28 The three knots

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It's hard for you to walk.....hands bound behind your back.....forearms placed one on top of the other.....thick rope binds them.....coils wrap you tightly....your heels are high and the metal plug inside you sends waves of euphoria through you as you take one step in front of the other....a wave of dizziness....of light headedness.

As the toy moves with each foot step placed, you feel weak at the knees.....muddled moans escape you....a cloth gag in your mouth .....the knot behind your head digs in.....

You've been a naughty girl.....teasing.....bratting... insolent....You've pushed.....broken rules.....and now..... you are to be punished.....hard...


The loop of your collar has my finger hooked through it.....the collar pulled up tight.....the only help provided in helping you stay upright....you feel like you're walking a type rope, a shear drop on either side....the goal, to reach the chair that sits in the middle of the room.

A chair with a length of rope across the middle of it....three knots sit at equal distances...

'a few more steps'

The toy endlessly moves side to side inside you....it rotates...the pressure of the toy rolls along the walls....you strain against the pressure.....

A slap on your ass jolts you into moving quicker......another step and the chair is in reach....

"Come along....."

To ease the strain of the collar against your neck, you follow where my finger leads....you staddle the chair....the back of the chair at the right height to place your chin on....a few links of chain lock you into place....giving you little room to move....the toy in your ass shifts position....pressing hard inside you.....you wince, the feeling so intense.

You feel my hands grip your ankle.....the movement has your legs spread....your pussy sits perfectly along the length of rope....your pussy lips hug at it's sides
....one knot on the end pushes up against the toy in your ass....the shift of the toy makes you moan....

Your other ankle is gripped... Both now tied to the chair legs.....the position you find yourself in has your back arched.....hands bound behind you....gagged..... beautiful.....you try and follow me as I walk around you.....marvelling at you....my work of art....so perfect.

You pant hard against the wet cloth in your mouth....your teeth bite down.....eyes darting from side to side....you can't see me but can feel my presence....you feel vulnerable....on display......stalked, theres the sound of floor boards creaking under foot....you know I'm close....

"Now you can't go anywhere little doll.....hmm, I'm missing something....."

You listen to me leave the room....the only sound is you rasping against the cloth in your mouth....the rope against your pussy.....the feeling of the weave.....


Footsteps return as I approach from behind.....each step closer makes your tingle....

There's a feeling of your hair being stroked back into a ponytail....the sound of rope being tied.....you feel my hand lifting your bound arms back, there's a slight hint of pain as your shoulders roll back....the feeling of rope being looped around your forearms.....there's a sharp tug and your head whips back....the links of the chain between the collar and chair go taught....you are locked into position. You gasp in shock.....in excitement.....the thrill of something new.

You see the smile on my face as I reach for a camera....your eyes follow me as I step to the side, the back of the chair digs into your shoulders.....breasts pressed up against the wood....your head pulled back....you are completely trapped....

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