1 The club (H&V)

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We sit in a booth, the club dimly lit. We sit side by side, my hand trailing lightly across your inner thigh. Your skirt hitched up slightly, your legs slightly apart. The room is hot as people chat and dance to the beat of the music. Your white shirt clings to you in the heat. Your collar sits tight around your throat.

Everyone in the room knows your mine, you lean against me, your arm wrapped around mine. You drink your wine and take in the room. Predators....and prey. The owned, and their owners.

You look across the dance floor to another couple. You notice they're watching you. You can feel them undressing you. You start to feel uncomfortable, You go to close your legs, remembering your revealing a little too much and now you're feeling self conscious.

But my grip goes from light to hard. You glance to your side to see me chatting to another man and wonder, does he know there's others watching?, that they can see.

You keep your legs open, as you feel my reach grow closer to your exposed clit. You place your drink down on the table and grip the leather seat as I inch closer, closing your eyes momentarily, losing yourself in the feeling. You feel eyes on you and you open your eyes to see the couple still staring at you. Studying you.

You feel your cheeks going red...a flush of heat up the sides of your neck, then you feel my finger tip push against your clit. The nail catching you. You feel me move position. My arm, pinning up the front of your skirt. Giving the onlookers a better view. You look at me again. I haven't even looked in your direction, or there's for that matter.

You feel their gaze as I use another finger to spread your pussy lips apart. Your head goes back and you let out a moan. I Hold you open for a moment. You grip my thigh, an unspoken way to show your discomfort. You feel me turn to you and whisper.

"They want to see you.....they want....you, I want them to see you. To see what is mine"

"eyes forward my girl"

You look over at the couple. You watch as the woman strokes the man's crotch. You feel my hand reach down as you lift your legs slightly, your tip toes now just touching the floor. The curl of my fingers pushing deep inside you. You moan and go to look up. You feel my finger press hard against the walls inside of you. You grip the leather seat harder.

"I said...eyes forward".

My tone more stern.

"Don't break eye contact with them".

"Let them see what a good girl you are for me"

You watch as the man moves position. You watch her hand move to unzip the man. Freeing his cock....you feel more fingers push inside you, the strokes longer....harder. You pulse as the sight of the couple. Enjoying what you see. You shoot a glance down to see your hand moving over your breast, squeezing. Slipping underneath your top, a button opened. You don't even remember doing it.

"That's a good girl"

You hear me whisper into your ear. As you feel another finger press against your asshole. You watch as the woman, moves, sliding back along the bench seat. Her skirt rising, revealing her bare ass. Her mouth hovering above his cock as she lets spit drop from her mouth. As soon as the drool hits his cock she dives down, swallowing him whole, she moves her head to the side. Looking straight at you as her cheek stretches, his cock pressing against it. Her tongue lapping at his balls. You moan as I press my finger into your ass. Your hips, now moving, grinding down onto my hand.

The strokes growing firmer, deeper.....harder. You grip at your breast as you feel yourself building.....your fingers reaching to pinch at your nipples, your head back against the seat, but your eyes are still on the woman and man. Watching her take him, all of him in her mouth. Your moans now growing louder. But the room pays no attention.

You start to buck against my hand, shaking....trembling as you let out a desperate cry....

"Please daddy"

The words rushed, as you struggle to hold on.

You feel my breath on your neck


The orgasm stretches out. The fingers inside you not stopping....you ride each wave in a trance until it's then suddenly broken as the club lights are dimmed by a waiter standing in front of you.

"Madam, this is for you"

His look unfazed by the sight of you. A tray held out with a glass on it.

"Compliments....From the table across the room"

He moves to point at the couple opposite. They raise their glasses to you. You watch her wipe cum of her lips, sucking at her fingertips as they both smile at you.

You take the glass and look at it. Is that what I think it is?!

Please visit agirlcalledviolet to read the submissives side of the story.

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