11 The Heat. (H&V)

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The air feels thick in Saigon....the apartment bathes in the orange hue of the street lights outside that pierces through the wooden slats over the window....the hustle and bustle of the street creates an ambient hum that filters through the small apartment...the humidity is thick as I sit back on the deep cushioned sofa....even though we have both showered after a long day of travelling....our bodies shine and feel slick to the touch.... I slouch on the sofa just wrapped in a small towel... Violet wears nothing but her collar and kitty heels, pausing for a moment before she saunters into the room....the leash dangles down her back....the chain clinking as it sways....the chain is cool on her skin....but offers little in comfort from the heat.

The ceiling fan lazily spins above us ...doing nothing but moving hot air around....the hum of the blades sounds like a helicopter struggling to pick up pace to fly....the air as thick as soup.

"I'm roasting....it's too hot to do anything Daddy"

Your tone, sulky....a little bratty whine to her as the heat saps the mood of play from her.

She looks beautiful in the amber lighting....her skin reflects the light....the shadows accentuate her curves...the heels she wears brings out the tone of her muscles in her long legs.... absolutely beautiful...

You stop in mid stride as you spot the toys sat in a neat line next to me on a small table....a little smile reaching your lips...as I offer you my hand...

"Come here little one....come sit with me"

I'm not authoritative....my own tone, as warm as the room....she catches the smile in my eyes....and takes a step forward....taking my hand and moving to stand in-between my legs....a smile breaks out across my lips as she does that thing of raising one heel and sways on her toes as I take in her beauty before our eyes meet. I can feel my heart start to beat a little harder....

"Turn around"

I let go of her hand and sit up....placing my hands delicately on her hips as she slowly pivots...she bends down...pushing her ass towards my face....making sure I get a good look...she gives me a cheeky little grin as she looks back.....I can't help but to lean in a kiss her cheek before leaning back and guiding her to sit between my legs....she keeps leaning forward as I trail fingertips down her back.....I love it when I make her purr....I stop as I reach the loop of leather that forms the handle to her leash....taking the leash in my hand and slowly wrapping the chain around my fingers....reeling her in until she's leaning back against me....her skin hot to the touch....slick with her quickly forming sweat...a little moan of pleasure leaves her as she runs her finger nails along the tops of my thighs, then back down towards my knees....

I kiss the side of her neck before whispering into her ear....

"Stay there little one.....be a good girl and open your legs"

The last part accentuated with a light tug of her collar that makes her gasp....and despite the heat...goosebumps flare along her shoulder....god I love that.

"Yes Daddy"

The hold on the collar relaxes and so does her grip on my knees as I reach to the side...her gaze follows my hand...earning her another tug of the collar....

"Keep yours eyes on me little one"

She moves and places her head on the left side of my shoulder, glancing up at me....the leash stays taught....there's a warmth between us....and not just the heat of the room....a mutual understanding....yet the collar and leash let her know her place in this play....in our dynamic....the collar displaying she is mine....owned by me....as I'm hers. Her Dominant.

I smile as I read her thoughts ...I watch as she struggles to keep her focus on me and not what I'm reaching for.....

"Don't little one...."

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