18 Discipline

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You broke a rule. A rule set at the beginning, but you were lost, lost in the moment. You couldn't help it....but you know you should have.

You came while tied to the chair, I pushed you to it. But you didn't ask for permission....you watched me change, saw that stern look in my eyes. Now you have to be punished.

You agreed to the types of punishment, but never really considered them. It was fun... And kind of hot to talk about them. But now, for the first time you will feel them.

So now, you find yourself kneeling on the hard wooden floor. Hands tied behind your back. Feet held apart. A metal bar between your feet. Collared...with a leash attached. The collar and bonds, the only clothing you wear.... The feeling in the room, heavy. There's an anticipation...No words spoken, you have been told to be silent, and you have obeyed.

Laid out in front of you are implements...you take stock of what's in front of you.

You look at the array of equipment, a black leather belt, a wooden ruler, a crop, a flog....a wooden paddle. You listen to the sound of my feet as I pace around you.

You shift on your knees, the position starting to hurt...

"Do not move"

The first words spoken in a while.

"You didn't ask for permission my girl....did you?"

Unsure of how to answer you stammer the words out...


"No, what?"

The tone stern, not a playful theme to the tone

"No sir"

The mere act of saying the words out aloud, does something to you. You feel yourself getting wet.... You don't understand why, you have always had a submissive nature. But now, as you find yourself willingly in this position. You find yourself submitting to me, to your Dom.

"Your to count. I want you to count out the strikes"

"Yes sir"

"Good girl"

That phrase....two words spoken that make your heart beat a little harder. Never would you imagine that you would want to hear those words. That they would start to mean so much.

You bristle as the sound of my steps stop behind you. You feel my hand against your skin, smoothing and gentle as my fingers and the palm circle your cheeks in turn. Then without notice the first strike...

The wince and whisper out the word


The sting of the first strike sends tendrils of pain throughout you. All but in your pussy, a different reaction... As it swells and starts to throb.


The spanking comes at a pace. A few seconds between them. You feel the heat emanating from your reddening cheeks.

"Three, four, five, six"

You brace for a seventh that doesn't come. The next touch, gentle and caring again.

You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. As you follow the sound of my footsteps watch me pick up the belt, you watch as I loop it in half. The sound of the leather stretching under the strain as you watch it being wrapped around my hand.

All you can think is...."fuck"

Honey starts to drip....

You watch me walk to your side. The feeling of my other hand trailing over your ass, the feeling of my finger running over your asshole and into your pussy and clit... You feel my finger sliding inside you with ease, slick with you. The finger curling and stroking the walls inside you. The motion, slow and deliberate.

You moan and sway your hips, as I swirl my fingers inside you, slowly drawing them back and running them through the folds of your clit.

You feel the cold leather resting on your back....feel it snaking it's way down...the touch teasing as it glides down the backs of your thighs

You hear the movement of air being displaced as the belt comes down hard. The noise of leather hitting skin reverberates around the room. The pain and instant heat. You cry out


Then eight!, nine, ten!

A soft hand on your back soothes you as you whimper.

"That's a good girl, now let's see if you have remembered why we are having to do this".

You quickly turn and look behind you to see me holding a wand. The wand whirls to life as its ran slowly up your inner thigh....an explosion of pleasure hits you as the wand connects and parts your lips.

The belt stings once more...you earn another really hard strike quickly as you forget to count.


The count continues as the strikes rain down. The toy, unrelenting against your pussy. Your honey coating and dripping from the toy. A wet patch forming between your legs.

Each strike makes you cry out. You know there's one word you can say. The safe word that would end this. But not out of subborness, but out of wanting to please, to not disappoint. You stay silent, taking the strikes, embracing the pain. A harshness you need.

With that thought something happens...you grow calm...you find that place. That subspace that gives more of you to me. Vanilla sex never gave you this feeling, it was always lacking..... something.

The next strike brings you back to the now, your body shaking...trembling....then you say....


"Please may I come"

The toy is pushed harder against your clit

"I'm going to count"

"One, two, three....."

The count feels like it takes an eternity. The release explosive....mentally and physically as you squirt hard against the floor. You collapse, uncontrollably trembling, the cool wooden floor against your cheek as you breathe hard. My hand moving to stroke your hair away from your face. My finger tips gently raking over your neck and back.

"You are amazing my girl"

You whisper into the floor

"Thank you sir"

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