42 Home sweet home

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You stand in the doorway of the living room, smiling at me as I sit on the sofa drinking a coffee and reading the paper.....all so vanilla.

Like all things you have noticed over the months of us playing, no room in this house is now ordinary.

When you entered into this world you had an image of me having some special room....some secret space designed for the sole purpose of pleasure and pain. Clad in black and red leather, velvets and satin....you were slightly disappointed in honesty to the lack of this spectacle....but now you see this whole house as a play room....normal everyday items now seen in a different light....the very doorway you lean against holds memories of pleasure.

You look up and glance with a little smile at the innocent looking D plate fixed to the frame in the centre above the door.....the innocent hook your mother thought was endearing as mistletoe is going there at Christmas. But for you it holds other memories. The feeling of the bar holding your feet apart.....the feeling of your shackled wrists being hoisted into the air, the sound the cord makes as it's pulled....a warmth grows inside you at the mere thought.

You look over to see my elbow resting on the arm of the sofa....a place where only the night before had been a scene of utter destruction...there's now no signs of the debauchery that took place....the crying...the sounds of the belt hitting flesh....you subconsciously rub your hand down the back of your skirt as if your straightening it....the marks underneath still radiating heat....the flash back makes your still sensitive clit quiver....you feel like telling it to shush....

Just watching as he innocently and absentmindedly runs his hand down the soft arm of the sofa, it makes you bite the corner of your bottom lip....you catch yourself....and try and shake the memories back down....your little demon playing tricks on you....making you relive the feeling of your forearms being tied together....your hair being pulled....making your back arch....making your ass tilt up and the cheeks spreading....

'fuck off....not now'

You suck the thoughts back down and take a step into the room....as the material of your cotton underwear creases....

'why am I wet?....not now....'

You still feel sore from the night before....yet your little demon doesn't want to rest.

"Everything okay?"

You find yourself just awkwardly standing in the middle of the living room....caught in your own thoughts....you look at me to see an eyebrow raised....a small smile in the corners of my lips....

'is he undressing me with his eyes...? Or can he tell what I'm thinking?'

We aren't in play right now....this isn't a 24/7 dynamic....yet the feeling of being in play won't leave you....you fluster, bend over and place one hand down on the coffee table and go to pick up a magazine....no idea why....but you feel the need to be doing something.

You look up to see me watching you....my eyes peering over the top of the newspaper.

Your eyes open wider as you feel honey run....a small drop hitting your knickers....you can't help but think you heard it....

'fucking ridiculous'

You look at me again....

'fuck...can he tell....?!?'

You look down at the table, see your shadowed reflection in the polish of the wood....then you notice a cheek print as the sun catches the top of the table....another flash....from a play a few days ago....you straighten up....a little too quickly and turn to head into the kitchen....the thoughts of your head held down against the table top....the feeling of pressure on the back of your neck....pinning you there....the screaming as your underwear was torn off.....ripped to tatters....your knees sore from kneeling on the hard wooden floor....you had been a brat....talking back....it was harsh....you remember the growl of my voice....the degradation....the sound of the belt being unbuckled....'

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