8 (You) A gentle late night play

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Hello kitten.....how lovely to see you again....I want you to follow me....let yourself be led by me. Not all play has to be harsh....has to be hard and brutal. BDSM is so much more than that....whether you see me as a 'sir'....or a 'daddy'....I care not....I know this....I'm your Dominant...and you....my submissive.

I hope you are comfortable....lying there in bed....the covers pulled up....I'd be laying next to you....you lay on your back....like you are now....the warmth of our bodies felt...not through touch...but just by presence....your arms above you...wrists crossed....bound by silk....can you see yourself there....with me....the room dimly lit....the same feeling of silk binding your ankles together....

Now kitten....if you are wearing pjs....slide them down....to your ankles....no need for toys....all you need is your hand....my hand....and your imagination....hold my hand....and let me take you to bed.

You are going to have to be a good girl for me my kitten....you are to take your time....do you understand?....

Reach down and place your hand lightly on the top thigh....and keep your fingers spread....that's it....do as you're told....good....

Slowly lift your hand....until the touch is so light.....so gentle....I'd love to be there....my hand touching your soft skin....my hand moving slowly along you....as I intently watch your every movement....the way you bite at your lip...to watch your bloody pulse through the vein running along the side of your neck....watch as the hairs raise.....move slowly my girl....bring your hand up the top of your thigh....let your fingers glide along you....as you reach the top of your thigh....open your legs for me....circle your fingers onto the inside of your thigh....don't touch....don't let your fingers wander....don't make me punish you.

Slide your fingers down your inner thigh....there's a good girl....as far as you can reach....slow down kitten....I'd take my time with you....so you shall do the same....

Move your hand across to your other thigh....and bring your hand back up...gentle now.....can you feel that?....that tingling sensation as your body responds...the teasing making your clit quiver....your honey beginning to slip....my hand would travel the length of you....your little moans telling me how you feel...your body aching slightly as my fingers tips draw ever closer....


You dare


Let your fingers come close....almost touching....almost....your hand is my hand....let me lead you....do you understand?.....you do?.....good....then say it....out loud....a whisper....say....yes....sir....

Good girl...my hand travelling back down....your senses enjoying the attention....but I know you want more....patience kitten....you belong to me now....and I say where....and when you can touch....

Move your hand back down your thigh...your pussy is becoming desperate....isn't it kitten....but I've not given you permission....have I?....

Gentle caress your skin....bringing your hand up your thigh....the time isn't right yet....your body not ready....bringing my hand up the slide of your pussy lip....the craving now palpable, as my fingers play along your skin....moving up the side of your body....fingers searching along your skin....moving under your breast....following it's curve....

I told you to move slowly....you better be doing as your told....I'd be there....watching you squirm under my touch...my fingers finding your nipple....my lips finding your side of your neck...soft warm kisses....dancing along your neck....finger tips tiptoeing around your nipple as it hardens...that's good....my little play thing....aren't you?....

Answer me....

Say it.....

Bring your hand down your body....slowly moving down the centre of you....keep your fingers spread....that's it....my fingers moving down over your clit...so tantalisingly close....your hips moving as my little finger and index finger tease...moving down either side....stroking along the velvet skin at the side of your lips....the palm so close you can feel the heat from it...I can tell your middle finger and ring finger are trembling....keep stroking back and forth

Now I've warned you....



As mine would....let your fingers tips stroke up and down....the touch gentle....do you wish to touch kitten?....do you....then ask...out aloud...



I can't hear you kitten.....ask me again...

There's a good girl....press your fingers down on either side of your clit...can you feel lips parting?....look how beautiful you are...

Gentle now kitten....reach far down....curl your middle and ring finger....slow now....let them touch the soft warmth wetness of your clit....that's it....drag your fingertips through your clit....all the way to the top....worth the wait....you are worth the wait....I'd love to watch as my touch catches your breath....as you hips move and your head tilts back....my fingers moving with ease....look down kitten....look how wet you are....my little slut....aren't you....

Don't be shy now....say it...whisper it ...

Your finger tips know where to press....where to touch...make me happy kitten....play for me....I've teased you enough....press harder...that's it....keep going my girl....I can feel your close already.... Imagine....your hands struggling against the bonds....as fingers touch....press....thrust....fucking you....you helpless to stop it....I able to move....that's it....harder....


You have to ask.....you have to ask for permission

My hand gripping your chin....making you look at me...


Say it.....

Good girl...


Come for me

Come now.

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