17 Acceptance

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"come along little one"

There's a tug of your collar as you follow behind me, the floor beneath your knees has no give, cold and hard....you cannot speak as the gag in your mouth prevents you. Yet you still try a muffled

"Yes sir"

The ball drips as saliva starts to fall from your mouth.....

You huff I walk and you crawl across the floor. You freeze as I whip round. A hand tightly gripping you under the chin, forcing you to look at me.

"What was that?......

You look at me, doe eyed, to show your innocence. Arms purposely kept close together, pressing your cleavage together. I lashes fluttering. You look beautiful, and you know it.

I give you a sideways glance, I know what you're up to....and I play along.....for now.

I turn back and start walking, you know you have two choices infront of you. Be good and play will be softer...or you could push and the play will be harder....as you ponder the decision you pause, stopping you in your tracks...making the leash go taught. Your brought back to the now with me stood in front of you. A stern look upon me....it seems your body has made the decision for you.

The pain of you being picked up off the floor by your hair focuses your mind to the now and not on what might have been.....'fuck'

"You naughty fucking girl, you just behave will you"

The words hissed through teeth as your dragged over to the sofa, your roughly man handled over my lap....

Your muffled squeals and yelps make saliva drip and hang from your mouth....the ball in your mouth, covered...coated. It hangs and laces your chin and chest.

The moment you're dragged over my lap you start to feel wet....turned on by your treatment....you used to feel ashamed of wanting to be treated in this way. Out of this space your a strong confident woman, intelligent and a force of nature. Your will... strong...You would push these desires down, hide them. But here with me, they are encouraged, nurtured....free to run reign....no shame, no embarrassment....safe to think these thoughts....to be used like a toy....to be degraded...

Your heart pounds as your leash it let go, a hand pressing the back of your head down against the soft leather seat...your pussy floods as you feel your underwear being pulled down to your knees....my hand stroking your cheeks....you stretch your hands out in front of you. Pressing your palms against the arm of the sofa....bracing for what's to come....you float out of yourself. Your mind seeing your body draped over me....gagged....held down....collared and waiting to be punished.....it's glorious...

The first strike brings peircing pain....the sound of flesh on flesh....the heat irradiates....the blood rushing to the surface.....you moan as your pussy pulses....the next strike is on your other cheek....hard stinging.....your body jolts....your head snapping upwards only to be pushed back down into seat. The strikes come quick and sharp.... intermittent gentle strokes show you there's care.....the touch soft.....only to be replaced with cathartic strikes....part of you wants to fight back while the other accepts....with each strike comes submission.....as your body relaxes....you can feel me growing harder beneath you....as you moan.....the strikes rain down....your legs kicking the pain away....pleasure mixes throughout you....

You stiffle a giggle through the gag in your mouth....the thought of looking at the marks I've left upon you....when your alone in the mirror....my hand prints.....the marks of our love....the thought of tracing your fingertips over the raised skin....the colours you'll see....your in that space now.....floating....as in-between the strikes you start to float....each strike brings you back down....snapping you back into the present.....

You hurt.....tears streaming down your cheeks, mascara running down and mixing with your drool.....a beautiful mess.....your lungs burning as you pant heavily....teeth marks puncher the ball between your teeth.....the spanking has stopped....your ass burns.....

"Hands behind your back....show me what's mine"

You feel the heat of the marks as you take your hands behind your back, you feel the sweat that's formed over your body, your fingers find the swelling forming hand prints on your ass....some feel tender....stinging. As you spread your fingers you slip.....'fuck.....I'm so wet'

"That's better my pet"

You moan as you feel the air in the room drift over your pussy and ass....your pants dig into the sides of your legs as you try to spread your legs further apart, you shift your body, my hardness presses against you. Your tongue hums against the ball in your mouth as you feel two fingers sliding up your clit....

You grip your cheeks harder as two fingers slide effortlessly inside you....I push deep stroking the walls.....your body tenses before relaxing as my fingers slide from your body....your honey coats and drips from my fingers...you turn and look at me, watching me sucking them clean. I can see a smile in your eyes....

The pressure on your head grows, pushing you back down....you can feel me throbbing against your stomach....

"Let's see what a good little slut you are"

You close your eyes and tense the muscles in your arms as my fingers return, slipping through the folds of your clit and entering your pussy with one fluid motion....I press deeper....my thumb resting against your rose..... threatening to push your ass open as I side my fingers deep....your hips rise.....making the angle better.....my thumb pushing your hole open.....

"Such a good girl...."

You bite down on the ball in your mouth a your right ass hugs my thumb before relaxing.....the thrusts pushing you open....you feel the pressure lessen on the back of your head as I push deeper into your holes.....you keep your hands firmly gripping your cheeks as the clasp at the back of your head is pulled and eventually released....your jaw aching from being held open for long.....

"Thank you sir"

A sharp grip of your hair and your head pulled to the side has you looking at me....

"You thank me......I want your mouth...."

You hang your mouth open as I fuck harder.....my fingers pumping inside you.

The searing pain mixes with the depth of my fingers inside you as I lift you up to a kneeling position, your hands still clutching at your cheeks, keeping them spread.....fingers press deep against the walls of your pussy....I can feel my thumb through the walls.....your body pressing down on my hand.....you start to ride my hand....no longer in full control of your actions.....the body doing what the body needs ......you look up as my hand leaves your hair and wraps around your throat....you lean against me....choking yourself .....another kink....another step towards the edge taken.....


Your hips thrust back, my fingers stretching your pussy.....we feed each others desire.....mine, for control and yours, to be controlled..... absolutely perfect. An acceptance of who we are.


"Look at me...."

Your eyes lock with mine

"Come for me......"

Thank you for reading my stories....I hope you all have a great new year ahead

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