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You're marched into the room. Your heels clatter against the hard floor....echoing the noise in your head....you told me your fantasy.....a desire that even you have been a little afraid of..... We've talked....We've talked at length about this play....and now.....this is the night you wanted to see it through....to see what it's like.....

The atmosphere feels manic.....feels palpable....like it would only take a single match for everything to explode... everything feels..... frenzied.

Your head hurts from the tight grip....the pace of which we move throughout the house, giving you little time to take things in....it fills you with a sense of dread....like there could be nothing good to come of this at the end....but we've talked about this....of how you wanted to be treated....of how you wanted to be used.....you don't know the method....all you know is the outcome....you want to be ruined.....broken....

The silence is killing you....not hearing me talk....not being able to see my face....you can just hear my breathing....and feel my grip.....

We march down the corridor, not towards the bedroom, not to where we usually play. Everything is the wrong way around....we started in the bedroom.....you sat at the dresser....applying thick make up....your lips painted red....your eyes pandered black....the make up.... cheap....a belt of shiny black skirt....a simple white tight top....hold ups and a back thong....your hair scaped back into a ponytail....four inch heeled red shoes picked up from charity shop....and of couse.....a collar....thicker than usual....the metal loop larger....it feels heavy around your throat....you wanted to look the part....to feel the part....sexy.... yet the look of a cheap whore....

We agreed I'd stay away, stay out of the house...give the space to get ready, the time to be ready with yourself.....we haven't spoken in a day, but agreed tonight would be the night.

You hear the front door down stairs open....and then the crack of it being slammed shut...it makes you jump....even makes you audibly yelp....it doesn't feel like me....and it isn't me....but it is your demon....your demon that's come to collect. Come to take what's his.

You listen to the foot steps of me pounding through the house. The sound growing closer....growing louder....your heart jumped at the start....and has grown in it's force and rhythm with every foot step... pounding against your chest....you sit shock still....a deer caught in headlights....just staring at the door....your heartbeat thudding in your ears, your throat growing dry....your pussy growing wet.

The door opens and you see me, just in black trousers....a wave of freight runs your body cold as I say nothing, no warmth to my features.....I don't pause in my movements....keeping fluid, just march up to you....your hands just grip the stool, I give no commands as I look over you, gripping you by the hair and pulling you up to your feet....you let out a cry but I pay no heed as I stand behind you and use a twist of my wrist to show you the direction of the door....your head screams pain as your hair twists...I don't give you time to think as your pushed towards the door....

Down the stairs we go.....and through the living room.....you start to turn towards the dining room only to have your hair sharply pulled to make you keep going into the kitchen....You slow down, thinking this will be our play ground....but a vice like grip on the back of your neck tells you otherwise as your lead through the open door into the garage.....it's cold....the air smells of dust and oil...a space cleared....a simple black mat on the floor....the work bench behind it.....an array of tools laid out....the rush of cold air against your face has your eyes watering....

You're marched to the mat....your hair let go.....rough hands gripping your arms, pinning them to your sides....your unceremoniously spun around to face me....you take me in, breathing hard....you can only see darkness....

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