2 (You) Shall we play a little game?

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Hello there, I want you to do as you are told, to follow my lead. To trust me. Can you do that? Are you willing?.....I do hope so. If you have found this part during the day, then save it for tonight. Don't spoil it. Wait. There's a good girl.

It's okay, I'm with you. Now.....I picture you sitting in bed reading .... A smile on your face as you have read through my little stories....I hope they have pleased you. Made you smile. Now I want you to do something for me. I want you to follow me ....if so say "yes sir"......or "daddy", and say it aloud. Don't be shy, don't feel embarrassed..... there's just you and me. I've got you little one. You don't need to feel ashamed around me.

Breathe, breathe slowly........in.....and out.....there.....now repeat.....let your mind calm.....let your heart beat slow.....find that peace within you.....that's it my girl.....good.

Now.....are you ready?.....say it aloud if you are.

Now, if you're naked in bed....good. If not....then take off your clothes.....now....and don't roll your eyes at me.

Be a good girl for me and climb out of bed and kneel on the floor facing the bed.....and yes, I mean you....do it now my girl...

I'll wait......leaning against the wall behind you.....made you look didn't I....oh I'm there .....watching you.....smiling as you do as you're told.....smiling as you are being my good girl.

Now, place your shoulders down on the bed, head to the side....now take your free hand, palm down on the floor....spread your fingers......that's it....such a good girl......

breathe....your doing great.... place it down on the floor between your legs, open your legs slightly....have your forearm resting against your clit..... that's it....there my good girl.

I can feel your apprehensive.....it's okay....trust me....close your eyes and take a deep slow breathe....I'm here with you.....can you feel that?......that warmth....your pulse thumping against your......breathe little one .....let the world disappear, it's just you and me....

Now, slowly slide back a little, arch your back for me.... you look beautiful..that curve that drives me crazy.....and now you're smiling......good.

Now draw your arm back off the floor and form a fist....... good girl.....let your knuckle touch the floor and relax.....

Let your fingers unfurl a little, slowly now...don't rush.....that's it.......now keep still....can you feel it yet? The anticipation.....that buzz....the tingling across your skin....I can, I can feel you. The wonderful feeling of the atmosphere around you changing.....I can feel that rush running through you. Your pussy has a warmth growing inside you.....your honey starting to break free.....slipping.....the lips becoming a little wet......

You're now mine, aren't you kitten....say it.....say yes sir.

My wonderful girl......

Now.....lift your hand from the floor....slowly now...don't rush.....and do exactly as I say.

Move your hand and let your fingers touch your inner thigh for me, gentle now......the touch ever so slight. Let your finger nails and pads of your finger tips explore you....just your thigh....bring your fingernails as close to your clit as you dare.....but don't you dare touch.....be a good girl now. Take your time.... patience now.

Slowly up and down your thigh..feels almost like a tickle doesn't it.....keep going.....let yourself go.....can you feel me.....watching you....being turned on by you.....your hand is my hand....as it gently caresses your thigh.

I see you biting your lip.....as the feeling between your legs grows......can you feel your pussy swell?......feel your nipples harden......

One more stroke down your thigh......slowly now.....I'm watching you......now slide one finger back up.....take your time.....and as you reach your pussy......slide one finger gently along your clit.....don't press too hard....don't let your finger press between your lips.....I don't want to punish you......that's it.....all the way up to the top of your clit......once you reach the top press a little harder.....fuck, you look beautiful......once you reach the bottom of your pussy let another finger joins your other.....keep them together and stretch your pussy lips apart ....hold them there for a moment.....can you feel your honey sliding over your fingers?.....there's a good girl......

Now bring your fingers together....press a little harder as you bring your fingers back up over your clit.....my little one......press through the folds of you....and slide your fingers inside....so warm....so soft.....spread your legs a little further....let the back of your hand touch the floor.....press down with your hips......let your body grind against your hand....slowly little one.....I know you want to press harder .....to move faster .....

Rotate your hips......curl your fingers......press a little deeper.....let your fingers slide out of your pussy......let them slip through your clit ......

Do you want to move a little faster?......then ask little one ...say it aloud.....it's okay ...I've got you.....I here with you.....

Good girl

Yes, please me.....press harder ......fuck deeper ......show me what a good girl you can be......fuck for me.

Keep going.....I can feel your close.....can feel you building.......can smell your sex ...... beautiful.....my little one.

Remember you have to ask.....as I kneel behind you.....you can feel me leaning over you .....feel my breath on your neck....hairs standing up......as you ask.......and I tell you.....

"Come for me"

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