7 Prey, Trinity (H&V)

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This part of the story follows on from a part written by agirlcalledviolet

The club has a palpable atmosphere tonight....something feels different, the energy....it feels dark....feels predatory. You know I feel it too, you stop as I turn to you, stopping in the corridor, just in front of the main doors, the thud of bass makes the thick metal doors hum.

I move close to you, placing a hand on your cheek.

"It's okay little doll"

You feel the click of your leash, a physical tether that shows everyone you are mine. I feel the tension within you, the static electricity that surrounds you. I place my palm on your chest and feel your racing heart.


You stare into my eyes... the eyes of your Dom....your protector.....you close your eyes and start breathing slowly....in.....and out.....I feel your rhythm slowing.....calming down.

"Good ..thats it...."

The club has a special night. A charity ball. The place is packed....the assault of music, lights and the people....so many people....the sound of 200 people all talking at the same time....it discombobulates you, leaving you uneasy in your heels. You're dressed in red, a dress I chose, you look amazing.....stunning.

But you feel uncomfortable, red isn't your colour, but tonight that colour means something....

You see other girls in red too, a statement maybe?....do not touch. Yet you feel it gives you little protection. Makes you feel like you're on display....a target painted on you...

You feel like prey.

We cut through the crowd, weaving through the pit of snakes. We slip through the pack of wolves. You feel hungry eyes on you. You quicken a step to put your hand in mine. Fingers locked. You instantly feel safer....but your eyes dart, like a frightened rabbit. You try and not make eye contact. Male and females doms alike undressing you....fucking you with their stares.

You peer around me, you see our booth coming into view....the safety it now represents, an island in a sea of sharks. I let your hand go and go to sit down....you wince.....the strikes from a few days earlier still smart....you feel someones fingers trail across your back. It sends a cold shiver down your spine. You rush over to me and go to the floor, wrapping yourself around my leg.

"It's okay little one, your safe with me"

"What's with this place tonight sir?"

You look around and see strange faces....men you haven't seen before.

"There's an auction tonight.....for charity of course"

Your eyes go wide.


"Don't worry little doll, your not for sale. It's why you're in red, you are all mine, my queen"

I stroke your hair and I can feel your tense. Your nails dig into my thigh as you try to get your body as close to me as possible.

A drunken man approaches....a slob of a man. You see and feel his learing eyes on you. He makes your skin crawl.

"Why is this little lamb not for sale? I'd love to feed off her"

You shoot your eyes at me. Pleading. I don't look down. But feel your gaze on me. He goes to touch the back of your head with his greasy stubby fingers.

You feel the muscles in my leg form to rock.

"Respectfully....fuck off......now"

I don't shout. My voice.... calm....but deep. One alpha to a supposedly other.

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