12 Caged

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I walk you into the room, a simple room, hard wooden floors , you follow my lead, your hand in mine.

I stop and turn and kiss you, undressing you as we kiss. Your clothes fall to the floor, like petals of a flower around you. Leaving you completely exposed to me.

All the time we kiss, a long timeless kiss, as I pull a collar from my pocket and slowly pull away from you. We keep eye contact for a moment before you bow your head. The gesture makes me smile as I slip the collar around your throat, careful not to catch your hair.

"Such a good girl"

Once you hear the click of the collar you lift your head and smile back. The collar feels good. You feel safe, protected....owned.

I take you by both hands and walk backwards. Leading you further into the room. I move to your side, my hands traveling up the sides of you, my touch delicate. I rest my head on your shoulder, hands resting on your hips. I kiss your neck as I show you a cage sitting on a rug in the centre of the room.

Your heart rate increases, not believing what your about to do. I watch your chest rise and fall. Watch your nipples grow hard.

I walk you up to the cage, I tell you to kneel in front of it. You do as you are told and kneel, you trust me, trust I will keep you safe, so you patently wait as I open the cage door, your heart starts to pound, your breathing quickens, your eyes go wide with a surge of adrenaline.
Is this really happening?

But you keep yourself still, hands on the tops of your thighs, as you simply wait.

As the door opens I place my hand on your shoulder and motion for you to crawl inside. There's barely enough room for you inside as I close the door behind you. You breathe deep and your body bristles in waves of goosebumps as you hear the cage door lock behind you. You can't believe your caged.

You listen to my footsteps as I walk around the cage. You hold your breathe as I stop and crouch down in front of you. You place your hands around the bars in each corner, letting me bound your hands with leather straps. I lean in and kiss you through the bars before standing to walk back behind you. You feel the anticipation building within as you wait for what is to come next, your lips dry as you gently rock on your knees. You feel my hands on your ankles, as I bind them to the bars.

Once finished you're now bound, trapped....your body on show, with no nowhere for you to hide. Completely on display. You feel my hands moving up your inner thighs, the touch gentle and soft. I run a finger up along your clit, careful not to part the lips. Feeling your honey slip onto the balls of my fingers.

"Good.... perfect"

Your wetness makes me smile, knowing you want this.

Your hips sway as I glide my fingers up and down your pussy. You start to purr as you enjoy the touch. Your back arching, cat like, as you close your eyes. Showing me your ass and pussy as you flex and stretch. You then feel something hard against your inner thigh, it's cold and has a non human touch, as I slide a toy along you. You hear the toy whirl to life, the vibrations tickling your inner thigh. Your hair, standing up. The shaft of the toy slides along your clit, being pressed a little harder against you, breaking the seal, parting your lips. Your pussy lips hug the shaft of the toy as you moan and grip the bars tighter.

You feel the tip of the toy pushing slowly inside. You let out a small cry of pleasure as the toy inches deeper inside. Its wide girth sends shockwaves through you.

You hear the toy being attached to the bars, hands on your hip guide you to start pushing back on the toy. You move, backwards and forwards on the toy, slowly fucking yourself as I watch, you look to the side and see me smiling, marveling at you. This makes you fuck harder.

I walk back towards the front of the cage, crouching down and lifting your chin so you can look me in the eyes there's a fire in both our eyes as I move to kiss you willing you to push back harder onto the toy. My hands moving to your shoulders, pushing you back harder onto the toy. It moves deeper inside you with each stroke. Your ass, now hitting the bars as you take more of the toy. The chill of the metal presses up against your asshole.

"that's a good girl"

The words encourage you to take longer harder thrusts

I move back and watch you. You start to fuck hard against the bars. Your knuckles start going white as you grip tighter.
I move away, you are unable to see me, but feel my hands on your hips as I pull you back, the toy going deeper than before. You let out a cry, shear ecstasy as the toy plunges deep.

It feels like it's threatening to split you in two. You feel my hands pulling your cheeks apart, then the hardness of my cock, the shaft running over your asshole as you move. You move with hard thrusts as my cock starts to open your ass, slowly being taken inside you, filling you. You scream as both your holes are filled. Nowhere for you to go as I start to move my hips. The cage rattling, the bars feel cold against your ass as you place your shoulders to the floor of the cage. You scream out as I push deep. You hear me roar as you right ass swallows me. I start to move, thrust harder and harder as you asshole stretches around my cock. Your pussy dripping with excitement.

You cry out as the fucking turns to pounding. I lean over the cage and slip the loop of a leash onto your collar. I pull on the leash and it lifts your neck to the roof of the cage, making your back arch, and my cock and the toy go deeper still. You're lost....lost in your world of pleasure and pain.

You scream out as your body is overwhelmed with pleasure. Sweat breaks out across your body. Your whole body shakes as you cry out..


I pay no attention, but fuck you harder. Using you. Your body, mine to do with as I please. My fucktoy in a cage. You let your head drop, the collar choking you as you start to beg. You beg for permission....you beg to come.

"Please sir!"

Then you hear the words

Drawn out through the thrusts...


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