14 Trust

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"Do you trust me little one?.....I have something I wish to try"

We lay on the sofa, you at one end, me at the other, our legs intertwined. We have played for weeks.....your legs bear the marks of our play....some bruises on your hips....teeth marks, fading away on your shoulder.....play tattoos as you like to call them....some play has been.....rough...others gentle.....pleasures of the mind......pleasures of the body.

The depths of your submission to me have grown over weeks of play.....your trust in me....we both feed our desires.....our twisted dark love....deepened.

You turn to look at me....an eyebrow raised.

"What is it you would like to try sir"

"I wish to bind your forearms and hands together behind your back.....and use this..."

You watch my hand bring up a leather strap....a ring in the middle. A little excitement ripples through you. You tingle all over. You know I wish to use your mouth....to have you taste me.....feel me throb against your tongue....you feel that pulse....a pulse I seem to bring from deep within you...your desire to please....to be pleased....you feel yourself becoming aroused....wet.....then a thought dawn's on you.....

"I won't be able to stop you...."

"No....you won't....I will have complete control...there will be no way for you sign....to use safe words....will you completely submit me.....you will choke...you will suffer....it will take all your strength....you can do this little one....I believe in you..."


"Now little doll"

You heart thunders in your chest....you know I have a sadistic streak.... but you do trust me. You feel a wave pass over you. You feel safe with me.....there's danger is this play....real danger.....

"Come here"

You watch me stand and offer my hand, you hesitate, for a moment....you steady your mind.....then take it.

"Good girl"

You see that smile that melts you.

I lead you into the bedroom....stopping at the foot of the bed. I turn to face you. My arms at your sides and I pull you closer to me, kissing you as I lift your t-shirt, breaking our kiss as I lift the t-shirt over your head. I let it fall to the floor as I kiss you again....our tongues dance and the kiss stays slow...tender....you feel my thumbs loop your knickers.....pulling them down....you help and do that little cute dance to let them fall to your ankles. I pull away and kiss at your neck as I turn you around, I keep my hands to your sides, light in touch, as I softly kiss the marks I find on your shoulder.

You feel the balls of my fingers glance up your arms, running along the goosebumps that reach up to feel my touch. Slowly you feel your arms being pulled back....you don't resist....sinking into submission, your eyes closed....all thoughts on the feeling of being touched....nothing else matters.

I reach behind me. Finding the length black rope.....you move your arms behind you....hands clasped around your forearms.....ready and waiting to be bound.

I kiss down your spine, slowly wrapping the rope around you....your fingers strapped to your arms.... bound.....the excitement shows as your pussy throbs....

"Good girl"

I reach for the ring, lowering in front of your eyes, you look at the ring....it looks bigger than before....a little panic pounds at your heart..... adrenaline kicking in......

"Open your mouth violet, there's a good girl"

Again you pause.....thoughts bounce around your head,

'can I do this?...should I do this?....will I like it?....'

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