27 Punishment

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Rules were broken, tasks not completed. A push back from you. A streak of disobedience. Playful.....thoughtout. Calculated. A wicked streak.

You want to know....what will happen? You know the punishments. Just not the when or the how. How hard....how dark.

You breathe deeply as you wait at the door. Panic.....a little fear and excitement course through you. This could be harsh.....its going to hurt. But a hurt you want. Need. You want to see the marks. Be marked by me.

The door opens and you see me smiling, then examining you. You haven't worn your collar. This one a day collar. A simple silver chain. Given to you to wear at all times. A reminder that you belong.

"I see you not wearing your neckless"

"No sir, I'm not"

your tone, a matter of fact, but there's a quiver in those words, a dump of adrenaline, an expectation.

You watch me move to let you inside you smile and enter the house, feeling confident.

Then the door closes behind you.

"Your in trouble little one"

You stand stock still as I gently place my hand open on the small of your back. You feel my hand travelling up your back to the top of your neck.

Your flesh ripples with goosebumps flaring up all over your body. Your hands tremble slightly.

You let out a gasp as the hand on your neck reaches up and scruffs your hair. The grip tight and the pull hard, yanking your head back. You tell as your marched into the living room, almost losing your balance as your stopped facing the sofa.


The word comes out as a growl. The vice-like grip on your hair pulls you down, making your knees buckle. You knees hit the floor hard as your unceromonisly bent over the sofa. Your head held down against the seat, legs kicked apart and your dress flipped up.

"Don't you dare move"

The words growled into your ear. The tone, low.

You came prepared, black stockings and thong. You tell as the suspender belt is ripped, thong ripped in half.

You yelp with the pain

The grip on your hair releases as you breathe deeply into the cushion. Then the surprise of the hard grip of your flailing arms. Your arms wrenched back and wrapped around your back. Your shoulders hurt with the force.

Theres a moment where the pace and franticness drops, but the anticipation heightens as you listen to the sound of my belt being slipped through the loops

There's the feeling of panic, helplessness, excitement....the anticipation.
Your heart starts pounding as you feel the belt being roughly wrapped around your arms. No care given as you're held in place. The firm grip returns at the back of your neck. Pushing your face further into the seat. You twist your head around to breathe and look behind you. All you see is the fire on my eyes.

"Turn away little one"

You turn and look into the darkness

The first strike comes hard. No build up, no warning. An open palmed slap across your ass. The sting burns as another rains down hard on the other cheek.

The cry out in pain and shock as you feel my presence leave you. You breathe deeply, rushed intakes of air as tears fill your eyes.

You start to cry, whimpering, your body starts trembling as you start to feel small.

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