Window Dressing

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The night has been wonderful....the whole day has been beautiful....a trip together....a much needed break from our worlds....a beautiful meal....followed by laughter at the bar.....a few glasses of gins later and we make our way to the second floor.... throughout the night we have both seen shaded glances at each monster and your demon....waving at each other in the corners of our eyes....wanting to play.

You have been more and more brazen...flirting and teasing....the way you move....the poses you strike over  dinner....the flash of your legs that you know drives me wild...showing off the tops of your hold up black tights...all the time you have been thinking you have been in control....on top of the even get a little cocky with it....flirting with the barman in front of me....him trying to hide that he's enjoying the attention you show him....the way you put your arms together on the stool....pressing your breasts him a lovely look at your flesh. Those looks over your glasses....that gentle run of your teeth along your lip.

The gin helped....the buzz of the alcohol blinding you to the way I've clocked everything....every little play you have put on in your little performance....

We meander down the corridor....hand in hand....until we reach the door to our room....the swirl of alcohol dancing through your feel lackadaisical....giggling to yourself as you lean against the door pinch my ass as the door opens and then slip past me into the room before me....

You drop your bag on the corner of the bed as you hear the door close and smile as my arm wraps around your waist....pulling you into an embrace. The smile broadens as you feel my lips on the side of your neck....the smile then freezes and cracks....

"Now my girl....haven't you been putting on quite the show that what you want?... to be on show like a cheap little whore"

The grip around your waist tightens....holding you feel my legs against the backs of yours....pushing them forward and your quickly marched towards the blinds as they are automatically opened.

The window is floor to ceiling....and reveals the's 10.30 at night but in a city,  its never quiet, London bustles with people....

The hold on you is hard....sobering you and takes your breath away...yet the voice....calm and low....

"Well, my girl....lets show you to the world"

As the atmosphere in the room changes your heart races as you are pushed towards the window....the zip on the of your dress slowly being pulled down.

The world outside comes into view...the street below shows people criss crossing the pavements and the road....some dressed for the night....groups of men...groups of women...couples enjoying the night....there's others stood alone at the bus stop...finishing their day and longing to be home....a restaurant sits opposite....each window sits couples sharing a meal. The streetlights bathing everyone in a dull white light.

You don't have that silly little giggle now...the bravado falling from you like the dress you once crumpled on the floor.

All you wear now is your heels and thigh high tights....and your day collar...a little wearing feel hotter....a bead of sweat forming above your temple. The air feels heavier....dense.....thick with intention...your heart pounding....

"That's it...let the world see how beautiful you a cheap whore in Amsterdam....should I sell you to a passerby?...."

Your mouth opens to answer....but your words are stolen as the back of your head wrenches push air through your teeth...before dropping your mouth open. It's probably just as your little demon would have only made things worse.

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