8 Trinity, My Queens. (H&V)

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You both look at me with a look of relief as you both reach the table. The club still pulses with desire....greed......lust......it all feels wrong, the club where once you both felt at home, safe.....now feels dirty, tainted....invaded by these.......people. You notice my glance to the side towards a man cutting his way through the crowd, as he walks past Katrina he pinches at her ass....you watch me stride over to Katrina's side....gripping the man by the wrist.....twisting so hard that the weasel of a man drops to his knees.....

"She's with me"

The words, so definite....so final.....Katrina moves close to you, her arm wrapping around yours.

"I'm sorry.....jesus.....she's just a"

The man grunts in pain as his arm starts to bend at an impossible angle....his shoulder starting to pop

"Choose your next words carefully...."

"I...I.. I am sorry"

"Don't apologise to me.....to her"

"Fuck.....fuck I'm sorry.... Jesus"

The man drops to the floor, clutching at his elbow as I let go of him, I feel your soft touch on the back of my arm. Quelling my monsters, soothing the flash of hate, of anger.....

I turn to you, and then to the scared rabbit of Katrina, feeling all too exposed in just her underwear....her overly thick mascara starting to bleed. You instantly calm me, and bring me back to focus.

You say nothing and hand me the two leashes, you watch the warmth return to my eyes as I look down at the leashes in my hand and then to you.....our eyes lock, before you watch me turn to Katrina.

"You both walk side by side, hand in hand, the crowd will part.....eyes forward and heads held high. Walk as if you own the place, show not an ounce of fear...."

You watch me take off my jacket and place it around Katrina's shoulders. You see the way she looks at me.....her saviour, he just spent a fortune.....would be do that for me? The doubt, the pang of jealousy....you shake the thoughts back down.

"Do you both understand?"

"Yes sir......ye..yes sir"

I reach out to stroke my hands down a cheek each...

"Good....that's my girls"

You keep your eyes on me as you take Katrina's hand, the crowd does indeed part as we walk through the crowd towards the door....you can feel the energy pouring off me....an energy that speaks.....'do not fuck with me'

As we reach the door a burly chap in a suit is stood with the weasel, still clutching at his elbow....pointing,

"that's the guy.....that's the mother..."

He goes cold and turns to stone...the colour draining from him as the doorman moves to shake my hand with a smile and opens the door. Katrina just gives you a look.

"Good night Mr Hendricks"

"Good night Stevens"

You feel the joint collective sigh coming from behind me as the three of us are bathed in the light of the foyer. You both just follow as we reach the door to outside and see the car pull up. You wait briefly with a shell shocked Katrina as I open the back door and offer you my hand, first to Katrina, and then to you....stopping you to kiss you....

"We'll look after her violet"

You just give me a smile before dropping into the car.

As soon as the car door closes.....the cabin cocoons you both in silence.....cutting you both off from the outside world...from a night of demons and monsters.

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