5 Cat fight.....Part two (H&V)

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This story is going to bounce between A girl called violet and me, a gent called Hendricks. This is the second part, the third will be written by violet, her link is at the end of the story.


"What on earth is going on!"

The door slams open, you watch me storm into the room, a towel wrapped around my waist, water still dripping from me, suds still clinging to my frame.

"Get me out of this cage!"

Katrina stays still sat next to you, silent, a smirk across her face.

"I leave you two alone for five minutes"

"You planned this.....you did this!....I'm done"

"Shut up.....now!"

The words, deep.....growled through teeth. I walk up to the cage. As your hands rattle the bars....but you stop your protesting.....the thought of me and Katrina together.....the thought is like a knife to the heart.

"Calm down my little one, I will let you out of this cage....you can get dressed and go home.....is that what you want?"

A sudden shock hits you....stuns you....a cold shiver goes through you' if I go home....what about......her'


You shoot a glance at Katrina, she stays still.....her gaze to the floor.

'Theres no way I'm letting this bitch win....she's not having you.....'

The thought that Katrina already has a Dom has left you.....the thought that she is only here is because of you has also vanished.

A tear forms in your eye.....then another as you start to sob....you feel betrayed ....yet if you leave.....that's it....it's over.....and she will have you....and you will have nothing....you feel trapped....and not by the cage....but by the choices laid out in front of you.

You stare into space, lost in thought and playing out scenarios through your mind.....then the sound of the lock releasing snaps you back....before you have time to think, you react, your arm shoots out in front of you and your fingers grab at the cage door, pulling it from my hand, keeping the door closed.

'this is my cage, he's mine'

You look up at me and see a beaming smile.....you can see the pride swell within me. My sweet little pet.... My hand touches the side of your cheek, soft and loving, you lean into the warmth of my hand.

You bristle at first, to the touch of Katrina's hand on your arm, she caress you... gently....you still have resentment for her....you definitely don't trust her.....but the touch of both of us softens you. The night has been long.....the cage feels cramped....and bed is calling.

You look up at me as I'm about to speak as the phone rings.....

"One moment you two....not a sound"

Katrina leans against you....whispering....

"you know he only has eyes for you.....don't you?"

You look at the mat at the bottom of the cage....a small smile breaking out....a redness in your cheeks starting to flourish.

You both go quiet....both doing your best to listen in ....

'Hello....yes........yes she has.....yes I can do that.....yes.....she could certainly do with that....the whole weekend?....yes...'

You turn to Katrina.....she looks back at you....a puzzled look upon your face....her ears pricking up....she moves side to side.....the kneeling in a tight space, starting to hurt....

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