4 Submission

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You stand there, listening to your breathing, slow breaths, in and then out. Your wrists ache above your head. You feel the thin slither of wood running down your back. The cane is cold to the touch as it stops and rests at the top of your ass... It lightly taps, bouncing off your firm skin.

"Arch your back"

The words are spoken calmly and low. You change position slightly, the taps move to your lower back

"A little more my girl"

You move again, stretching your muscles as you arch. Your ass raised, your muscles strain. You feel the leash being pulled. Choking you slightly.


The stern tone makes you freeze, and your body tingles, sending static electricity throughout you. You feel that pulse...your honey threatening to break free. The cane taps gently once more. Your heart rate increases with each tap. The anticipation builds...

"Now count"

The first strike sends searing pain across the tops of your ass, like a red hot poker has been pressed against you.


The word left your mouth like it was running away, fleeing from your body... you feel the heat of the strike radiate, you feel the skin going tight as the mark inflames.

The next strike, across both cheeks sends a lightning bolt through you, the muscles in your pussy spasm, honey now running freely. You feel it break the surface of your clit, gravity making it pool at one spot, before it forms into a drop that starts to fall from you

"Two" the word falls from you in a whimper

The next strike, lower than the last hits across both cheeks, honey now formed into a strand connects with your inner thigh. You can feel it swaying as you breathe heavy. You sense my presence growing closer, the gentle touch of my palm strokes your ass, you feel my finger tips run over the ridges formed by the strikes...you feel my hand move along your ass, curling round to your inner thigh. The honey caught. You feel my body pressed against yours as my hand wraps around you as it presents an open palm in front of your watering eyes, you see the honey glistening. You watch the hand grow closer.

"How do you taste?"

You open your mouth and lick your honey from my hand. You taste almost sweet. You purr as you swallow. It's like a drug...the moment making you light headed...then you quickly remember and say the word slowly and calmly,


"Good girl"

The words spoken with genuine admiration as my hand travels up your arms and disconnects your cuffs from the door frame. You lower your arms, the blood starting to recirculate again, giving them a warm fussy feeling.

It's like we are in a slow close dance as I pull you back from the door way, turning you around in one fluid motion, our eyes meet and we kiss, a slow tentative kiss, it feels like our first kiss. The taste of your honey now on both our lips.

You feel the wall at your back as we look into each other's eyes. The chill of the smooth wall soothes your strike marks.

"On your knees"

I hold the small chain between your cuffs as you slide down the wall. Keeping your hands in place. I press your cuffs against the wall, and with the other hand lift your chin so you can look up at me.

"open your mouth little one"

You do as you're told, my thumb rests on your teeth as I guide your mouth open... with doe eyes looking up at me and show me your tongue.

"That's a good girl"

I let your chin go and unzip myself in front of you, my cock now freed from its constraints, you feel the tip of my cock throb on your tongue. It moves slowly, the tip circling on your tongue, the taste of me makes your pussy pulse, honey forming in droplets along your clit. You feel my grip on the cuffs tighten before my cock moves deeper into your mouth.

You hum out of pleasure as the hard shaft runs along your tongue, you feel the ridges of the veins, the head pressing against the roof of your mouth before sliding down the back of your throat. The strokes are slow, careful....

A tap on the side of your face makes you look up. Making your eyes water a little. You look at me as I slowly press my cock further into your mouth...then down your throat. You gag but I don't pull back. I push a little further, your nose pressed against my naval... then your held there for a long moment. You gag again and this time I do pull back. You cough and splutter before taking a quick deep breath as my cock pushes back into your mouth, more force used than before, less care given. My fingers clamp over your nose as my cock slides deep, your lips touching the root of my cock.

"That's a good girl, my girl"

I left go of your nose and pull back, letting you breath through your nose, but now the pace quickens, the force of thrusts strengthens. The sensual  sex turns to fucking. The strokes... long....the force used....raw.... You clench your hands into fists. Knuckles going white.

You scream down onto my cock. Drool now hanging down, the taste of pre cum in your mouth, tears start to form and the fucking gets harder as start to use your mouth.

In between the thrusts you struggle, a tap to the face, a little harder than before makes you look up

"Fucking look at me"

Tears stream down, as does your honey. Your pussy swells. You feel it coating your inner thighs as your mouth is roughly used....fucked hard...your body becoming a plaything for your Dom to use....to play with as I see fit....You relax your clenched fists and take the mouth fucking. You keep your eyes open even though you're unable to see through the tears. You feel my cock swell in your mouth, making you suck harder. Knowing what's about to happen. Wanting me to cum. Wanting to taste and drink my seed. You know you belong to me now, that calm hits you. That place you go to. That space only a submissive can find...you find that peace..as my cum hits the back of your throat. You moan onto me. Drinking my soul.

You swallow....feeling the hot sex drift down your throat....you watch the muscles in my stomach tense....spasm...you stiffness in your mouth doesn't abate. You feel the cuffs being pulled, you let me slip from your mouth, drool and cum slipping over your lips and chin....you go from a crouch to standing in front of me....you can see the lust in my eyes....the thirst for more....the thirst to have more of you.

There's a real darkness you see in me...one that turns you on more....a primal lust that has you reaching out with your mouth to kiss me....to bite me...your hunt is quelled as your leg is pulled up, a hand under your thigh...drawing your legs up and over my hip....you feel how hard I still am as you move your hips to help ease me inside, your arms still held above your head by your cuffs....the thrusts....hard....punishing as your pounded...your ass bouncing off the wall your pinned to....our lips finding each other...the kiss....rough as tongues dance and slither....hungry.... desperate....you angle your back....letting the hardness of me penetrate deeper....our kiss breaks as you bury your face into my shoulder....your teeth biting down as the strokes inside you hit deep....you roar into me.....as you bite harder....the thrusts grow.....you pull back....eyes pleading....


The look you receive....dark....devilish....wanting more...

"Fucking please!"

Our eyes stay locked.....


You feel a jet of hot wetness inside you....your muscles contract around me...a chain reaction as we come hard together....roaring at each other....bodies shaking....legs trembling....

Your arms are let go, falling around my shoulders....your arm covering up the bite mark you left....both of us now marked....marked by each overs demons.... beautiful.

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