11 Voyeur

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The mood has been light......playful.....a day of lazing around the house. The day has felt more vanilla than anything else. Music plays softly in the background. All you have worn all day is a t-shirt of mine and your grey panties.

It's been a day of watching films.....eating picnic food and generally laying around the house. You've caught me watching you as you walk around.

You stand on your tiptoes to water the hanging plants in the window. You feel my eyes on you as your calf muscles become pronounced....your pert ass cheeks flex....you smile to yourself... Knowing my eyes haven't left you.

As you finish you turn to me and smile. You see that look in my eye....

"Come here little one"

You keep your eyes on me as I stand up and hold out my hand... there's a warmth to my smile....you smile back, a little giggle to yourself....you know you've turned me on....it makes you feel special....wanted....desired...and there's that pulse again....your heart rate increases....a flush of heat flares up the sides of your neck...you take my hand and follow me towards the bedroom....

As we walk into the room you follow me as I turn and sit on the corner of the bed. I let your hand go and place my hands on your hips....pulling you in-between my legs. You let me guide your body....your chest picking up a beat....unsure of what I will do next. But excitement starts to take you

"Take off my shirt....let me look at you"

You smile and cross your arms in front of you. Gripping the bottom of the t-shirt to pull up over your body....

"Slowly little one....let me take all of you in."

"Yes sir"

You say playfully... smiling and doing as your told. You make sure to lift your top up slowly. Seducing me....teasing me. Keeping your eyes locked on mine. As the t-shirt rides up over your breasts....the cotton brushing up against your nipples hardens them. You feel my thumbs softly following the curve of your hip bones....

You gasp as I take the palms of my hands and rest them on your sides....finger nails following your curves...your outline. You let the t shirt fall to the floor...


You take a step towards me. Your hands running through my hair. Pulling my lips towards your breasts. You move your hands down my neck as I move to kiss your stomach. You run nails over my shoulders as I pull you tight against me. You feel my grip grow tight...before pushing you away from me slightly....I quickly move to grip your wrists....catching you by surprise. You let out a little yelp, your heart starts thundering..as the tension in the air grows...I let go of one wrist and twirl you around with the other....gripping your hips, your back now to me. I pull you down to sit on the corner of the bed between my legs.....I slide my hand up over your stomach, in-between your breasts and grip your throat.....not choking....but firmly enough to keep your head still.....you hold your breathe....I feel your heart beating against my forearm....

"What do you see?"

The pressure on your throat dips....but still keeps holding you....your focus falls on the full length free standing mirror.....we are framed beautifully within it's dark wooden frame. You see my eyes shine over your shoulder.....your breasts rising and falling.....a shine of sweat starting to form over you.......

"I see us daddy"

"What I see is... perfection, little one"

You let me turn your head to the side....letting the puppeteer move his puppet..... Your breathing slows as you feel the intensity of my stare....you lean back against me....feeling the steady beat of my heart....yours slowly tries to match mine....your hands move slowly....daring not to break the spell.....you rest your hands on my thighs....you keep still....just looking at us in the mirror.....

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