7 (You) Good girl

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Hello my girl....yes you....I love how in the stillness of the night you come looking for me. I love how I can make you smile....take you to another place...a place where you let your demons free....

I like how your hand wanders as you read through my stories...how your legs spread a little further....how you let me control you....how your heart beats that little harder....your temperature changes as you become a little more excited. Yes you kitten...I see you....know you.

Now....be a good girl for me....lick your fingers....place two finger tips in your mouth.....lower your jaw and slide your finger tips down the centre of your tongue....let them soak....leave them dripping....slide them over your lips....down your chin....leaving a slick trail between your breasts....let your nails play along your skin....dancing their way down towards your clit....half of you telling you not to....the other demanding it.

Pull your panties down....let them sit just above your knees.....pull your legs apart kitten.....let the cotton grow tight....restraining you....that feeling of being bound....being on display.....be my little slut....no one else it's here....it's just you and me.....let go kitten.....let your fingers tease and slip through you....that's it.....there's my good girl.

If you have a toy....bring it into play for me....let the toy play along your soft inner thigh.....start near the knee....and slowly bring the toy down.....slower kitten....don't rush....enjoy the feeling....the anticipation....can you feel that? Your body responding to the touch....the goosebumps rising along your flesh....how exquisite....as the toy reaches closer.....I can feel your hips starting to move....as you pussy aches to be touched.....your honey beginning to run....how I'd like to taste you kitten....

Let the toy glance the very edge of your clit.....the slightest of touches....before gliding up the inside of your other thigh....teasing isn't it?.....but you need to move slowly.....do as your told kitten....be patient....be my good girl.

You're doing great.....that's it....I can feel your back arch as the toy moves up your inner thigh....that pull of your pussy being denied.....what a wonderful creature you are.....your making me smile kitten. Seeing you being such a good girl for me....

Circle the toy on the inside of your thigh....and slowly bring the toy closer with each rotation....that's it.....that's good....what a good little toy....your hand is my hand....nothing else matters....all that exists is you....me....and the feeling of your toy or your fingers....focus on the touch kitten....that it....let the world melt away....as the toy edges closer....such a good girl....my girl.

Bring the toy up the side of your clit...don't let it touch kitten....I'm watching you....bring the toy all the way around....until you reach the top of your clit....the touch has to be gentle.... patience kitten....your doing good....turn your toy on if it does...now let the tip drift lightly over your clit....barely parting the lips....ah, that rush.... intoxicating....let the toy move all the way down....that's it....now press down....and bring the toy up....slowly kitten....slower....watch as the toy parts your lips....I can feel your mouth opening as you look down....as your hips shudder....as your body reacts....as your mind gives in to lust....to your desires....press harder kitten....move a little quicker.....that's it....find a rhythm....take my hand....follow me....as you play for me....

I'd have your hands bound.....tied above your head.....as you watch me play with you....watch me tease you.....watch as I fuck you.....my head propped up by my hand as I study you ....as I move my hand.....the smallest movement making your body dance..... beautiful....

You glance over to me....see the fire of desire dancing in my eyes as I'm captivated by you....

Fuck for me kitten....slide the toy inside....press your fingers inside your pussy for me....harder kitten....fuck for me....fuck for your Dom....

The strokes long and hard.....I can feel your close....ask kitten....say it....whisper to me....


I'll count.....





Come for me.

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