15 Ice play

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The room feels humid.....the air.... thick....both of us lay on top of the bed....we both glisten in the street light creeping into the room. The fan above us lazily moves the warm air around the room. You have your back to me, lay on your side. The view I'm left with is of the silhouette of your back, the curve of your figure....it looks exquisite..... delicious.....but the stifling heat forbids some play.....it's simply too hot. But your body.....it's driving me crazy.....then a switch goes off into my head.

You feel the bed move as I get up. But you don't move as you fight to try and sleep. The heat crushing you.

"Stay there little one"

Your ears prick up to the sound of ice clinking against glass. You feel the bed shift again I sit next to you. As you roll onto your back your vision turns to darkness.

"It's okay my girl"

You panic a little as you feel soft cotton covering your eyes. The feeling of the back my hand, soft on your skin. Caressing your cheek. Stroking your neck slowly....fingers dance over your shoulder.

You feel my fingers interlocking with yours.....you trust me and let me lead. Letting your arms be moved above your head. The feeling of soft cotton being carefully wrapped around your wrists and the bars of the head board.


"It's okay....I know it's hot....I know you're tired....relax..."

You trust your instincts.....tonight isn't the time for hard play.....you hope I'll be gentle....you sink back into the pillow and breathe slowly....the next touch you feel is hard, rough.....and shocking. It steals your breath.

The feeling of a rock of ice being ran over your lips....once the shock passes you of the intense chill. In the heat of the room it feels delightful.

You let the ice run slowly along your bottom lip, it's chill soothing you. You raise your head slightly to meet the ice only to feel it pull away. I watch goosebumps rise across your beautiful skin.

You push out your bottom lip, pouting that the ice has left you, a little moan of disapproval....

"Patiences little one"

You let out a gasp as the ice touches the side of your neck, just below your jawbone....you feel the chilling of your nerves, the feeling spreading through your jaw...it moves through your veins as it melts away the heat....your back aches a little as the rock of ice slithers down your neck.

You push your breasts upwards to meet with the heat of my mouth....my tongue circles your nipple....I feel it growing hard against my tongue. I gently let your nipple rest in between my teeth...not biting, but with enough grip to pull slightly....you moan and pull on your restraints...

I follow your collarbone, the ice barely touching. Running the ice up over your chin back to your lips. Your senses start to feel confused. The melt water, still drips cold from my hand onto your lips before the ice kisses you. You kiss the ice back...sucking on the rock. The water cooling your parched throat as my mouth kisses your breast. You moan in pleasure as I hold the rock in place. I kiss up your breast, sucking away the melt water that rests in small pools on your body. I move the ice away to kiss you. The heat intensifies, as your lips return to the heat of our lips.

You gasp as I break our kiss, your lips still searching for mine as I hold the melting rock above you. I move carefully....letting the drips fall in the middle of your chest....droplets meet other droplets and cascade over the sides, its chill, tickles you as I move down over your stomach. I love watching your stomach muscles form and disapate as the drops hit you.

As the drops start to roll down into your belly button the ice touches just above. The feeling making you jolt, a yelp of surprise....I let the ice roll between my thumb and forefinger, it's rough edges melting away. I bring the ice up to just below your breasts. The chilled air around the cube felt without touching.

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