9 It's Just You & Me (V&H)

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The door closes and the house falls silent....


"Ssh little one....."

The week has been long and you can now feel the house starting to settle.....as dynamics slide back into place.....and the dust starting to settle...the air stills around us.....

You take a minute.....standing in the corridor with me and as I calm, so do you....it's the middle of the afternoon when I turn to you.....

"It's time for a bath"

The room fills with steam....the sound of water running....the splash of the tub filling .....you stand looking into the water as I reach around you and unbutton your shirt....my hands work their way down one button at a time before I slip your shirt off your shoulders and let it fall to the floor.....the backs of my fingers slip down your sides until they reach the tops of your jeans....I can feel you pulse, captivated by my touch as I pull you in a little closer before I unbutton the top, and slide the zip down....my thumbs loop around the edges and you raise on your tiptoes in turn as I slide your jeans down....you take a step forward out of your clothes....leaving me to admire your beautiful form....

I spread my fingers as I place a hand on your back....I feel the need to touch you....to see your muscles flex as I run my hand over your skin... beautiful....soft....as I reach your lower back you purr quietly to yourself....you don't turn around....knowing I'm studying you....I reach the top of your ass and see the faded marks...my marks....darkened kisses across each cheek....marks I want to renew ....to make a fresh....but now is not the time....

I move to the side and offer you my hand to help steady you as you step into the over sized bath....the hot water nibbles at your feet, at your calves and shins.....I step in behind you at sit, letting the bite of the heat soak into me....you grip the sides and lower yourself down....sitting facing away, in between my thighs....my hands wrapling over your shoulders and oulling you back onto me....


"Ssh......be quiet now"


"Will you just relax....and enjoy a moment of peace...."


"Your testing me....."

My tone changes but you carry on....a little wriggle of your back massages against my groin....

"I want to go out....."

You use that tone .....a little whiny....a little bratty....the tone you use when you try and get your own way.

I just wanted a moment....to sink back ...to reset ....

"Can we go to....."

I pull you tight against me, my forearm wrapping around you....just across your throat....I don't choke, I'm not harsh.....but I hold you firm....I don't use that tone.....but just whisper

"Every word you speak for the time we lay here I'm counting.....do you understand?"

"But I was just....."


"I was only.....


"Hey I just thought it would be nice to..."


"We are going to sit and relax.....then I'm taking you out for dinner....."

It's all of thirty seconds....as you lay on my chest....


"Violet......one more word......"

Your restless, and I can tell you won't relax....and that side of you just won't yield....and just keeps wanting to pull that thread....I can tell your grinning....even as I lay back, my head over the side, eyes closed....you shift your back against me.....making me a little firmer....and you can feel it growing hard....

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