36 To be owned

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I point to the arm of the chair.

You stand there...in nothing but heels and your collar....unsure of what to do....catching the mood....darker and feeling stricter than normal.


The deepness of my voice makes you jump. The tone....as sharp as a knife. It lifts the hairs on the back of your neck....and makes your clit tingle....

Your eyes meet mine and I don't have to say it again as you totter over the the arm of the sofa and turn to face me as you go to sit....

"No.....stop right there"

You freeze to the spot in mid motion as I curl a finger through the loop on your collar and pull you towards me....kissing you.....it's gentle but brief before I step to the side and let go of your collar, my hand gently drifting down your curve.....stopping at your hip...gripping it firmly...making you yelp....before your span around to face the sofa....stopped from falling by my over hand gripping the back of your collar....

"On the sofa now.....there's a good girl"

The tone again......threatening....menacing....causing goosebumps to ripple over your body...

You're led by my hand, your knee drops on the cushion of the sofa....straddling over the arm, your other foot stays on the floor, your knee bent....on your tiptoes....my over hand pressing on the small of your back...making your body curl along the back of the sofa....your breasts pressed against the cushion.....your clit rubbing on the arm....your ass tilted up....the spread of your legs parting your ass cheeks....your heart starting to pound....felt on your ears.....the thought of play to come makes you pulse.....a dark patch forming on the arm of the chair....you honey slipping through your open pussy lips as you can't help but grind on the chair....

There's no warning.....no command of a count....as your ass ripples to the harsh slap of my hand against you....my other forearm pinning the back of your neck down against the sofa....as the strikes heat throbs another blow rains down hard on the other cheek....making you bite down on the cushion.....the feeling of my fingers slipping down the crack of your ass....over your rose....your pussy and soaking clit has you moaning and pulling at the cushion held in your teeth.....it's not gentle.....but smooth as my fingers push through the folds....before being dragged back....the feeling of the pads of my fingertips slipping through your pussy lips....the pads dipping inside....before brushing up over your rose.....a pad.....pressing down...easily sinking inside....the pad slick with your sex....again making you bite down on the cushion once more and groan.....the pleasure only emphasized by the pressure on the back of your neck easing as my hand moves only to grip the back of your hair....pulling your head back slowly, making your back arch further as my finger slips deeper....

Words growled....the tone...low.....whispered into your ear....my breath kissing your cheek..a slight pain at the back of your head as your hair is pulled further....muscles in your back twinging.

"Spread your cheeks like the good little whore you are"

The words make your pupils enlarge as you and you take in a deep breath as your arms shakely reach back....your fingers spread as you grip each cheek....as you spread your cheeks and arsehole my finger presses deeper....

A hint of delight in my voice....

"There's a good little fuckdoll...."

You feel another finger press inside your pussy.....making you release the breath you were holding....you feel the strokes along the walls.... slow....firm....deep....before both fingers slip away....

You feel your face being pressed against the cushion as I change positions.....hear me draw spit in my mouth.....feel it hit your stretched ass....dripping over your fingers.....


Your pussy parts and your clit rubs along the fabric....the feeling of the tip of my cock feels warm....soft....as it runs up and down your pussy lips before the tenderness gives way to aggression as the thrust is hard....making you moan loudly into the soft fabric of the sofa...my hand presses down on the small of your back, keeping you pinned....your hair let go and rough fingers curl around your collar....lifting your face away from the chair...your lungs fighting for air....lifted by your throat....

It's deep.....filling as you take me to the hilt....the smack of our bodies colliding...you feel the pulse of my heart inside you as I hold myself deep within you for a long moment...the throb of me vibrates through you.... the draw back is slow....letting you feel everything....your collar goes slack....letting you breathe in deeply.....

Again your breathing is cut short....a sense of panic builds as my hand clamps around your mouth....but the feeling is quickly dispelled as the next thrust comes hard....harder than the last as the sofa moves with the force...causing your hands to slip....you quickly fluster to put your hands back, spreading your cheeks further apart as the stroke back is quick....your body bent further back as you scream into my hand....

I keep myself deep within you....as I let your body fall back onto the sofa...my hands moving...one gripping you by the wrist as my cock slides from you....the tip moving....coated in your honey as you feel it pressing against your rose....you ass accepting me....opening your me....

"There's my good girl"

The head slowly slips in....the muscles growing tight around the hard shaft of me....the burning sensation mixes both pain and pleasure as I drive hard....to the hilt....both my hands clamping around your wrists....holding you firm.....
You feel the warmth of my body against your back....before teeth dig down on your shoulder....my cock pushing a little deeper....

"Your mine to break....mine to ruin....aren't you?"

"Y..ye...yes sir"

"Good girl"

You feel me straighten....your nails dig into your flesh in anticipation....as I draw back slowly....

"I'm not going to be gentle my girl"

The mere thought sends a ripple of excitement through you....your legs skaing with adrenaline....as the thrusts come hard....fucking becomes pounding....as you start to float....as the room fills with the ever increasing sound of me driving into you....your teeth find the cushion again....as you bite down hard enough to bite through.....you scream matching my roars as I fuck you harder and harder....

With each thrust your body moves along the arm of the chair, your cliting grinding against the now ruined material.....only serving to bring you closer and closer.....you ride along the presipis each thrust threatening to push you over.....as you float further.....


No response......

"Please sir!"

Only grunts can be heard...and the feeling of your hole being used....punished .....ruined....

"Fuck!....ple....please.....please sir"


The thrust lifts your foot of the floor...


You hear me roar....feel me swell inside ..you....you hang on....knowing we will come together.....

"Three.....come for me!"

You push back against me as as your violently shake....coming hard....as you feel the warm of my seed filling you.... exploding inside you.....the firm grip of your wrists turns soft.....gentle.....as I let go.....my cock still pulses inside you.....as you feel my fingertios trail up your arms....the feeling of my body against yours returning but this time feeling softer....lighter....more gentle....

"Your such a good girl"

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