. You keep your eyes focused on mine, that look of admiration upon your face. I smile back at you, lowering to kiss you. A tender kiss before I move and place my cheek next to yours and whisper.

"Tonight there's sharks in the water"

"Yes sir"

You feel me gesture with a nod as you turn around to see two men with a girl, she's cuffed at the ankles, a long chain in between, she's being pulled by your leash, tottering on large heels to keep up. She looks different to you. Uncomfortable and unsure of her surroundings.

Your grip grows tighter around me. The shift in your body makes the toy in your ass move, making you gasp as it takes you by surprise. You wince as the toys pressure shifts inside.

You listen to the sound of glass, ice and metal as I take the bottle of champagne from the bucket and pour it's nectar into a glass. The glass offered to your mouth.

"Drink my pet"

You take a drink, the bubbles tickle your tongue, the warmth of the alcohol drifts through you.

"Oh look, your admirers are back"

You glance back across the dancefloor, you see the same couple, both of them raising their glasses. Their eyes predatory. Glinting in the lights of the club.

I feel you grip my thigh tighter. I pull you closer by your leash.

"It's okay little one, I won't let them have you"

My hand stroking your hair, my touch caring and gentle. You feel safe in my embrace. Protected.

"But we shall tease them. Won't we?"

You look up at me and smile. A naughty glint in your own eyes. Your hand, now going to up my thigh as I spread my legs, I lean back against the seat. You move so you kneel in-between them.

"Now be a good girl and show them"

You arch your back slowly as you feel me growing under my clothes. As your ass lifts up your little pleated skirt slides back, revealing the tops of your black hold ups....your bare ass on show. The shine of the tip of the plug in your ass catches the strobing lights of the club.

That feeling of being exposed....watched by strangers....make your pussy pulse. You feel your honey starting to flow as you free my cock from its restraints. Taking great pleasure from the feel of my throbbing in your hand.

You let you tongue touch the base of me. Feeling the blood pumping within as t
You slide your tongue up the shaft of me. A smile reaches your lips as you hear me moan with pleasure. Your lips clasp around me and you move slowly down. My cock sliding off you tongue, then pressing against the roof of your mouth....before you open your throat and swallow me whole.

You feel my fingers brushing through your hair as you take your time moving back up to the head of my cock.

"That's a good girl"

You feel my hand on your side. Guiding you to the right. You move your knees and follow my guidance, hands now on each of your shoulders, pressure applied , as I push you back, you squeel on my cock as the feeling of cold metal touches your ass. A jolt that takes my go cock deeper. Making you gag.

You moan and hum, your tongue sending vibrations through my shaft as the toy in your ass pushes a little deeper against the metal table pole. The pressure added and taken away on your shoulders makes you grind against the pole as you suck on my cock.

The music, the people laughing, talking and dancing around you fade away to nothing as you focus on the feeling of the unbending toy in your ass and the throbbing pulsing of my cock in your mouth. You feel my hips move as you worship me with your mouth. We move slowly together, my hips moving and grinding my cock deeper into your throat.

Then the spell of being lost in the moment is broken, a little pressure on the back of your heel. A shoe touching yours. Someone stood close behind you. You look up but can't see passed the table. You only see me looking down on you.

"Don't worry my pet. She just wants to make friends"

You can't properly hear the conversation I'm having pasted the thud of the base. The music makes the floor reverberate. You feel my hand on the back of your head, telling you not to stop as you suck down on me. But then you jolt to the feeling of a soft hand on your ass cheek. A stranger's hand. The woman from across the dancefloor. It must be her.

You feel her fingers swirling around your cheek. The softness of the balls of her fingers pushing down....followed by the raking of nails.

The excitement floods your pussy. As the hand grabs your cheek, stretching it open. Pulling you back against the bar.

The feeling of being toyed with by an unseeing hand excites you. Making you suck harder. You feel safe knowing your mine, you trust me, trust I won't let anything bad happen to you. Your protected by me.

The hand moves over your ass. Nails resting just around the edges of the toy in your ass. It tickles and sets your body into a higher gear. You feel yourself building. The fingers slide down. Threatening to pull at the sides of the plug. You take me cock from your mouth.


You need to come. Want to. But all you get in return is the tap of two fingers across the side of your cheek.

"Get back down"

The tone stern. You were caught up in your own pleasure. Forgetting I must be close. You hurriedly take me back in your mouth. Desperately sucking.

A feeling of guilt, a needy want for forgiveness.

You feel your hair being pulled hard, and your head pushed down. You gag and can't breathe. Your held there for a long moment before being allowed back up for air.

"Your in trouble little one"

You whimper and suck harder in forgiveness. The sensual moment of before now changed as the grip on you now hurts. The thrusts jarring and hard. You take the punishment being dealt and let your mouth be used. Now your a toy to be played with. Your eyes water as the thrusts come hard. Then there's the sound of a grunt and a swell in my cock as you feel me grow larger in your mouth.

You suck hard as I come. Filling your mouth. The pressure on the back of your head keeps you held down. You greedily swallow my seed. Hoping to not spill a drop. You feel you head being ripped back as you now breathe heavily. Trendrels of spit hang from your mouth.
Your head held back by hand pulling at your leash.

You see a dark presence in my eyes.

"I'm taking you back to your cage"

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