4 (You) Bring your toys

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Hello again....it makes me smile that you come looking for me when you are alone. You make me smile....

what's your favourite toy?....a vibrator?....a wand?.....(good aren't they.....but very loud), plugs too.....a little anal toy....that feeling of being full, or is your hand...your fingers.....I want you to play for me kitten.....to let me into your mind...to let me guide you as you give in to your desires.....to submit to me.....to trust me as my hand goes over yours as you play....our fingers slipping together through your clit.....becoming slick with your sex....sounds delicious.....now be a good girl and say it....

I hope you have your toys to hand....Strip for me....sit up kitten....a pillow behind you...and cross your legs.....lean back against me....push the covers back....are you doing as your told kitten?.....there's a good girl.

Now place your free hand over your throat, don't squeeze....just rest your hand on your skin.....can you feel that beat?.....the feeling of your pulse through your finger tips....I love that feeling....the feeling of life within my grasp....to feel it quicken....as I play with your clit....it electrifies me....the power that grip welds....the submission and trust it takes to be given that.....

Press lightly with your palm...not to choke...although I do like the feeling of the muscles tensing...the gasp you give when gripped...that sudden rush as you stuck in breathe and hold it....the dilation of your pupils....can you feel that rush between your legs?....that pulse.....that swelling of the lips.....your honey beginning to coat you.

Well kitten?......can you?.....then say it....say.....'yes sir'. Say it out loud....a whisper.

I love the feeling of the warmth of you bleeding into me as you lean back....I like to watch the goosebumps rising as my breath kisses your cheek...to watch your nipples rise and harden....

Move your hand slowly down over your collarbone and onto your chest .....as would, my hand over yours.... slowly now.....fingers spread....there's no need to rush....nothing else matters....its just you and me....look down onto your breasts....the small rise and falling of your breasts as you breathe....let your hand stroke over your nipple....let your fingers drift lazily flow over it....one finger tip at a time.

Now my girl....glide your hand down your body, the pads of your fingers flowing the outline of your body.... absolutely beautiful....

As you reach your naval....pull your hand back...draw your nails along the skin....not too hard......gentle....your heart racing isn't it?.....I can feel it.....that urge to touch......the bed becoming wet beneath you....good.....it's okay.....I've got you.....lean back.....and let our hands move....gentle now.....as our finger tips touch the tip of your clit....ever so soft....just to push the tip to the side.....and again with the next finger....and the next.....keep going my girl.....such a good girl....

Stroke down the side of your clit....along the curve of where your the top of your leg meets your body.....that's good.....I know your toy is by your side.....pick it up....I know you want to....

Place the toy on the tip of your clit....push down, and slowly let the shaft of your toy slide through the folds of your clit....I'd have you watch....your hand over mine as I guided the toy through you....let you watch and feel my hand push your lips apart....your lips hugging the sides of the toy....that gasp you gave.....it excites me....slowly move the toy down just the shaft touching.....good girl....that it....

As the toy comes back up I press harder.....and as I reach the top I turn the toy on....the vibrations sending that tickling delight through you....your moans urging me to press harder....to shift the pace a little.....rotating the toy...costing it in your love....your honey dripping......that's it.....keep going.....I know you want the toy inside you....but not yet.....

Uncross your legs.....feet flat on the bed.....keep your legs apart....exposed to me.....your so beautiful....such a good girl for me.....now ask......say please....say it out loud......

Good girl, the words whispered into your ear as the toy turns onto it's tip....cutting its way down your pussy....do as I say my girl.....that's it.....slowly move the toy closer....let the tip push your pussy open.....keep it there....threatening......keep your hips still.....I know you want it inside....I can feel the temptation..... rotate the toy to follow the opening of your pussy.....that's good......your doing well.....your hand over mine.....as I push.....watch the toy slide inside you....as deep as it can go.....that's it.....your back arching......the feeling of being whole....my hand hand holds the toy deep.....before my hand draws back.....pulling the toy to the tip....before sliding back....

The rhythm changing as the strokes move with a little more force....the pace quickening.....good girl....keep going....fuck for me....the strokes getting harder......submit to me......show me what a good little slut you are for me.....


You have to ask.....you have to sk for permission.....

There's my good girl......


Come for me

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