6 The Tease

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You feel me against your back, we sit together on the bed. You shake under the strain.....your body,....trembles....your wrists ache....attached to your ankles....a small bar keeping your legs apart.....you go to bring your knees together.....but the firm grip of your collar tells you not to...you keep your legs open, letting them gingerly rest against mine.

You've been my doll, letting your body be moved into position, you watched as the straps were placed, watched the care and attention taken.....the time taken.

The sound of a wand fills the air, mixing with the base of the music.....you strain to look down.....the collar digging in to your throat....eager to watch......your knees bent, feet flat on the bed. My hand in view....your eyes track the wand......whirling in my hand.....

You gasp as you feel your collar pulling you back, not choking you.....but making you fully aware you are mine.....your body....mine....owned by me. No words spoken.....none needed to be said as the wand touches the top of your knee....the vibrations travel through the bone.....sending sparks of electricity throughout you.

Electrical pulses shoot down your leg, making your muscles tense and flex....the feeling tingles in your toes.....sparks fly through your thigh....making your pussy quiver......droplets of honey starting to form and coat the lips.....I feel you shiver against me.

Your breathing turning rapid....just as the pressure on your collar releases....the gentle touch of my hand on your cheek.....on your neck....the balls of my finger tips caressing you...the warmth in my palm felt against the rear of your neck...I feel you sink back against me...into me....you feel safe....as my body surrounds you.....

The wand moves onto your inner thigh....just by your knee....you rest your head on my chest....moving to the side to settle on my shoulder.....nuzzling into me....cheek to cheek as your head goes back.... your eyes closing as the wand moves closer.....then there's the feeling of my hand covering your mouth.....you moan into my palm as the wand inches closer....your legs now shaking........

As I pull your head back I look down over your trembling body..... your nipples hard....your chest heaving......you can feel my hardness pressing and throbbing against your back....feel my steady heartbeat thumping through your back.

I let you move your head to the side to see our forms in the mirror....the light casting shadows of our silhouette....it's exquisite, perfect....

You then tilt your head back and close your eyes once more as the wand brushes up against the side of your pussy.....that soft velvet skin quivering....it's more the feeling of the air being displaced by the wand as the touch is so careful....so precise....so slight.

My hand moves from your mouth.... caressing your throat.... there's a sharp grip.....hard and choking as the wand moves up the side of the crook of your thigh....so close to the tip of your clit....your hands grip at the bed sheets as your body writhes and your pussy begs....you can sense me smiling....you can sense how much you please me.... my puppet....your strings held by me....controlled by me.....you smile to yourself while you press harder back into me.

The harsh grip of your throat leaves....the gentle touch of my hand returns....stroking and exploring your breasts..... careful not to touch your nipple....you push your chest out...wanting the touch....my hand moves with you....denying you that touch that you now desperately crave....moans and whimpers escape you.

The wand moves in tiny increments.....resting on the hood of your clit....making you cry out.....the touch so light....yet the impact so large....the wand moves down your clit....you try and grind at the toy but it moves with you.....denying you...the pressure never gets changing.....your knuckles turning white as you desperately try and move your body to feel more of the toy.....

The feeling of my thumb and forefinger pinching at your nipple, brings your body to a stop....your eyes now open. The sensation of pain....of being pulled and stretched brings you back down....just as the toy pushes your pussy lips apart....thrusting the feeling of you being on the edge once more. You balance on the crest of a wave.

As your nipple is released and your breast cupped and squeezed the toy travels up your clit....the vibrations having your eyes rolling back and your lungs fighting to suck in air....

Your body starts to grind against the toy. Desperate and wanting more....your body acting on its own as you give in to what your body wants.....you feel that gentle touch again of my hand moving down your body, the palm of my hand resting upon your inner thigh, finger tips stroke gently as you moan and your hips move and press your pussy against the wand.....I can feel you growing closer.....your movements becoming more rapid....

You ride the waves of euphoria, your head back and eyes closed.....moaning to pleasure of it all, floating in your own little world......not far to go now......your so close......I can feel it.....can sense your going to ask....you lick your lips in the anticipation of asking permission.....but than you come crashing back down, your body springing up from mine, eyes wide, mouth held open to the sharp sting of my slap across your thigh.....you whimper out of frustration....so close.....so so close.

You don't beg.....but plead with your body, pressing back into.....using your body to massage my cock.....

The toy never stops moving, never stops it relentless pursuit....your pussy slick....swollen...aching, it wants more....you want more....as the toy presses a little harder....

You have no control over your body, your mind unable to keep up....the sensations of the toy.....of my hand moving from your thigh...the heat of the sting, still there....nails slice up your side, changing to the balls of my fingertips as it reaches your neck, the side of your face.....tilting your head down as fingers stroke through your hair before forming a fist and pulling your hair back. The pain.....the pleasure.....the constricting grip over your body as you pull at the constraints.....you can't take it any longer .....

It comes as a whisper at first....


Your plight ignored.....not sure if it was heard as the toy moves faster..... sliding up and down your clit.....you can feel your honey dripping along your thighs....


A cry this time as you grind against my cock and the toy.

Your head pulled back hard by your hair.....


You can't hide your desperation....

The first words I've spoken since this play started reach you.....they still your mind for moment.....low and calm

"I'm going to count...."

The grip on your hair pulls your head to the side.....you can feel the intensity on my breath...the energy surrounding me..... surrounding us.....the words whispered into your ear....


The toy pushes hard and held in place against your clit......your limbs violently shaking......the pause.....it has a crushing weight.....then.... finally.....


The release..... explosive....body and mind shattering....

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