33 Harder...

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You watch me prowling....the room is bare, all that sits in the middle of the stark room is you....knelt in the middle of a bed. The bed, stripped down to the mattress...no covers.....no soft pillows....no head board....nothing....

The room is lit with a naked light bulb....the wattage, low....yet it blinds to look up....the air in the room feels thick....clinging to your skin....it feels as if it gives resistance to your movements....just like the straps around your wrists....around your ankles.....the chains heavy......the collar thicker than normal....making it so you have to turn your body to try and keep up with me as I keep on walking around the bed....slowly pacing.....prowling....each cycle I appear a little closer....each time I come into view your heart beats a little harder.....

Your heart races as you don't see me....but your demon....coming for you....stalking you....that trepidation....that slice of fear....it makes you tremble....makes your pussy swell... wet....feeding off the energy building in the room...your eyes wide....your throat running dry....

As I slink back into the shadows you jump and yelp in surprise to my touch as my two fingers cut through the sweat forming on your body....your back arching up as my fingers drift from one cheek to the other.....I don't break my stride as I continue to circle you....

You let out a gasp as when I reappear in view you can hear and see me unbuckling my belt....a smile forming across my lips, eyes locked on you....never blinking....there's a darkness in my eyes.... despite the temperature in the room you start to shiver.....it resonates, growing as it starts in your hips...that vibration travels up your spine....turning into a visible tremble....a pulse of energy dying to break free....turning your breathing rapid and shallow.... panicked....excited....

Once more I disappear from view.....you feel the leather strip land on your back.....it's not a strike....but it makes you jolt all the same....it rotates along your body...slowly creeping along....my knuckles brush the tops of your ass, the length of the belt tickles as it runs along the your shoulder blades....

"What am I to do with you?"

The words drift to you from behind....the tone, low.....deep....playful...with a dash of menace.

You whimper in reply, finger nails digging I to the mattress....as the belt turns 180 degrees before slipping off you....you turn as best you can...wanting to see me...and as you catch sight of me....you quickly face forward....your not sure why...a trace of fear perhaps....as you see me wrapping the belt around my hand...you listen to the leather flex and strain as I tighten the coil....you keep your gaze forward....but your eyes again track me until I stop in front of you....you lower your head....looking at my feet....

You can tell I'm turned on....the bulge pressing against the seem of my black trousers gives it away as I crouch down in front of you....the loop of the belt pressing under your chin makes you look at me....

There's a devil dancing in my eyes as we look into each other.

"I'm going to take what is mine....do you understand?"

You pull on the restraints....you feel and hear the chains move....attached under the bed....your chest heaves and freezes as I place my hand underneath you, cupping and stroking at your breast....my thumb running over your hardened nipple....the feeling is soothing....making you moan....it relieves the tension you hold in your arms.....in your shoulders....you start to lean into my hand....the soft reassurance of my touch....


I stand and my hand slips from your breast to slide up over your shoulder....gripping at your hair and pulling...snapping your head back....the belt in my other hand whips and cracks against your back....the tip of the loop catching the top of your ass.

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