5 (You) Trust me

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I hope you enjoyed my little games... would you like to play again I wonder....?

Shall I be a little harsh? A little harder....? I'll need you to commit, to let me lead you....will you follow me? Let your hands be my hands, your body, mine to do with as I please......

I felt that.....as the thought of being used crept through you....

I'm not a cruel Dom, a little sadistic...yes....i do enjoy a little impact.....a dash of punishment.....but you like that.....need...that....well...on occasion .......don't you....that's what's separates you from being vanilla.....a want to be controlled, constricted....a need to feel a little pain......mixed with pleasure of course. You cannot have one without the other....so the question is....do you trust me?... because without trust you have nothing. Because that's the fundamental baseline for BDSM......it's the pursuit of absolute trust....like falling backwards in the absolute trust you will be caught....only this time....it's me who will be catching your desires....I'll keep them safe.....keep you safe.

I know you have little names that you like to be called....whether you see yourself as a kitten, a little, a princess, my slut....my whore....or simply just....my girl...so tonight....that is what you shall be.....yes my girl......I mean you.

As for myself you will call me Sir or Daddy.....I will let you choose....which ever works for you my girl....I have one condition....as you read and play....whisper it....whisper my name....say

"Yes sir"


"Yes daddy"

I felt that too....that naughty little delight lurking within you....that little secret you keep....that you want to be treated as my slut....my whore to use. How exquisite you are....

I hope that makes you smile....as this is why you are here is it not....to be taken elsewhere....to be pleased, to be pleasured....I'm honoured you have chosen me.....truly I am.

I see you reading in bed, an eyebrow raised....wondering what I'm going to tell you to do, will it turn you on, will it make you laugh.....I wonder....

Now, shall we begin?

Firstly you will need a belt, a leather one.....and don't roll your eyes at me......(that's one strike by the way......you have two more and then your in trouble...) now come on, get up and find one.....I'll wait......

Good.....now strip, yes I mean everything....I want you completely naked.....so be a good girl....don't worry, I'll wait....stood at the foot of your bed, arms crossed....watching you....eyes examining you....taking in your curves.....the devilish little glint in your eyes...yes that one you have right now....and now there's a small smile reaching the corner of your lips...yes that one....right there...that's good...as you want to be a good girl for me....don't you?....well, say it.....out loud...

Such a good girl.

Loop the belt in your hand....I know your scared....a little worried but trust me....you do trust me don't you?.....then say it....say it now.....there's my girl.

Relax.....breathe....your going to enjoy this....I'll keep you safe....I've got you....

Now lay down on the bed.....it's okay.....your safe....rest the belt against your thigh....feels cold doesn't it....loop it again in your hand...and raise it until just the tip touches....slide it along your inner thigh....just as I would....slowly now....that's it....I can feelbyour honey starting to flow.....let rhe lesther touch your clit....yes....that's it....slide it along your pussy....look down at it....it's chill soothes....it's smoothness.....

Slide it back and forth......good girl.....now raise it.....look down, look how it shines with your sex..... imagine being bound....hands above your head.....the belt in my hand....the anticipation.....will I be nice.....or have you been a bad girl?.....would I need to punish you....the hot sting you would feel.....to have you count each strike.....to have you thank me.....each count.....each thank you.....brings you a step closer to submission....

lower the belt my girl.....that's it....slide the belt up your stomach.... slowly.....I wouldn't rush.....flipping you over....bring the belt down your back....you not knowing when I'll strike.....not knowing how hard I'd be....the leather stroking your ass....the backs of your thighs....the thrill.....making your pussy ache...

I can feel the goosebumps rising as wave with the belt....your nipples turning hard....bring the belt up to caress your nipples, move the belt along to the other.....would I strike you there?.....how it would burn.....the marks it would leave.....my mark.....

Now bring the belt up to your throat.....under your chin.....I'd press it up, lifting your head....making you look into my eyes.....eyes that are alight with desire....desire for you....

Bring the belt back down......let the flat of the belt meander down between your breasts.....slow down.....that's it.....be a good girl for me....good....slide the length of the belt down your clit.....I can feel your hips wanting to grind against it .....good.....that's good.....bring the belt to rest along your inner thigh......and stop......I can feel your heart beating hard....fuck......your breath becoming more rapid....let the belt rest on your thigh.......and slide your hand over to your clit.....you've been good for me.....followed my instruction.... imagine me kneeling between your legs....the belt in my hand.....letting it rest...
It feels soft.....yet carries threat....open your pussy for me.....your eyes locked on me.....as you show me what a good little slut you can be.....as you back aches and your fingers move....swirling through your clit, slipping inside your pussy.....your holes opening.....your fingers fucking.....be my little fuck doll....be my whore.

That's it....fuck harder.....as you feel the belt sliding along you....show me how good you are..... faster.....

Tell me

Say it

Beg for permission

Come for me.

Come now

Good girl......my good girl....

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